Author Topic: The Steam Summer sale thread  (Read 10309 times)

Offline K-man

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The Steam Summer sale thread
« on: Friday, July 13, 2012, 06:07:04 PM »
I figured we could talk about Steam-related Summer sales in here.

Actually I just wanted a thread to put this:

Offline MysterD

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #1 on: Friday, July 13, 2012, 06:27:49 PM »
In this post, I will keep updating and editing what I buy, when I buy more:

MysterD's FINAL Haul during the Steam Summer Sale 2012

From Steam
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 1 - Ultimate Sith Edition = $4.99
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 = $4.99
Trine 2 - Regular Edition = $3.74
DNF: The Doctor Who Cloned Me DLC = $2.49
Fallout: New Vegas - Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC + Courier's Stash DLC (needed those for running JE Sawyer's Hardcore Mod) = $1.48

From Amazon DVG
Saints Row: The Third (base game) + FREE Special Ops DLC giveaway from them -> req. Steam = $9.99
Europa Universalis III: Collection = FREE

From NewEgg
Darkness 2: Limited Edition (Retail Box) -> req. Steam = $9.99

FREE Games From GreenManGaming
Beyond Divinity (actually already own this on Retail, BTW..)
Hacker Evolution
Hacker Evolution: Untold

Grand Total = $37.67
« Last Edit: Monday, July 23, 2012, 10:30:23 AM by MysterD »

Offline MysterD

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #2 on: Friday, July 13, 2012, 08:05:20 PM »
EDIT #2:
Newest Flash Deals
Plants vs. Zombies: GOTY Edition = $2.49
Ys Origin = $8
Brink ->  Brink: Complete [Brink + ALL DLC] = $6.24; Brink (base game only) = $5; ALL Brink DLC = 75% off each.

EDIT #1:
NEWER Flash Deals
Blood Bowl: Legendary = $10
Alice: Madness Returns = $5
Football Manager 2012 = $7.49

Flash Deals
Alan Wake Franchise (Alan Wake game + AW Collector's Edition Extras + Alan Wake's American Nightmare) = $10
Alan Wake = $7.49
Alan Wake: Collector's Edition = $8.74
Alan Wake's American Nightmare = $3.74
« Last Edit: Saturday, July 14, 2012, 08:45:54 AM by MysterD »

Offline MysterD

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, July 14, 2012, 10:19:04 AM »
Today's Daily Deals
Skyrim = $29.79
DIRT Showdown = $25
Indie Bundle 3 = $10
Dead Island -> Dead Island: Complete [DI + Bloodbath DLC + Ryder White DLC] = $16.98; Dead Island [base game] = $10.19; ALL DLC = 66% off each.
Two Worlds II -> Two Worlds II: Velvet Edition [TW2 + Pirates of the Flying Fortress DLC] = $10; Two Worlds II [base game] = $7.49; Pirates of the Flying Fortress DLC = $4.99; Castle Defense = $3.
Borderlands -> Borderlands GOTY [Borderlands + ALL 4 DLC] = $7.49; Borderlands [base game] = $5; DLC Only Pack [all 4 DLC's] = $7.49; ALL DLC = 75% off each.
Orcs Must Die -> Orcs Must Die: GOTY Edition [OMD + ALL DLC] = $5; Orcs Must Die (Base Game) = $3.74; Each DLC = 75% off each.
Frozen Synapse -> FS: Complete [2 copies of FS Game + Soundtrack + Red DLC] = $7; FS: Soundtrack Edition [2 copies of the FS + Soundtrack] = $6; Red DLC = $2; Soundtrack Only = $1.19
Tropico 4 -> Tropico 4 [base game] = $7.49; Tropico 4 Bundle [Tropico 4 + ALL DLC] = $16.22; Each DLC = 75% off each;
ALSO Worth noting - Tropico 3 games, DLC; and Tropico Packs, Etc are also 75% off.

More Flash Deals
Sam and Max - Complete [Seasons 1, 2 and 3] = $12.79
SW: KOTOR = $2.49

« Last Edit: Saturday, July 14, 2012, 10:44:11 AM by MysterD »

Offline Pugnate

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #4 on: Saturday, July 14, 2012, 01:50:55 PM »
How is Dead Island? Someone other than D played it? (I've read D's review on the Steam community page).

Offline Xessive

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #5 on: Saturday, July 14, 2012, 02:04:12 PM »
How is Dead Island? Someone other than D played it? (I've read D's review on the Steam community page).
I like it. Though it can get monotonous at times (repetitive fetch quests). Also it has one thing that annoys me when implemented in any game: rapidly deteriorating melee weapons. You may as well be using cardboard or rolled-up newspapers.

