
Games => General Gaming => Topic started by: Quemaqua on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 07:52:01 AM

Title: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 07:52:01 AM
And wow... do they ever like it. (http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/gearsofwar/review.html)

Well, I was planning to get it anyway, but now I'm sure fucking sold.  I'll probably snag the CE if they have any extra.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Xessive on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 08:15:52 AM
Haha, it's nice to see Gerstmann so cheerful :P He's usually the one with something down-beat to say :D That's a good sign!
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 08:24:56 AM
Yeah, really.  Man, I can't wait now, especially with all the talk about how great the coop mode is.  I'm gonna' have to get a second controller so Sy and I can play this together.  That way there's an excuse for him to play it without borrowing my 360, I don't just have to sit and watch him play it when he comes over (though that was *really* entertaining when he played Dead Rising... same with when Pyro played it), and we also have another multiplayer game to play!  Sweet.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: gpw11 on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 09:44:14 AM
Yeah, I watched the video review last night and was pretty impressed.  Almost makes me want to go and buy a 360.  If it weren't for my firm 'sitting on the fence' policy, I'd be all over it.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: MysterD on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 03:07:40 PM
Looks like I'll be glad this game is going to eventually be likely coming to the PC -- though, I bet it'll be Vista ONLY, when it does....

That chainsaw/assault rifle gun sounds awesome.

Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: scottws on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 04:01:29 PM
I saw a commercial for it two days ago and thought it looked awesome.  Too bad I don't have a 360 and am not getting Vista anytime soon.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: ScaryTooth on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 04:23:05 PM
Game looks sweet. It makes me want a 360. But my rule is, there has to be at least 5 good games for the console before I would consider purchasing one. So far, 360 has 2.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: gpw11 on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 05:54:19 PM
I remember reading a quote from some guy high up at epic saying that MS would like them to port it to pc, but it's something they weren't even thinking about at that point because they had so much shit going on.  So, we'll probably see it eventually, it just depends when (and if you really want to buy vista and a quad core).
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 07:32:25 PM
Yeah, I wouldn't count on seeing it for PC in the foreseeable future.  Maybe eventually, but that's only a maybe, and probably not for a good long time.

And I'd say the 360 easily has five great titles.  They just aren't all exclusive.  Condemned: Criminal Origins is great (though also on PC), Dead or Alive 4 is great, Dead Rising is great, apparently Gears of War is great, and I had a blast with Kameo.  If you're into GTA-style games, supposedly Saints Row is actually a lot better than anyone anticipated it would be.  GSpot gave it a 9-something, I think... or at least high 8s.  And I honestly haven't even looked that extensively into the 360's current and upcoming lineups as I'm broke as fuck, but I know there are more than a few promising-looking games coming in the future, and probably two thirds or more of them are exclusive.

Still, I'd say the fence is a safe place to stay.  If you're already a PC gamer, your need to get the system is definitely far less than someone who isn't.  Still, it's not entirely without value.  I haven't yet had reason to regret my purchase.

So I tried to get the game today and no luck.  They were supposed to get it in, but not 'till tomorrow they said.  I'm sure it came in elsewhere.  I'm actually not even supposed to be getting it because of a fight I got in with my wife, but I ended up ordering the CE out of spite.  Probably a bad move, but oh well.

And I fucking grunted while I did it.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Pugnate on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 08:24:14 PM
Actually when it was initially announced they said this will come to PC three or four months later. I am still hoping. Just checked it out... it is scheduled for the PC and PS3.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 08:28:57 PM
Considering the latest I've heard, I wouldn't get your hopes up.  Still... I'm sure it will come for those patient enough to wait.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: idolminds on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 08:54:48 PM
I can wait. Good to know its good.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Wednesday, November 08, 2006, 08:01:01 AM
IGN has their video review up, as does GameTrailers.com.  The GT one is particularly juicy.  Long, high res, lots of footage.  I can't wait to pick this up tonight.  Only problem is I have to get another fucking controller so Sy and I can play it, and I can't really afford it yet.  Hopefully by this weekend...
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Cobra951 on Wednesday, November 08, 2006, 12:25:21 PM
As much as I hate to say it, if the opportunity comes up for me to get a new console in the next 6 months or so, it's going to be an Xbox 360.  There are at least 3 games now that I really want to play and have.  I'm also not doing Vista anytime soon.  If it goes at all like my move from 9X to XP, it will be 1 to 2 years down the road, more likely 2.  I'm not touching the PS3 for a very long time, and if it doesn't drop in price, ever.  The Wii has to prove itself to me, in particular, the new control mechanisms.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: ScaryTooth on Wednesday, November 08, 2006, 06:45:56 PM
I'm doing Vista...when it's hacked..maybe.

I forgot about Saint's Row. So, that makes 3. Gears of War, Saint's Row, and Dead Rising. I need 2 more great games before I'd consider it.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Wednesday, November 08, 2006, 06:50:00 PM
I waited "just one more day" on Monday for the Tuesday release, then "just one more day" on Tuesday when I found out they were getting the special shipment that evening, then waited "just one more day" today so I could play tonight, when of course I found out I had to wait "just one more day" for the fucking CEs to show up TOMORROW.  That's mean as hell.

The game was supposed to get to stores (for preorders) on the 7th and I really shouldn't have been getting a copy anyway, since I *didn't* preorder.  But I went to a lot of trouble to actually manage to reserve myself one of the few available CEs in the area, which I should have been able to pick up that night.  Except... they didn't come in.  So I sat around at work all day today twiddling my thumbs and looking forward to all the fun I'd have tonight, when I call the place to insure everything was A-OK, and... guess what?  UPS fucked up and the CEs didn't come in.  Damn it to hell.  I call all the other local stores and it's the same everywhere.  Arg.  I can't seem to bring myself to do anything productive at all because all I want to do is shoot bugs.  I'm about to go home and grab my handgun and just start looking for crickets and gnats if I don't get some action soon.

