I'm going to assume you use Firefox, so here is the super easy way to join IRC with us.
Install the
ChatZilla addon. Restart Firefox.
Add the CZ button to your toolbar and click it (or just go Tools -> Chatzilla).
The window will pop up and have a bunch of text in it. The last line says:
[INFO] Available networks are [dalnet, efnet, freenode, hispano, hybridnet, ircnet, moznet, quakenet, serenia, slashnet, undernet, webbnet].
Simply click on the "quakenet" link and it will connect you to the server.
A whole bunch of shit will scroll by. Its the message of the day, rules, etc. You can ignore it for the most part. But you're connected now, so simply type
/join #overwritten and you'll join in the channel and can start chatting with everyone there. If anyone is there. So far we've only done it later in the eveniing.