See, K-Man (and I like K-Man, so I mean no disrespect) is really just throwing out semantics. Again, you can get a controller to work for Oblivion just fine. Even a 360 controller if you like, and I entirely disagree that it's the better control method. I've played it on both systems and I by *far* prefer a keyboard and mouse. That isn't a PC bias... because again, I could use a controller if I wanted to... it's just preference. Case in point, even if you *couldn't* use a controller and even if that *was* the better control method, that would in no way make up for all the endless piles of modding awesomeness that I've got going on Oblivion right now. In about 20 seconds I could completely and utterly blow the 360 version of this game out of the fucking water, and that isn't just BS that I can't back up. I'd be more than happy to list all the mods I've got running, not to mention the numerous user-created bugfixes that 360 people will never see, rendering a lot of their content unfixable (as Cobra will attest). In fact, it took less than 1 day for the PC version to be made graphically superior to the 360 version in at least 3 different ways, and if you'd like to see screenshots to prove just how much better my game looks than yours, I'd be happy to oblige. I have over 1,500. But graphics aren't everything, right? So I've got gameplay mods up the wazoo, all of which are awesome, balanced, and useful, none of which are huge alterations to the core stuff like a lot of people have taken to on the PC side. Trust me, if you claim that Oblivion is better on 360, you're either incredibly ignorant or just unwilling to admit the obvious.
I mean no offense when I say the following, K, because I think you're a really cool guy and I think you and I are actually on the same page when it comes to a lot of gaming stuff (just from what I've heard you talk about and your contributions to the podcast), but I absolutely *loathe* anyone that says PC gaming is a dying format. That literally just makes me want to punch you in the face for being so shortsighted (well, maybe not punch you in the face, but you get that I feel strongly about this, right?). Sure, plenty of people don't play games on their computers, and plenty of people don't have powerhouse systems, but if you actually look at the sales ratings you'll find that tons of people still buy and play PC games regularly, and with downloadable stuff growing the way it has, you're seeing even more people move over to that market. Sure, that market is expanding on consoles also, but you'll find that tons of people with consoles capable of going online just don't do it. That isn't why they bought the system.
Also, I'm perfectly comfortable in front of my computer. I have a desk job, but so what? I have a super comfy chair, a beautiful little monitor, whatever. I play my 360 on the same monitor. It's actually far more comfortable than my couch and the gaming chair I use for whatever console is hooked up to the TV in the spare room, so... yeah. That's just preference and isn't an even remotely valid argument on the whole.
So while I hear what you're saying, and I've heard it all before, including years and years ago at a time when PC gaming wasn't even as popular as it is now (which, by the way, indicates growth since, not reduction), and I continue to disagree with you. You may argue more if you like, but bear in mind that I will happily sit here and refute everything you say all day long. If anything, console games have begun to get more and more like PC games, inheriting some of the problems PC games have had in the past due to the flexibility of patching and differences between console hardware and settings that were never there before. That goes double when you factor in shitty consoles like the 360 with faulty hardware. So you're getting more problems without much added benefit at this point, and while I'm sure the benefits will continue to increase as the consoles become ever more PC-like, that doesn't mean PCs are in any danger. It just means consoles are getting more complicated, less reliable, and less affordable, making them even less attractive when compared to a PC. Not to mention that I recently bought the same game for my PC at around 40 bucks, while the 360 version was 20 dollars more. 1/3 price difference? Not bad. And that isn't because they have to drop the PC version price to sell more, because PC gamers have paid more reasonable prices in general for a long time. They jack the console game prices UP.
EDIT - Damn, I need to spend more time proofreading before I post. Minor edits to random stuff.