And Scary, GSpot gave Perfect Dark Zero a 9.0, and Dead or Alive 4 got an 8.8.  Maybe you don't like fighting games, but that's two more in my book (despite my complete lack of interest in PDZ).
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Pugnate on Wednesday, November 08, 2006, 10:58:39 PM
This is a cycle. The new consoles are announced and everyone is upset at the prices and the fact that they already have the older versions and the newer ones make them obsolete. Everyone vows not to buy anything, which is pretty much like vowing to abstain from sex -- just not possible.

Eventually the consoles keep hitting and finally everyone starts giving in and starts buying... that's when the new consoles are announced. :D
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Cobra951 on Thursday, November 09, 2006, 07:39:59 AM
This is a cycle. The new consoles are announced and everyone is upset at the prices and the fact that they already have the older versions and the newer ones make them obsolete. Everyone vows not to buy anything, which is pretty much like vowing to abstain from sex -- just not possible.

Eventually the consoles keep hitting and finally everyone starts giving in and starts buying... that's when the new consoles are announced. :D

Abstain from sex?  Not quite.  It's more like putting off getting a prettier girlfriend, while yours looks and performs just fine.   ;D

Seriously, though, there are real reasons why I feel as I do, and I've laid them out before.  I've been as eager to buy earlier systems as anyone, and even waited in line for a Gamecube.  I was giddy with excitement when I found an N64 and Mario 64 within a month of release.  I want a 360, despite the fact that I hate for MS to be successful in the videogame market.  (They own enough already.)  But the PS3 promises to be overpriced, and I would be dumb to buy a Wii before addressing my reservations about its controllers.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Pugnate on Thursday, November 09, 2006, 08:03:39 AM
Imagine if Atari came back with a console.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: scottws on Thursday, November 09, 2006, 08:13:59 AM
And Scary, GSpot gave Perfect Dark Zero a 9.0, and Dead or Alive 4 got an 8.8.  Maybe you don't like fighting games, but that's two more in my book (despite my complete lack of interest in PDZ).
I got PD0 for my brother for his birthday and we played quite a bit of the co-op mode.  I thought the game sucked.  It was not up to today's standards in graphics.  They also chose some of the worst texture combinations or lighting ever, because half of the time you couldn't tell there was a path in some wall you had to go down.  It also felt barely evolved from the original PD.  The story was ridiculously stupid, almost like something some 10 year old would come up with.

Didn't get much chance to play multiplayer, so that might have been a saving grace for the game.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Cobra951 on Thursday, November 09, 2006, 08:29:23 AM
I watched the HD review of GoW (on my other PC, after it crashed the display hardware on this one--stupid thing can't deal with oversized movies, at the driver level, grr!) posted at Gametrailers.  The looks are super, and it seems the action is solid.  But I'm concerned about the scripted gameplay and shortness of the single-player campaign.  If its purpose is to ease you into multiplayer, I'm not really interested.  I'm eager to read what Que has to say after he goes through it.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: MysterD on Thursday, November 09, 2006, 03:25:22 PM
Nice....some graphical clipping here... (http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/cliffy-b/gears-of-war-gets-glitchy-213480.php)
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Cobra951 on Thursday, November 09, 2006, 03:30:26 PM
That there's a bug.  Looks like he slipped through a crack in the world geometry, and now he can't get back.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Thursday, November 09, 2006, 08:41:27 PM
Eh.  Clipping bugs are nothing new.  Either it was a cheat or they forgot to flag a certain piece of architecture or something.

Anyway, I picked it up tonight, and man am I happy with it.  Initially, it's a bit disconcerting.  Where with most FPS games you have a very fluid sense of constant motion -- always running, jumping, dodging, switching weapons -- everything in GoW is very much tailored, as has been mentioned everywhere, to the Epic-dubbed "stop and pop" gameplay style.  If you've played kill.switch (and if so, I pity you), you know roughly how it works.  You're finding cover, going into said cover via the context-sensitive A button, then looking at your position and trying to see what's next.  If your position looks good, you can use the left trigger to pop out into aimed mode and start firing.  Let go of the trigger, back into cover you go.  If your position doesn't look so hot, you can use the left stick and the A button again to perform various context-sensitive moves either out into the open to run for new cover, or directly over to alternate nearby cover (if something is close the game understands and will let you simply do a roll or drive over to the new position).  Then you can again evaluate the situation and go as seems good.  Got time for a quick shot while several enemies are running for cover in front of you but not enough time (and too many enemies) to actually stand up and shoot?  Just pop a few shots blind over whatever it is you're hiding behind.  It won't be nearly as effective as slamming the bad guys with headshots in aimed mode, but you'll likely do some damage to several at once.  Sweet.

So this whole thing takes a bit of getting used to.  Initially it seems a little clunky and maybe even too start-and-stop, but once you get the hang of it... wow.  Suddenly you're performing these super cool duck-and-cover sequences while laying into the bad guys on the fly, doing your best to flank the enemy and get a better position.  And that's what really sets this game apart.  Because of the squad-based gameplay, you've always got a few other guys on your side.  They may not be the killers, but they make for good distractions, allowing you to use the (thus far) fairly open environments to get a better position on the enemy, and because of the need for cover and good positioning, it really makes your movements matter.  You aren't going to win just because you can aim good.  If you pop out of cover for very long, you die *fast*, especially with multiple opponents targeting you.  Hiding behind the cover for a bit without getting shot will let you recover your health, but it doesn't matter how much of it you've got, you can't take a lot of damage.  This is great, because it means you're rarely at that "oh my God, one more hit and I'm dead!" stage, but you're always hardly ever very far from it.  It keeps things really tense.  I didn't like the way it worked in Halo so much, but I think it works much better here.  It's very tight, and the range of health is so short that you're always tense, but rarely so tense that you won't risk making a move that could have great rewards if you pull it off right.

