Games => General Gaming => Topic started by: angrykeebler on Friday, May 18, 2007, 10:20:48 PM
so i picked this up on XBLA and man is this game addictive.. its like some uber popular German board game where you compete with 3 other opponents for victory points by building roads and cities and stuff. the genius of the game is that it forces you to barter with opponents for resource cards because the way the board is set up if you pick 1 resource to mine then you will be lacking in another.
I havent tried it on-line but the A.I is great and challenging. So all my other games have been getting ignored because I am playing this the entire time. Not bad for $10!
I've wanted to play it...but no Live or 360. And they took down the MSN PC version.
However if we all wanted to play together we can use Cities3D (http://mirror1.cvsdude.com/trac/saladyears/Cities3D) which is a rewrite of Sea3D Connector (http://www.s3dconnector.net/). Cities3D adds stuff like the games expansions to play. I hear its a really nice client for playing online with people...for free.
I played the demo but I didnt really spend enough time on it. I was mainly looking for neat puzzle games on XBLA than a board game. It seemed cool, I'll probably look into further.
I've wanted to play it...but no Live or 360. And they took down the MSN PC version.
However if we all wanted to play together we can use Cities3D (http://mirror1.cvsdude.com/trac/saladyears/Cities3D) which is a rewrite of Sea3D Connector (http://www.s3dconnector.net/). Cities3D adds stuff like the games expansions to play. I hear its a really nice client for playing online with people...for free.
dude, i would be so down for this.
Settlers of Catan is awesome, I used to play it all the time with friends in high school, but after high school I could never find anyone in college that owned it. I've been considering getting it to put some variety in our board gaming we do at least once a week, we've been playing a lot of Risk 2210 A.D. lately. I'm also considering Twilight Emperium but holy shit there is a lot of stuff for that game. If I had a 360 I would be playing Catan a lot.
dude, i would be so down for this.
I tried this because it was there, but I didn't give it more than 5 minutes. I had never even heard of it. German, you say? I guess the bartering is similar to Monopoly, except that in Monopoly, it's not really required.
I actually bought it since I have played the board game a bit. Cobra, you ought to give the demo some time. It is an acquired taste, but it's rewarding if you put in the time, imo.
Figured I would bump this thread considering it just came out for PS3 for $7 on Tuesday. If anyone else gets this I am totally down on playing some online with anybody.
I saw that. I need to see how much money I have on my account right now. That could be fun.
I've got the actual board game and have yet to gather enough people to play a game. My wife and I love Carcassonne though.
I bought the board game and tried to get Jennie to play but she got bored during the learning-how-to-play part and quit. Now it is sort of an inside joke with her.
I've played the board game a lot, didn't know that there was an xbox version.
http://games.asobrain.com/ is a free, online version which is good enough to get a quick fix.