Seriously, the thing that balances the extremely short range of a melee weapon (compared to a gun/rifle) is the fact that unless you;re throwing it ammo is not a problem. Limiting melee weapons to a set number of hits before you have to repair it is essentially giving it an ammo limit. I don't mind making melee weapons deteriorate with wear and tear but it needs to last a lot longer than in Dead Island. We're talking like 3-4 hits and that knife is useless. Even throwing it does jack squat.

Anyway, hose are about the only obstacles I had with the game. I thought it was fun. It is an action game though. Aside from zombies it has nothing to do with that compelling reverse trailer we saw last year!

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #6 on: Saturday, July 14, 2012, 03:20:53 PM »
I like it. Though it can get monotonous at times (repetitive fetch quests). Also it has one thing that annoys me when implemented in any game: rapidly deteriorating melee weapons. You may as well be using cardboard or rolled-up newspapers.

Seriously, the thing that balances the extremely short range of a melee weapon (compared to a gun/rifle) is the fact that unless you;re throwing it ammo is not a problem. Limiting melee weapons to a set number of hits before you have to repair it is essentially giving it an ammo limit. I don't mind making melee weapons deteriorate with wear and tear but it needs to last a lot longer than in Dead Island. We're talking like 3-4 hits and that knife is useless. Even throwing it does jack squat.

Anyway, hose are about the only obstacles I had with the game. I thought it was fun. It is an action game though. Aside from zombies it has nothing to do with that compelling reverse trailer we saw last year!

See, I never saw the deterioration as a problem in this game. Like many OTHER loot-driven games, you'll ALWAYS find a weapon. I think this fits the game's survival theme here. There's weapon benches all over the place, so you can tinker w/ them - many weapons are upgradable; and you can repair anything. You're not really meant to keep these weapons, anyways. I always seemed to be finding new weapons, repairing weapons, selling weapons back to a shop & upgrading new weapons. It definitely has that ARPG loot-driven addiction like Hellgate: London, Two Worlds II, and Diablo series down to a scienece. Despite the game showering you w/ weapons, the breaking of weapons makes it an even more tense of a survival game, if you ask me. At that wrong moment, you better hope to God you have some unbroken weapons w/ you....or can find out off someone whose dead (which is likely).

I just wish the story-telling on some of the quests (especially the side quests) and variety of quests were better - geez, sounds a lot like my Amalur complaint. Some of the main quest stuff was really good in Dead Island. There's a few moments I can think of - I'll leave the spoilers out. Techland can tell a story, when they want to - see some of DI's main quest; DI's Ryder White DLC especially; and some other their other games (i.e. Call of Juarez 1 & 2). Not much of a complaint, honestly. The game was a blast and addictive as can be, for the numerous hours I spent w/ it (over 35 hours, or so). Even despite my complaints, I think it's the best zombie game around. I think it just needs a few more ingredients to hit that level of greatness that I'd really like it to hit and think it has the potential to hit (i.e. I think it has the potential one of the best games ever made). More moments like the original DI trailer emphasized would've been great - to really give the game more weight, story-wise and character-wise. There's a few of those - but not enough in DI to make it the game I want it to become.

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #7 on: Saturday, July 14, 2012, 03:53:48 PM »
The problem I have with rapidly deteriorating weapons is that I end up carrying so many of them to compensate for how quickly they outlive their usefulness.

In Dead Island I'm often carrying at least 8 stabbing weapons, 4 clubs (or bludgeoning weapons), 2 guns, and some molotovs. It gets ridiculous. Unless they're throwing knives I really shouldn't have to lug around so many individual weapons and in a skirt mind you! Yeah, I'm playing as the flight attendant chick. I figured if a weapon deteriorates I could just throw it at enemies, but if it deteriorates it also becomes completely useless to throw as well!

Weapon deterioration forces me to carry around extras in case shit hits the fan and my equipped weapon becomes completely useless. I'd understand if a weapon loses some effectiveness e.g. a blunt knife does less damage than a sharpened one but not ZERO DAMAGE!! I could do more damage with a damn spoon!

In Fallout 3 I had the same issue but with even more limited inventory space and weight restriction.

By contrast, in Skyrim I only need to carry one set of each weapon type I use; in my case that's a bow (with assorted arrow sets) and 2 daggers (dual wielding). I'm not lugging around 8 daggers, 4 bows, and various other weapons I find like I did in Oblivion and Morrowind.