So yeah, thus far I'm loving it.  It took maybe a half hour for me to feel even remotely confident with the controls, but now that I'm getting used to them, my first hour and a half have been very enjoyable indeed.  I can't wait to see more guns and enemies and stuff, and I *absolutely* can't wait for Sy to come over and play a marathon coop session with me.  And Pyro, next time you visit we already have the only coop game we really need.  =)

EDIT - Okay, the game was great for a while... and now it's super-duper-fucking-amazing.  Seriously.  It was cool and action packed, then all of a sudden everything went crazy and it's just... yay.  Yes, this game is as good as people have been saying.  The story base is very much there and it's a shame to hear that it went underutilized, but that also means there's a lot of potential for depth later on.  The characters aren't nearly as terrible as I thought they'd be, either.  They're huge, meatheaded, and cheesy... but they're a lot of fun and they do what they do rather well.  They're fun to blow stuff up with.  So yeah, as an action game, this is truly, truly something special.  As a graphical powerhouse, it's also quite something.  A lot of people were saying they'd never seen a game that looked this good, and at this point I'm inclined to agree.  Not only is the game *exceptionally* well done in the art department just as far as direction and such are concerned, it's truly one of the most amazing technical showcases I have ever seen.  Amazing is really the only good word.  You'll see it, and you'll be amazed.  Some of the cutscenes, as has been mentioned, are unfortunately a little choppy, but that doesn't mean they aren't super cool and really well directed, and they let you appreciate some of the insane detail that went into this.  What got my jaw to drop?  When someone died in slow motion and a spray of blood crashed down around and on top of him... the blood literally bouncing into tiny droplets as it hit solid objects.  Wow.  Camera work is astounding here as well, and there's all sorts of tiny little things that add consistency from the character to the world.  The animation isn't perfect 100% of the time, but it's amazing how many little things they got right that make it seem really real.

So yes, this game is amazing and a half.  Anybody with a 360 should have it or there should be attempts on their life while they attempt to do so.  And Cobra, I think even if the game is rather short and such, this isn't a "let's get you ready for multiplayer!" thing.  A lot of thought obviously went into this, and I can tell you right now that each little "scene" is over far too quickly.  I'll definitely be playing through this again by myself, and since I have a friend nearby, at least once with him as well.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: PyroMenace on Friday, November 10, 2006, 12:40:41 AM
Damn it all to hell. I never thought I'd want a 360, but with PD0, then came Dead Rising which was super fun when I played it at Ques, and now this, the purchase of this console and becoming more warrant.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Friday, November 10, 2006, 01:17:52 AM
Yeah.  And I hate to say it, but it only gets worse.  This game isn't entirely centered on straight action.  There are a number of cool sequences where you have to do some fun things to get by or play some kind of gimmick.  Thankfully this is very much unlike Half-life 2, so the gimmicks don't get old as fuck after you do them 80,000 times.  This is like... what Half-life 2 would have been had it clocked in around the same number of gameplay hours, I guess.

Anyway, there's all kinds of fun stuph.  And amazingly, the level I'm on now demonstrates just how damn much they've done with this graphics engine.  I can't express to you how far your jaw is going to drop when you see the rain level.  Now it isn't perfect, mind you, and there are some effects that I think in another 2 or 3 years will seem really garish when people do more stuff like what they did with the rain in GoW and perfect the process (maybe even sooner depending on how the water effects in Bioshock turn out) -- but holy hell.  You've still never seen anything even remotely like it, and there are a few moments where the problems it has drop away and you're left with one of those "oh God, I'm actually inside the game" moments.  Purely amazing.  I can't even tell you how much I'm enjoying this.  I already know that it's going to be short, and that's eating away at me a little, but it's just such concentrated goodness nothing can get in the way of the good time.  I'm very glad the coop is supposed to be so great because that means I'm going to get several runs out of this, which is exactly what I need if it's as short as 8 hours.  I'm actually starting on the easiest difficulty because of that, so I can go through on the "real" difficulty next instead of the default.

EDIT - A word also for those who are considering trying to nab the CE -- do it.  It's well worth the extra ten bucks.  Though really, this game is fucking expensive even without that extra cash.  $59.99 is a damned lot of money, and upping that to $69.99... yikes.  But I'm really glad I did.  I just spent I don't know how long watching all the documentary stuph on the extra disk, and while most of it was typical game design crap, I always get a kick out of it.  I love seeing the people who make the things I love, and of all the companies I've wanted to watch in recent years, Epic is way up there.  I was an Epic fan literally from the beginning.  I've probably played every Epic game ever created, even all those old ones Tim Sweeney made in his parents' basement.  I was never the biggest Jill of the Jungle fan, although that *was* one of my favorite tables in the old Epic Pinball packs.  I still have my old diskettes lying around somewhere.  Anyway, it's just really cool to see who's involved and how they like to do things, all that good crap, and there's really a ton of documentary on there.  There's a thing where some of the developers' kids do a tour of the office (cute and funny), there's a generic behind the scenes thing, there's a "road to E3" thing which more or less resembles what came on the Oblivion CE for those who saw it, and then there are a bunch of MTV shorts that add up to their own fairly substantial video.  There's some repeated stuff, but not nearly as much as I'd have expected for the length of content offered.  How interesting it might be is probably subjective, but I thought it was really entertaining.

Also, you get the nice tin case, and I think I'd pay an extra five bucks just for that alone.  Green plastic my ass.  Inside you'll find an almost-DVD-size art book, and this is actually hardcover.  It isn't anything super fancy, but it's pretty sweet for its size.  Definitely not a huge coffee table art book, but a nice edition considering its size and inclusion in a console CE pack.  There's also an Xbox Live Gold membership trial.  48 hours, I think.  I still don't have Xbox Live, so... I dunno' about that one.  But whatever.

