Games => General Gaming => Topic started by: iPPi on Monday, September 11, 2006, 02:09:47 PM
FYI, Kel'Thuzad, the final boss in Naxxramas has been killed on a couple of servers.
Also, it appears that there are two people who have completed the legendary staff, Ateish, a priest and a warlock.
Sigh.. I'm no longer playing but I am still watching and reading on stuff.
Kel Thuzad himself isnt the hardest boss in the zone..its the Four cockblocks
Yea... from what I've heard that is true.
I want an Ateish so bad.
My guild is starting to get close to him. Well not really close, but a lot closer than I thought I'd be anytime soon. We've got Gothik, Loatheb, The Four Horsemen, then Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad. "We probably won't see Kel'Thuzad for at least a month" is a hell of a lot closer than "why can't wwe get Twin Emps down?" (my old guild)
So for these 40-man raids, how does it work? Do the bosses stay dead for a long time or do you just have to get so good that you can run the whole thing at once?
40 man raid instances, with the exception of Onyxia, reset every 7 days on Tuesday. So, the bosses stay dead when you've killed them, but then there will be a new instance available to clear on Tuesday.
Ah, so you have a week to go through the whole thing.
Onyxia resets every 5 days, and Zul'Gurub and AQ20 resets every 3 days.
Ah, so you have a week to go through the whole thing.
Actually you don't get a full week. Once you down a boss you are "saved" to the instance. You have 72 hours to get to the end before it is considered incomplete and you have to wait until the following tuesday to start over.
Actually you don't get a full week. Once you down a boss you are "saved" to the instance. You have 72 hours to get to the end before it is considered incomplete and you have to wait until the following tuesday to start over.
What? I'm pretty sure you could go kill the first 2 bosses of BWL on Tuesday, then leave and come back the following Monday and kill the rest.
What? I'm pretty sure you could go kill the first 2 bosses of BWL on Tuesday, then leave and come back the following Monday and kill the rest.
That isn't how it works on my server. HRM... :-/
My guild just killed Sapphiron. ;D
Now just Kel'Thuzad to go. We tried him a couple times, seems like a pretty hectic fight. Gonna give him some more tries tomorrow night.