Anyway, as I said I don't mind weapon deterioration as long as it's modest and done properly.

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #8 on: Saturday, July 14, 2012, 04:15:52 PM »
Flash Deals
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition = $16
The Witcher 1: Enhanced Edition - Director's Cut = $2.49

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #9 on: Saturday, July 14, 2012, 07:19:01 PM »
$10 for Dead Island is pretty reasonable.  Getting that one.

Can't decide on Max Payne 3.  Harumph.
Suck it, Pugnate.

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #10 on: Saturday, July 14, 2012, 08:11:38 PM »
Flash Deals
Civilization Collection (does NOT include Civ 5: Gods & Kings) = $25 (82% off)
Older Civ games, Civ 5, Civ 5 DLC's, etc = 75% off.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #11 on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 12:43:04 AM »
Crap I was waiting for Gods & Kings to come on sale!

Offline MysterD

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #12 on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 06:59:11 AM »
Flash Deals

Batman Franchise (includes all Batman games + DLC's listed below) = $25
Batman: Arkham Asylum - GOTY Edition -> requires G4WL = $6.79
Batman: Arkham City -> requires G4WL = $10.19
Batman: Arkham City - Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC -> requires Batman AC + G4WL = $3.39
ALL Batman: Arkham City DLC's = all 66% off each.
Gotham City Imposters = $5.09
ALL Gotham City Imposters DLC = 66% off.

Painkiller Franchise (ALL PK games listed below) = $7.49
Painkiller Black (Painkiller + Battle out of Hell expansion) = $2.49
PK: Overdose = $1.24
PK: Redemption = $1.24
PK: Resurrection = $2.49
PK: Recurring Evil = $2.49

And just b/c I liked this pic...

« Last Edit: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 07:20:22 AM by MysterD »

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #13 on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 08:17:07 AM »
Flash Deals

Legend of Grimrock = $6

QUBE Game + Soundtrack Bundle = $4.74
QUBE game = $3.74
Soundtrack = $1.49

Magicka Collection (Magicka + ALL 14 DLC's) = $7.49
Magicka (base game) - 1 pack = $2.49
Magicka (base game) - 4 pack = $7.49
ALL Magicka DLC's = 75% off EXCEPT The Other Side Of The Coin (that DLC full price at $5)

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #14 on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 10:40:51 AM »
NEW Daily Deals for Sunday 7-15-2012

Indie Bundle 4 = $10

The Darkness 2 - 1 pack = $12.49
The Darkness 2 - 4 pack = $37.49

Serious Sam
Serious Sam 3: BFE - Deluxe Edition -> 1 pack = $12.49
--> This Includes...SS3: BFE + Serious Sam Classic: 1st & 2nd Encounter; Making of BFE Video; Soundtrack; Digital Artbook; Etc.
Serious Sam 3: BFE - Regular Edition -> 1 pack = $10
Serious Sam 3: BFE - Regular Edition -> 4 pack = $30
Serious Same 3: BFE - Deluxe Edition Upgrade (See all extras in SS3: Deluxe at top) = $2.49

The Wallking Dead (40% off) = $15
Telltale Collection (62% off) = $50

Trine Franchise (Trine 1 + 2) = $5
Trine 2: Collector's Edition (Trine 2 + Digital Art Book + Soundtrack) = $6.24
Trine 2: Regular Edition = $3.74
Trine 2: Upgrade to Collector's Edition (Digital Art Book + Soundtrack) = $2.49
Trine 1 = $2.49

Saints Row: The Third
Saints Row: The Third [base game] = $12.49
Saints Row: The Third - Franchise Pack [SR:TT base game + 17 DLC's] = $24.99
Saints Row: The Third - Season Pass DLC Pack (includes Genkibowl VII, Gangstas in Space, and The Trouble with Clones DLC's) = $5
Saints Row: The Third DLC's = 75% off each EXCEPT Genki Girl (that new DLC is full price @ $2.99)

Hitman Collection (includes all Hitman games listed below except Hitman: Contracts) = $6.24
Hitman: Blood Money = $2.49
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin = $2.49
Hitman 1: Codename 47 = $2.49
SIDE NOTE -> Hitman: Contracts is NOT sold on Steam due to music copyright issues.