Anyway, great stuff all around.  It's 2:30 in the morning and I have to get up at 8 to go to breakfast with my wife and her friend, then go to a freaking write-in over in Berkeley from 4 to 6.  Tomorrow (well... today) is going to suck ass.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: MysterD on Friday, November 10, 2006, 07:18:18 AM
Alain Tascan of EA Montreal thinks GoW has no innovation....ummmm, like EA should be talking on that kind of matter, given often what they publish..... (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=69805)

Alain Tascan, general manager for EA Montreal, has revealed that he thinks Xbox 360 title Gears of War has been overrated by reviewers - with one or two exceptions.

Speaking in a panel discussion at the Montréal Games Summit, Tascan said, "What is Gears of War? I mean Gears of War brings nothing in terms of innovation to the shooter... Like, zero.

"Only two very brave UK-based journalists said, 'You know what, Gears of War is a great game but it's like what Quake was a few years ago.

"Why are people loving it so much? It's like added production value, incredible cutscenes and the best ever graphics ever. I'm sure it's going to be a great success, I can't wait to play it, but let's face that graphics are still number one," Tascan continued.

He then used the comparison of a nice looking girl you might see in a bar and go up and talk to, "And if she's smart enough, that's the gameplay.

"I'm not talking about my tastes, I'm just saying, when you go to metacritic and you see a 96 for Gears of War, then you read the critics saying, 'Okay, storyline - there's none, gameplay is not innovative...' Then I say, why did they give this 96? They were blown away by the high quality of the graphics... Myself, I prefer something more creative," Tascan concluded.

Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Friday, November 10, 2006, 09:53:38 AM
Yeah, that's total bullshit.  The guy doesn't have a fucking clue.  Is Gears the most innovative game ever?  Far from it.  However, it does so much more than your average game, and it strikes at the heart of what it wants to do well and doesn't bother trying to do much else.  And it isn't *anything* like Quake, so that's pretty much the worst statement he could have made and proves that he knows shit-all about games or hasn't actually seen anything on Gears yet in the first place.  It's nothing like Quake at all, not even a little.  I've already mentioned further up how the cover dynamic works and how that changes the gameplay, and also how it uses a pseudo Halo-style health system which doesn't just pop up as its own element but instead works in concert with the heavy focus on using cover and tactical thinking.  I can tell you that I've never played a shooter like it before, and I've played a lot of fucking shooters.

And don't even get me started on the "no story" issue.  I will agree that the game has basically no story, because like Half-life 2, it's really more a series of events than it is an actual plot.  It's just that this sequence of events works much, much better in Gears than it did in HL2, where I felt it didn't work *at all*.  The characters in Gears have this almost generic feeling, like they have a lot less potential than the HL2 people, but somehow they feel a lot more real to me.  They're more cliche, really, but they end up feeling like they have real histories in the world, where the HL2 people felt like lifeless cardboard cutouts to me.  You were supposed to care about Alex, but she meant shit to me.  If she'd have died and fallen off the end of the earth, I couldn't have cared less.  Hell, I found her robot 100x more endearing.  And again, it isn't as though Gears has the deepest characters, but they show you enough of their past events and hint at enough things that they feel much more real.  It's a real shame the plot wasn't deeper, because they built a lot of material that they could have used had the game been longer, but it still does a much better job than HL2 did (though nowhere near as good as FEAR, which also suffered from a relative dearth of characters but had a sequence of events that could actually be called a plot, and even had some drama where I felt the main character suffered and changed as a result of the events -- no small feat given that he never talked).

Anyway, I think the game is much more than just a pretty face.  Yes, it's an action game, and no, it doesn't deviate *that* far from the kind of gameplay we know and love, but in everything it does, plot-wise, art-wise, play-wise, it pulls the things it really wanted from wherever it could find them and brought them together under one roof.  There's a lot of generic shit here, make no mistake, it's just that all of it was expertly combined, polished, and presented.  I'm sorry, but the only way you wouldn't like this game is if you hate shooters, suck at playing games, or don't dig on somewhat overused sci-fi themes.  Being that I think the overused sci-fi themes are often used so poorly, I'm all about somebody giving me a really good marines-shooting-bugs game that actually manages to make it feel real and relevant.

So fuck Alain Tascan.  His company is pretty much king of the generic game shitpile and I wouldn't give anything he said even a little credit.  He's just mad because nobody gives a fuck about Army of Two, which I'll bet you a thousand dollars is going to be far more generic and boring than Gears.  And what else has Montreal done?  Some fucking SSX game?  Give me a break.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: idolminds on Friday, November 10, 2006, 10:09:02 AM
Its amazing he thinks a game needs to be innovative and have some epic story to get high scores. The game just has to be fun! They polished the hell out of the gameplay as well as the graphics (so I hear). Look at Okami as another example. Pure Zelda rip-off. Outside of the brush stroke thing, it didnt really do anything new. Typical fight the big bad evil story. But the game was polished and everything was so well done that it was just an awesome game to play. Bam, high scores.

So if Gears can make me feel like a cover-seeking, bad guy blasting badass, and have fun the whole time then it deserves the scores it gets.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: MysterD on Friday, November 10, 2006, 11:06:51 AM
Its amazing he thinks a game needs to be innovative and have some epic story to get high scores. The game just has to be fun! They polished the hell out of the gameplay as well as the graphics (so I hear). Look at Okami as another example. Pure Zelda rip-off. Outside of the brush stroke thing, it didnt really do anything new. Typical fight the big bad evil story. But the game was polished and everything was so well done that it was just an awesome game to play. Bam, high scores.
To be honest, Oblivion was nothing truly innovative. Morrowind was the innovative one, if you ask me. What Oblivion did do was took all of the laundry list of issues players had w/ Morrowind -- and believe me, there was a bunch (steep leveling curve until level 10, AI issues, repetitive/generic NPC's, performance issues) -- and pretty much squashed the hell out of all of them.

The NPC's and AI was much improved in Oblivion -- and the quests were a lot more varied, too. The "scaled leveling" thing worked out great, if you ask me. Game looked great, played game, and truly took everything I thought was great about Morrowind -- and then improved on all of Morrowind's weaknesses. This is why Oblivion was such a success.

