
Games => General Gaming => Topic started by: MysterD on Sunday, July 29, 2007, 10:18:23 AM

Title: Rome: Total War II is in the works...
Post by: MysterD on Sunday, July 29, 2007, 10:18:23 AM
Rome: Total War II is in the works, so it seems...

...Even though it ain't been announced, yet. (http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6594&Itemid=9)

Rome: Total War 2 Readying to March?
By Kris Graft    Print   |   Send to a friend   |   Email the editor

BLOG - I spoke with Sega’s Scott Steinberg at E3 (or the E3 Media and Business Summit, or as I like to call it now, the E3 MABS) a couple weeks ago, and for one, he is a pretty witty guy and a fun interview and two, is pretty honest and straightforward about issues. And I'm pretty sure he confirmed Rome: Total War 2.

We’ll be posting a story soon from the interview, where he talks about good biz stuff like global expansion and spreading out support across all platforms, and some good stuff for fanboys, like an explanation as to why Xbox 360 is getting VF5 online and PS3 isn’t.

Anyhow, back to the topic as indicated by the headline here. Steinberg seems to confirm that Rome Total War 2 is on the way:

“…We’ve got the Creative Assembly guys doing Medieval and the follow along to Rome which we haven’t announced yet.”

Of course, by “Medieval” he means the other highly-praised entry in the “Total War” franchise which itself has seen a sequel.

Rome: Total War was a killer RTS that originally released in 2004 by Creative Assembly before Sega bought the firm. We’d say it’s overdue for a sequel.

There is a chance that he could be another expansion pack, I suppose, but I think we’re talking full-fledged sequel here.

A Sega rep didn't immediately return calls to confirm Steinberg's comments.

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