Mount & Blade Collection (includes all M&B games listed below) =  $8.74
Mount & Blade = $3.74
M&B: Warband [base game] = $2.99
M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars Mutiplayer Pack DLC = $2.49
M&B: With Fire and Sword = $2.49

Cities XL = $10
« Last Edit: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 11:03:39 AM by MysterD »

Offline Pugnate

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #15 on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 11:46:42 AM »
I am pissed I paid $7 more for Trine 2 just yesterday on the Steam sale.


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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #16 on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 11:48:17 AM »
I am pissed I paid $7 more for Trine 2 just yesterday on the Steam sale.


I bought Trine 2 for $3.74 Friday early morning on a Flash Deal.
How'd you end up paying $7 more for it?
Was the deal different in your region?

Oh, yesterday was Saturday, not Friday.
Did you miss the Friday Flash Deal? :(

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #17 on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 12:02:25 PM »
Some people have had success contacting Steam support and getting the price difference back.

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #18 on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 05:49:17 PM »
Well, I feel kinda dirty doing so but I bought something. Monkey Island remake bundle.

Come on, if was less than $4 for Monkey-freaking-Island.

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #19 on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 06:35:18 PM »
Don't feel bad for doing that. If you do then many of us may feel downright miserable.

So I wrote to Steam. Let's see. Thanks for the tip Idol.

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #20 on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 08:02:30 PM »
Well, I feel kinda dirty doing so but I bought something. Monkey Island remake bundle.

Come on, if was less than $4 for Monkey-freaking-Island.

How do you feel dirty for buying that?
B/c you bought it from Steam?

Great buy, if you ask me...


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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #21 on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 08:30:22 PM »
Flash Deals

Bastion Game + Soundtrack Bundle = $6.23
Bastion = $3.74
Soundtrack = $2.49

Monkey Island: Special Edition Bundle (includes MI games listed below) = $3.74
Monkey Island 1: Special Ed = $2.49
Monkey Island 2: Special Ed = $2.49

Prince of Persia: Complete (includes all POP games listed below) = $12.24
POP: Sands of Time = $2.49
POP: Warrior Within = $2.49
POP: Two Thrones = $2.49
POP: Forgotten Sands = $2.49
POP (2008) = $2.49

Killing Floor - July 2012 Bundle (Killing Floor + 8 DLC's)= $7.49
Killing Floor (base game) = $5
ALL DLC's = 75% off each.

Arcania & Gothic Pack (includes all games listed below) = $12.49
Arcania = $5
Arcania: Fall of Setarrif = $3.74
Gothic 1 = N/A
Gothic 2: Gold Ed (Gothic 2 + Night or the Raven Expansion) = $2.49
Gothic 3 = $2.49
Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods - Enhanced Ed = $2.49

Offline MysterD

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #22 on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 10:15:32 PM »
Flash Deals

X Superbox (includes all X games below) = $9.99
X: Beyond the Frontier = $1.24
X: Tension = $1.24
X2: The Threat = $1.24
X3: Reunion = $2.49
X3: Terran Conflict = $3.99
X3: Albion Prelude (requires X3: Terran Conflict) = $2.49

Sword of the Stars Collection (includes SOTS games listed below) = $9.99
SOTS 1: Complete = $4.99
SOTS 2: Lords of the Winter = $7.49

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #23 on: Monday, July 16, 2012, 03:46:33 PM »
Daily Deals

Indie Bundle 5 = $10
RAGE = $10
Metro 2033 = $5
Star Wars: KOTOR = $2.49
Age of Empires III: Complete Edition = $10
Iron Front: Liberation 1944 = $20

Dear Esther - Game + Soundtrack Bundle = $3.74
Dear Esther - Game Only = $2.49

Assassin's Creed Complete (Includes ALL AC games + DLC's below) = $35
AC1: Director's Cut - $5
AC2: Deluxe = $5
AC: Brotherhood = $7.49
AC: Revelations = $13.59
ALL AC: Revelations DLC = 66% off each.

Men of War: Complete (includes all MOW games listed below) = $12.49
Men of War = $3.74
Men of War: Assault Squad = $7.49
MOW: Assault Squad DLC's = 75% off.
MOW: Red Tide = $6.24
MOW: Vietnam - Special Edition = $9.99
MOW: Vietnam - Regular Edition = $8.74
MOW: Vietnam - Special Edition Upgrade (from your Regular Edition) = $1.24

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #24 on: Monday, July 16, 2012, 04:13:52 PM »
Flash Deals

Dead Rising 2: Off The Record = $10
Amnesia: The Dark Descent = $5
Mirror's Edge = $5