We could really say this probably about SW: KOTOR, too. It's basically just another great party-based RPG from Bioware -- nothing really new and innovative put forth on the table, but it's still great. It's the level of polish and level of quality is excellent. It's really not too much different from their past games, like Baldur's Gate games, to be honest -- it's just an RPG w/ lots of choices, action, and click-and-pointing (even if you do move your character via WSAD, you really only need that to move; in battle you can just click and point). Only major difference: Bioware put their game setting in the Star Wars universe!

So if Gears can make me feel like a cover-seeking, bad guy blasting badass, and have fun the whole time then it deserves the scores it gets.
Agreed. I ain't played Gears, but damn -- does it look like a blast, hehe.

PC port in due time would be nice, please. :) Even if it's Vista ONLY (I'd rather it not, though) -- I'll catch up, some time...
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: sirean_syan on Friday, November 10, 2006, 11:37:00 AM
I think we're starting to see the negative side of the whole "lets be innovative" push we were all part of a few years back. As time is going on we're learning that games just need to be fun again and that being innovative often just lends itself to just being too wierd for its own good. Sure, that works sometimes with art styles with things like Okami and Locco Rocco, but in terms of gameplay you get a lot of duds like Kill Switch. And that's the thing, I'm starting to think that being fun is, in its own way, innovative. Really, you have to pull some fancy tricks to make something you do over and over again fun, especially if it's a tried and true concept such as blowing the shit out of monsters with a big gun.

A few years ago when the cry for innovation started we just realized we weren't getting something that we used to and our gut reaction was newness. After a few years we're starting to see we were a bit off the mark, we just weren't getting things push in our face that were just straight out fun. That's not to say there wasn't a lot of fun games, but if you listen to interviews with developers, look at old forums, or read old reviews it's obvious that what a major focus. Now, look at how many studios are just dedicated to simply fun games, how many gamers are beginning to talk about games that are just a blast to play, and reviews for stuff like Gears of War and you'll see a shift.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Friday, November 10, 2006, 12:18:27 PM
That's an interesting point.  Personally, I think it's wrong to truly "push" for anything.  I think what it comes down to is that when somebody has a great fucking idea and executes it well with a team that knows what it's doing, you'll have innovation.  Again, Gears isn't something you look at and think, "That's a remarkable leap in design!"  But at the same time, I haven't played anything like it before, which begs the question... how is it not innovative and unique?  I think it comes down to what Sy said, that you really have to work hard to make something FUN if it's something you're going to be repeating and (likely) something you've done in a hundred other games.  The fact that shooting monsters in GoW feels different from all the other games where I've shot monsters over the years... that's one hell of a feat.

Anyway, what I mean by not pushing for something is more that a product has to be fun, and while it can be hard for a developer to get back far enough from a product to know just how well the concept is really working, that's more a fault of the general design mechanic that's been set up for developers to work with and less an issue of whether or not the art form is being properly propelled in the correct direction.  I think these things end up working out fairly naturally.  When the market gets saturated with me-too products and innovation stagnates, somebody comes up with a great new idea they think will help their product break the mold and really sell people.  If they pull the idea off, they're usually right.  So I think we need worry less about a marked push for anything and worry more about getting good developers paid well for products they believe in.

And at this point I'm just rambling.  I have to get back to GoW, so... cheers!
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: MysterD on Friday, November 10, 2006, 03:08:10 PM
When a game is repetitive, yeah -- fun factor is important. If it does a certain game mechanic over and over, it better do it right and bring something different to the table; even if it ain't something much different.

I think of Painkiller, in which the whole game is throwing tons of monsters at you w/ these cool weapons you have to shoot, yet maintaining a stable framerate. Well, this is all PK does -- and if it does this repetitively, it better do it right. PK does it right. Even though there's not too much of a story really here, w/ so many different enemies and so different kinds of environments/levels, Painkiller easily succeeds where many other 50-enemies-at-once Serious Sam style shooters have failed (like say Will Rock).

I think of Max Payne 1 and 2. This game was purely an action-packed shooter. But, what made it so unique from the rest of them? The storytelling w/ its comic book style, the way the cinematics were done, and of course, one feature that made it the must have game: Bullet-Time. Bullet-Time never got old, even if the whole game was basically you using Bullet-Time to your advantage. Enter the Matrix tried to put Bullet-Time in the game, but that failed b/c the game was mediocre, the level design was on and off (sometimes good, sometimes bad), and the game was not a technical marvel. ETM ran like junk, period -- whereas Max Payne games and Painkiller run great, technically.
From what I read, sounds like GoW fits right in w/ these two shooters -- we have a fun new gimmick of some sort, but it'll just never get old. The duck-and-cover seems to be the fun gimmick here. I want to play this game. Oh yeah!!!
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Friday, November 10, 2006, 03:50:08 PM
I honestly wouldn't put GoW in the same category as those shooters.  I enjoyed them, but this feels significantly less generic.  It's one of those experiences that just does stuff to make me smile with glee periodically, above and beyond just the great gameplay.  It mixes things up nicely.  So far the only disappointment I had was there was a cutscene where your chopper shoots down a bunch of stuff while you're in it, and it's just a cutscene -- but I wanted to shoot stuff from the chopper so bad.   ;D  But I can hardly fault the game for that.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Saturday, November 11, 2006, 02:14:11 AM
So I just beat the game.  And yes, I grunted while I did it.

My feelings upon finishing it are mixed.  That isn't to say that I didn't enjoy the hell out of it, because I sure did, it's just... damn it, I want more!

Fortunately for me, there are two more difficulty levels to master.  I started with "Casual", the easiest setting, and it was satisfyingly difficult.  Not too much, not too little.  Call me a wuss if you like, especially since most people find it too easy, but keep in mind that this is a guy who enjoyed the insane level of difficulty that came with Devil May Cry 3.  I like hard, this one just took a little getting used to for me.  By the end of it I think I really got my skills worthy of a not-too-frustrating run through hardcore.  But even after that, I expect Insane will be a true challenge.

Anyway, the game was amazing from start to finish.  Really, it more or less throws the same few kinds of situations at you throughout.  You've got your sequences with straight troop-on-troop action, you've got the flank-and-destroy-the-gun-emplacement scenario, the kill-the-seeder scenario, the close-quarters-with-"Wretches" scenario, the Berserker thing, and the defend-Jack-while-he(robot)-opens-the-door scenario.  That doesn't cover every last thing, and it mixes it up on several occasions throughout the game to very good effect, but those are the most common things I think.  Still, they're all fun, and it mixes things up with those different sequences by having some very different-looking environments that often play similarly but feel pretty different.

And yeah, I've never seen a game this pretty.  Not ever.  It made my jaw drop on any number of occasions.  This truly shows off what next-gen graphics could really mean in the next few years.  Oblivion looks like shit.

So... hooray!  I'm already on my second playthrough (which began about 10 seconds after beating the game the first time), and I can honestly say it's every bit as fun seeing the early stuff again but being more equipped to handle it on the harder difficulty.  I think this is one game I'm actually going to beat on each difficulty.  Once you've done it once, I imagine a subsequent run is maybe 6 or 7 hours... or something.  But even with the relatively short experience, I can't knock this game at all.  As I said, they really could have gone the HL2 route and made each gimmick wear out its welcome, but they didn't.  I applaud them for that but also chastise them for not quite using each gimmick *enough*!  They could have added another 2 hours of gameplay if they'd just thrown in another short section for each of the more gimmicky things, I think.

Anyway, pure awesome.  It's one of the most expensive games I've ever purchased, and also one of the shortest, yet somehow I'm still perfectly satisfied.  That baffles me a bit given that huge, long, open-ended games are often favorites of mine, but my love for a really good shooter has always been strong, and this is one of the best shooters I have ever played, bar none.

Now I must force myself to go to bed.  Damn it.

EDIT - I should also note that the boss fights were relatively "meh".  That definitely knocks a couple of points off.  They were cinematic and sweet-looking mostly, but the mechanics were dumb-butt simple and not nearly as deep as I'd have expected from an action game with this kind of tactical bent to it.  There's so, so much they could have done with a boss fight that they just didn't even touch.  Hopefully Gears 2 will clear that issue up nicely.  They've got the system in place, all they need to do is expand on it a bit and really improve the few less-stellar aspects of the game.  And maybe make it a few hours longer...
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: MysterD on Saturday, November 11, 2006, 07:55:59 AM
Que, how is the multiplayer...?
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Saturday, November 11, 2006, 08:00:52 AM
Dunno', I don't have Xbox Live.  =T
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: MysterD on Saturday, November 11, 2006, 08:01:29 AM
Dunno', I don't have Xbox Live.  =T

Awww....Bummer. :(

Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: PyroMenace on Saturday, November 11, 2006, 02:31:54 PM
So I hear your can curb your opponents in multiplayer... as if I wasnt sold enough.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Saturday, November 11, 2006, 09:26:17 PM
You can also curb guys in single player, so you may continue to be sold.  Yes, it's fun.  A nice little exclamation point to the killing pleasure.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Pugnate on Sunday, November 12, 2006, 02:46:44 AM
Why don't you get a cheap limited Xbox Live subscription, and find out how the multiplayer is? Since this game is made by Epic, I expect the multiplayer to be nothing short of stellar.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Sunday, November 12, 2006, 11:30:43 AM
Because I don't have a router and don't have my 360 hooked up to any kind of internet connection.  I suppose I could just move the plug from my PC, but... eh.  I know nothing about Xbox Live.  Don't you have to pay?

EDIT - So I guess you only have to pay for Gold and Silver is free?  I dunno'.  Maybe I'll fiddle with it.  Problem is I don't know anybody that plays, or even really anybody that has a 360.  I'd love to try out some of the competitive team stuph online, but I hate playing games with random people.  That's never been any fun to me and to this day I have absolutely no idea why people enjoy it.  What's the difference from playing against a nameless computer?  What I'd really like to try is the coop, but... there, same thing.  Hence why I want Sy to get his ass over here so we can play split screen.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: MysterD on Sunday, November 12, 2006, 11:41:54 AM
Why don't you get a cheap limited Xbox Live subscription, and find out how the multiplayer is? Since this game is made by Epic, I expect the multiplayer to be nothing short of stellar.

C'mon, Pug....

Doesn't Microsoft get enough money from gamers???
Especially ones supporting the PC and X360? :P


Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: idolminds on Sunday, November 12, 2006, 11:55:40 AM
You need the Gold (pay) subscription to play online. The Silver (free) stuff allows you to access the Marketplace to download stuff like demos, trailers, and buy XBL Arcade games like Geometry Wars.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Sunday, November 12, 2006, 12:04:24 PM
Ah.  Well, fuck that.  I thought it was the other way around.  I don't have to pay jack shit to play online with my PC, so you can bet I'm not paying anybody jack shit to play inferior multiplayer games on a console.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: scottws on Sunday, November 12, 2006, 12:38:42 PM
  I'd love to try out some of the competitive team stuph online, but I hate playing games with random people.  That's never been any fun to me and to this day I have absolutely no idea why people enjoy it.  What's the difference from playing against a nameless computer? 
Your answer is that people play smarter than the computer, and you can actually have some sort of teamwork (yes, even with random people) vs. a computer that follows you around and just shoots at things that it sees.

Also mostly because it is fun if you find a game you like.  I've only really enjoyed the online experiences of the Wolfenstein games and Starcraft.  And one level from Soldier of Fortune II.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Pugnate on Sunday, November 12, 2006, 01:14:21 PM
Yea I was pretty surprised by that Que statement as well. There is just something about playing against human opponents -- even if anonymous -- that kicks a lot of ass. After all, the ambition of any programmer is to get bots to behave as humanly as possible.