FEAR Collection (includes all FEAR games below) = $10
FEAR = $2.49
FEAR: Extraction Point (expansion) = N/A
FEAR: Perseus Mandate (Stand-alone expansion) = N/A
FEAR 2: Project Origin = $2.49
FEAR 2: Reborn DLC (requires FEAR 2: Project Origin) = $2.49
FEAR 3 = $5

Fable III Collection (Fable III + ALL Fable III DLC & Fable I: The Lost Chapters Edition) = $12.49
Fable III -> req. G4WL = $12.49
ALL Fable III DLC -> req. G4WL = 75% off each.
Fable I: The Lost Chapters Edition = $2.49
« Last Edit: Monday, July 16, 2012, 06:16:21 PM by MysterD »

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #25 on: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 03:46:27 PM »
Today's Daily Deals

Limbo = $2.49
Indie Bundle 6 = $10
Stronghold 3: Gold = $13.59
Spec Ops: The Line = $33.49
Wargame: European Escalation = $20

Call Of Duty: Black Ops (base game only) = $20
COD: Black Ops Collection (COD: Black Ops + ALL 4 DLC's) = $50

GTA: Complete (includes all GTA games below) = $12.49
GTA 1 & 2 = N/A
GTA 3 = $2.49
GTA: Vice City = $2.49
GTA: San Andreas = $2.49
GTA 4 [base game] = $5
GTA 4: Episodes From Liberty City (GTA4: Ballad of Gay Tony + The Lost & The Damned) [stand-alone pack] = $5

Company of Heroes: Complete (includes all COH games below) = $12.48
Company Of Heroes (original) = $2.49
COH: Opposing Fronts = $4.99
COH: Tales of Valor = $4.99

Railworks: Train Simulator 2012
Deluxe Edition = $3.99
Regular Edition = $3.49
Hauling USA Pack = $7.19
Railworks Collection = $50
ALL DLC = 50% off each

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #26 on: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 04:16:24 PM »
Flash Deals

Binary Domain = $13.59

Shoot Many Robots - 1 pack = $2.49
Shoot Many Robots - 4 pack = $7.49

Duke Nukem Forever Collection (Includes all DNF content below) = $9.97
DNF (base game) = $5
DNF: Hails to the Icons Parody DLC = $2.49
DNF: The Doctor Who Cloned Me DLC = $2.49

Dungeon Defenders - 1 pack = $3.74
Dungeon Defenders - 4 pack = $11.24
Dungeon Defenders Collection (Dungeon Defenders + Over 20 DLC's) = $12.49

Double Fine Bundle (includes all Double Fine games below) = $7.49
Psychonauts = $2.49
Costume Quest = $3.74
Stacking = $3.74

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #27 on: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 04:24:16 PM »
I bought todays indie bundle. I wanted Ticket to Ride, so I essentially got AAaaaaa... for the Awesome for free with it. Unfortunately I already owned the other 3 games in the bundle and they didn't give me extra copies. Thats such bullshit.

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #28 on: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 04:31:54 PM »
I bought todays indie bundle. I wanted Ticket to Ride, so I essentially got AAaaaaa... for the Awesome for free with it. Unfortunately I already owned the other 3 games in the bundle and they didn't give me extra copies. Thats such bullshit.

So, how the hell do you know what games give you extra gift-able games?

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #29 on: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 04:49:11 PM »
They make it clear before you checkout if there are games you are buying that are duplicates, and if they will or wont give you those duplicates. But for the most part, they wont. Its only a select few bundles that they will do that for.

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #30 on: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 04:50:40 PM »
They make it clear before you checkout if there are games you are buying that are duplicates, and if they will or wont give you those duplicates. But for the most part, they wont. Its only a select few bundles that they will do that for.

If I'm buying again something I already own, the copy should be automatically GIFTABLE to someone...

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #31 on: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 06:13:17 PM »
Flash Deals

Take On Helicopters Bundle (Take On Helicopters + Hinds DLC) [by Bohemia Interactive] = $19.37
Take On Helicopters = $17
TOH: Hinds DLC = $5.77

Sanctum Collection (Sanctum + ALL DLC) = $4.99
Sanctum - 1 pack = $2.49
Sanctum - 4 pack = $7.49
ALL Sanctum DLC = 75% off each
« Last Edit: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 07:09:29 PM by MysterD »

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #32 on: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 08:11:15 PM »
Flash Deal

Unreal Collection (includes all Unreal games listed below) = $10
Unreal: Gold Edition = $2.49
Unreal 2: The Awakening = $3.74
Unreal Tournament: GOTY Edition = $2.49
UT 2004: Editors' Choice Edition = $3.74
UT3: Black Edition = $5