When it comes to shooters, Unreal Tourney was brilliant online. And away from shooters, Diablo II kicked ass even with strangers.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Sunday, November 12, 2006, 01:15:06 PM
Correction - SOME people play smarter than the computer.  Some just suck.  The rest camp, cheat, abuse legitimate game systems however they possibly can, and act like idiots and teenagers (probably because a lot of them are).  I've yet to play with random people who'll actually play as a team in a team game.  It's never happened and I'm not holding my breath that it ever will unless I'm down to play 5 hours of multiplayer a night in a given game in the hope of getting an hour or two of good play with decent people.  And even at that I'd consider myself lucky.

Eh.  Pass.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: idolminds on Sunday, November 12, 2006, 02:02:01 PM
Probably of no interest, but today until 11:59 PM you can download a GoW dashboard theme for your 360, along with a gamer image and some video of CliffyB. The dashboard theme would be the coolest.

PS, fuck MS for selling that shit. How awesome would it be if your new games simply included themes?
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Sunday, November 12, 2006, 02:13:55 PM
That would be awesome and might help justify the fucking huge price tag.  And yes, fuck them for charging for every last little thing.  I'm enjoying my 360 well enough but I still hate Microsoft and I still hate that fucking Peter Moore asshole more than probably anyone in the gaming industry currently.  And I'm also miffed that the Xbox, for all its attempts to be something more, is still just a lousy console that can't do shit in terms of video output.  Oh, I can't get fullscreen 1024x768 on my 4:3 monitor?  Gee, that seems... absolutely retarded.  Oh, so if I want fullscreen I have to use a nice non-HD 640x480 because you somehow think the wave of the future is making currently and widely used technology only vaguely compatible with the system?

<Oliver Twist>Please sir, can I have some more?</Oliver Twist>

But... eh.  It is what it is, and that's more or less what I expected it to be.  At least Gears lived up to the hype and has me all excited even on my second run through it.  There's something to be said for that.

I guess I'll hook this thing up to my broadband for the day and see how big that dashboard theme is and stuph.  I don't have the HDD, so... space limited.  Then later I'll try out the Gold 48-hour demo (maybe next weekend?) and see how the multi is.

EDIT - Well, apparently I get a free month of Gold just for signing up.  I guess.  So that's cool.  I tried to get into some games but no go.  Every time I tried to join up I got a message saying that I lost my connection with the host.  I tried hosting my own game, but nobody joined after 15 minutes of waiting.  I managed to do all the Live stuff fine and download the theme/pic, which are nice (and free for today, which I knew already, hence my willingness to try it -- I'd never pay good money for some stupid theme).  Theme is cool.  Nothing special, just adds a slightly darker look to it and throws pictures onto the backs of the different slides.  The pic is just a pic of Marcus, but at least it's better than the generic ones.  Though I can't believe they charge for those.  Themes I can at least sort of see... but little fucking avatar pictures?  That's just stupid.

Also, while the Live system is actually pretty slick, I was a bit miffed at the amount of information they want you to give out even if you don't plan on using the system to actually BUY stuff.  I don't like giving out my name and number.  Eh.  Anyway, it all works pretty well though its a bit of a pain for me since I have no router and have to power cycle my modem every time.  I'd also have tried coop with someone, but again... I don't really see the point if I don't know the person and can't interact with them in any way.  They just become a slightly more intelligent AI companion that kills more of the shit that I want to be killing.  I just really don't care.  Plus you can only have one campaign game going at once, so it would have overwritten the progress I'm now making in my solo hardcore venture, and who needs that?

So yeah, first impression of multi are... well, bad, because it just plain didn't work.  I did actually manage to get into one game at first, but had to sit around spectating waiting for the round to end so thought I'd bounce out and try to find something just forming up.  Couldn't get into any of the 10 games I tried after that because of the aforementioned error message.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: HxCeddie on Sunday, November 12, 2006, 11:44:39 PM
Well, I definitely missed out on this thread, but that's because I've been playing GoW so goddamn much. And....well goddamn it's awesome. Co-op is a real blast, but I really want to play on two different screens so that it'll just be that much better. But...I have nothing really to say except that this game rules.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Monday, November 13, 2006, 08:16:01 AM
Dude, what's your tag?  We should do some coop or something since I have a free month of Gold.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Pugnate on Monday, November 13, 2006, 08:49:31 AM
You guys could team up on DM servers and just hold a place down and kill everyone yes.

Cheating... yes.

Fun.... yes.

Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Monday, November 13, 2006, 06:41:15 PM
Well, there is no DM.  Just team DM.  The closest you get to straight DM is 1v1.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Pugnate on Monday, November 13, 2006, 10:38:15 PM
I wonder why. It is pretty standard to have DM. 1 v 1 sounds pretty cool though.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Monday, November 13, 2006, 11:27:09 PM
Well, it's like a round based thing.  There's no respawning or whatever.  I think max is 8 players for certain modes, 4 per team.  The idea is that the game mechanics mimic the single player more or less.  You use cover, you think somewhat tactically, and you try to minimize your own damage by using cover and good movement, then maximize your damage against the enemy using good tactics and your reflexes.  But the health system is still in place, so if you take damage near to the point of death, all you have to do is run away and hide for a few seconds to get it back.  However, if you die... you go down and have to wait a certain amount of time before you either "bleed out", get curb stomped or further shot to death by an opponent, or "revived" by one of your teammates.  Failing revival, you just die and that's it for the round.  You don't respawn.  So the team thing is really the focus.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: iPPi on Monday, November 20, 2006, 03:41:55 PM
Well I finally tried Gears of War.  I opened it yesterday but didn't have time so after classes today I just sat down for 30 minutes and gave the game a shot. 

One word:  Difficult.

Amazing game though.  I chose to play on Hardcore, and in retrospect that may be a bad idea since I died like 5 times on the training mission... literally.  I just finished the training, but I think I'm gonna go back and play it on Casual first.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: scottws on Monday, November 20, 2006, 03:47:01 PM
I wonder why. It is pretty standard to have DM. 1 v 1 sounds pretty cool though.
Sure DM is standard, but it's also really lame.  The only time I ever liked DM was in Goldeneye.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Monday, November 20, 2006, 06:38:45 PM
I'm a hardcore DM guy, but... eh.  This game was designed around teams, so that's the way it goes.

And don't judge it too much on the first half hour, JB.  It does take a little getting used to.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: MysterD on Tuesday, November 21, 2006, 06:41:32 PM
Looks like there might be more than a GoW2 -- there might be GoW trilogy planned! (http://www.gamespot.com/news/show_blog_entry.php?topic_id=25165887&sid=6162208&tag=latestnews;title;0)

Gears of War trilogy confirmed?

Source: A GameDaily interview with Jeff Bell, Microsoft's corporate vice president of global marketing.

What we heard: Though it might not be Halo 3, there's little question that Gears of War is a monster hit for the Xbox 360. Less than two weeks after its release, the game surpassed Halo 2 as the most-played title on Xbox Live. It has topped charts in the UK, and was second only to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on Bestbuy.com's sales rankings for the week of November 13-19. As of November 21, two weeks after its release, over 1 million units of the game had sold worldwide.

In addition to its popular success, Gears of War is also arguably the best-reviewed game of the year. Besides earning a 9.6 from GameSpot--tying the Xbox 360 Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion as the highest-rated game of 2006--Epic Games' shooter enjoys a sparkling 95 metascore on Metacritic, which averages dozens of game-review Web sites' ratings.

Given Gears of War's ability to tickle critics and mint money, a sequel is a near-certainty. However, the GameDaily interview with Bell appears to reveal Microsoft has even grander plans for the game. When outlining his company's holiday ad blitz, the marketing guru gushed about Gears' burgeoning popularity. "Gears of War is a popular culture phenomenon in the making," he said, referencing a semi-controversial television advertisement. "The goal of this ad is to establish Marcus Fenix as the hero of the Gears of War trilogy. The intention is to create emotional connection with him that is lacking in typical third-person action title marketing." (Emphasis added.)

The official story: Microsoft representatives had not responded to requests for comment as of press time.

Bogus or not bogus?: Looking not bogus. Though it might be a ways off--the original took over two years to develop--Gears of War 2 is pretty much a lock, particularly given its (SPOILER ALERT) cliffhanger ending (END SPOILER). As for a third, Bell appear to unofficially confirm comments made by Epic's meteoric lead designer Cliff Bleszinski, who has said on numerous occasions he wants to make Gears a trilogy along the lines of Halo. Now, it would appear Microsoft does too.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Tuesday, November 21, 2006, 11:47:25 PM
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: ScaryTooth on Friday, November 24, 2006, 04:37:33 PM
Man, this game is insanely awesome.

How long is it, Que? I've been playing all day, heh.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Friday, November 24, 2006, 04:44:17 PM
The game is hideously short.  So short you'll contemplate suicide when it's over.  But don't despair... it's totally fun to play through again.  My 2nd run was just as fun as my first.  The action is so solid that it's just plain satisfying even repeated, and if you up the difficulty it feels even better.  So don't worry too much about it.  I beat it in 2 days.  But there's still incentive to play again, *especially* if you do some coop.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: ScaryTooth on Saturday, November 25, 2006, 12:26:01 AM
Oh man, I just beat it a little bit ago, heh. I played all day. Took me 12 hours to beat it. I haven't had a gaming session like that in a long long time. That was fun. Awesome game. I felt like such a bad ass running around getting behind walls and shit. The graphics are amazing, the sound is awesome, the gameplay was top. All around bad ass game. I'm going to play through it again.

I watched the credits and, John Di Maggio(the guy who does Bender's voice) does Fenix's voice, heh. Cool.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: idolminds on Saturday, November 25, 2006, 12:39:45 AM
Some link I dont feel like digging up in response to MysterDs post. Cliffy stated that GoW might not be a trilogy, meaning as long as the series sells, they will make more sequels. 4, 5, 6 games? Whatever.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: iPPi on Saturday, November 25, 2006, 01:06:13 AM
Wow you went through the game incredibly quickly.  While I do hear it is short, I'm only on act 2 right now myself. 
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: ScaryTooth on Saturday, November 25, 2006, 11:30:25 AM
I played from about 12:30pm yesterday, until about 12:45am this morning. With about an hour worth of breaks. So, it's aout the average length of any action game really. It was awesome.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Quemaqua on Saturday, November 25, 2006, 11:53:26 AM
Shorter for me.  I think I only got about 9 hours out of it.  But, of course, playing through again is great, so I have no complaints.  Though in the future I'd hope the games would be longer.  Now that they've worked out the systems somewhat and such.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: Xessive on Sunday, November 26, 2006, 10:28:47 PM
I just played GoW. I am speechless. If beauty could manifest itself in a video game it just did. It is incredible.
Title: Re: First Gears of War review is up at GSpot!
Post by: MysterD on Monday, September 03, 2007, 07:28:39 AM
GoW: Hidden Fronts map pack has been released for free for the X360 over XBLive (http://www.actiontrip.com/rei/comments_news.phtml?id=090307_4)

'Gears of War' Map Pack Free Today
[Uros "2Lions" Jojic] 02:15 am EDT @ September 03rd, 2007
As 1UP reports: "The Gears of War "Hidden Fronts" map pack, which sold for 800 Microsoft points ($10) when first released in May, will be made available for free starting Monday, September 3rd at 2am (PDT)."

    Hidden Fronts -- which includes the Bullet Marsh, Garden, Process, and Subway multiplayer maps -- has been downloaded by nearly 500,000 gamers to date, and will follow the original map pack and the Annex gametype into the realm of free content for Epic's system-selling shooter.