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #33 on: Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 04:21:28 PM »
Flash Deals

Terraria - 1 pack = $2.49
SimCity 4 Deluxe = $5

Bastion Game + Soundtrack Bundle = $6.23
Bastion (game only) = $3.74
Soundtrack = $2.49

Dead Space Pack (Dead Space 1 and 2) = $9.98
Dead Space 1 = $4.99
Dead Space 2 = $4.99

Risen 2: Dark Waters - Collection (Includes all Risen 2 games listed below) = $48.86
Risen 2: Dark Waters = $33.49
Treasure Isle DLC = $6.69
Air Temple DLC = $6.69
Pirates Clothes DLC = $2

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #34 on: Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 04:40:13 PM »
Daily Deals

Indie Bundle 7 = $10
Age of Empires Online - Summer Content Bundle (The Pen of Herodotus, Extra Storage, Exotic Vanity Gear, and 'Heroic Aid' Consumables) = $2.49
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion = $30

L.A. Noire - Complete (L.A. Noire + DLC Bundle) = $7.49
L.A. Noire (base game) = $4.99
L.A. Noire - DLC Bundle = $2.99

STALKER Bundle (includes all STALKER games listed below) = $11.19
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl = $4.99
STALKER: Clear Sky = $2.49
STALKER: Call of Pripyat = $3.74

Total War: Mega Pack (includes all Total War games listed below) = $12.49
Medieval II: Total War = $2.49
Medieval II: Total War - Kingdoms (expansion) = $1.24
Rome: Total War - Gold (Rome: TW + Barbarian Invasion expansion)= $2.49
Rome: Total War - Alexander (expansion) = $1.24
Empire: Total War = $5
Empire: Total War DLC's = 75% off each.
Napoleon: Total War = $5
Napoleon: Total War DLC's = 75% off each.

Carpe Fulgur Collection (includes their games listed below) = $12.49
Chantelise = $2.49
Fortune Summoners = $5
Recettear = $5

Super Meat Boy - Game = $3.74
Soundtrack = $1.49

Thief: Collection (includes all Thief games below) = $6.74
Thief: Gold = $2.49
Thief 2: The Metal Age = $2.49
Thief: Deadly Shadows = $2.49

Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #35 on: Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 05:25:08 PM »
Awesome, I am glad I held out for Fortune Summoners going down. Its regular price is $19.99 and then it went down to $9.99 for the sale and now its down to $4.99 for the daily sale.  I will grabbing that later tonight for sure.  Anyone else curious about Recettear should really grab it at that $5 price, its a great game.

Offline MysterD

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #36 on: Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 08:54:42 PM »
Flash Deals

Game of Thrones: The RPG = $25

Dragon Age: Origins
DAO - Ultimate Edition (DAO + Awakening + ALL 9 DLC's) = $7.49
DAO - Regular Edition (DAO + Blood Dragon Armor DLC & The Stone Prisoner DLC) = $5

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #37 on: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 03:45:42 AM »
Flash Deals

Fable series is back as a Flash Deals at 75% off...

Fable III Collection (Fable III + ALL Fable III DLC & Fable I: The Lost Chapters Edition) = $12.49
Fable III -> req. G4WL = $12.49
ALL Fable III DLC -> req. G4WL = 75% off each.
Fable I: The Lost Chapters Edition = $2.49

Offline K-man

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #38 on: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 05:02:37 AM »
Woo, didn't miss TLC this time.  I, for one, love the game.  And the Xbox version emulates TERRIBLY on the 360.

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Re: The Steam Summer sale thread
« Reply #39 on: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 03:16:16 PM »
Flash Deals

Tribes: Ascend - Starter Pack = $5

EYE: Divine Cybermancy - 1 pack = $2.49
EYE: Divine Cybermancy - 4 pack = $7.49

The Longest Journey + Dreamfall bundle = $6.24
The Longest Journey = $2.49
Dreamfall (The Longest Journey 2) = $4.99

Left 4 Dead Bundle (Left 4 Dead 1 & 2) = $7.49
Left 4 Dead 1 = $5
Left 4 Dead 2 = $5
Left 4 Dead 1 -> 4 pack = $14.99
Left 4 Dead 2 -> 4 pack = $14.99

Nexiuz - 1 pack = $5
Nexiuz - 4 pack = $7.48
Nexiuz: Duel Mode DLC = $1.24
« Last Edit: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 03:37:13 PM by MysterD »