
Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: scottws on Thursday, February 21, 2013, 06:19:20 PM

Title: Say what you want about Google Glass, but this is a cool ad
Post by: scottws on Thursday, February 21, 2013, 06:19:20 PM

Title: Re: Say what you want about Google Glass, but this is a cool ad
Post by: idolminds on Thursday, February 21, 2013, 06:54:35 PM
My first thought: record all the hot chicks I see in a day.

My second thought: Just wait for the first shooting spree to be recorded with one of these.

Title: Re: Say what you want about Google Glass, but this is a cool ad
Post by: scottws on Thursday, February 21, 2013, 07:41:21 PM
Haha!  That's pretty good!

I think something like Glass is the future.  I mean how much time do people already spend with their faces buried in their smartphones.  Glass is sort of a wearable smartphone.

The problem is that is a bit too ahead of its time.  I don't think society will accept people walking around with these things on right now.  Unless it was an Apple product.  Then it would be the next iPad.
Title: Re: Say what you want about Google Glass, but this is a cool ad
Post by: sirean_syan on Thursday, February 21, 2013, 08:02:05 PM
Title: Re: Say what you want about Google Glass, but this is a cool ad
Post by: Cools! on Thursday, February 21, 2013, 09:05:24 PM
The problem is that is a bit too ahead of its time.  I don't think society will accept people walking around with these things on right now.  Unless it was an Apple product.  Then it would be the next iPad.

Then it's not ahead of time, just in the wrong hands.
Title: Re: Say what you want about Google Glass, but this is a cool ad
Post by: scottws on Thursday, February 21, 2013, 09:17:44 PM
I wasn't saying that Apple would make it awesome, just that people would think it was awesome if it was an Apple product.  There is a difference.
Title: Re: Say what you want about Google Glass, but this is a cool ad
Post by: W7RE on Thursday, February 21, 2013, 09:46:10 PM
I wasn't saying that Apple would make it awesome, just that people would think it was awesome if it was an Apple product.  There is a difference.

It would also cost more, and it's already $1500.

You can apply to be in the beta, that's what the #IfIHadGlass hashtag is all about. But once accepted, in order to get it you have to preorder one for $1500 and pay your own way to a launch even in New York (I think).
Title: Re: Say what you want about Google Glass, but this is a cool ad
Post by: Cools! on Thursday, February 21, 2013, 11:46:10 PM
I don't think Apple would even bother releasing a product like that if it's supposed to be sold to the masses. So yeah, if it costs $1,500 right now then it's definitely not the right time for it.

And Scott, Apple would probably make it better. You can dislike their practices or products as much as you like but they definitely seem to know what people like. I personally hate what they are doing to the desktop and the pro market on the Mac, but I can't help but see lots of value in the iPad..

The funny thing is that I actually would've preferred if this thing came out of Apple. Why? Because I trust Google even less. Ad serving is still their biggest platform for revenue so what's stopping them from using this device to compile even more information on you and push location based, "live" ads right to the device? The other reason is that I just don't want to be connected all the time. That's just me. Well, I also don't have $1,500 lying around.
Title: Re: Say what you want about Google Glass, but this is a cool ad
Post by: Cools! on Friday, February 22, 2013, 12:49:16 PM
The Verge - I used Google Glass: the future, with monthly updates (http://www.theverge.com/2013/2/22/4013406/i-used-google-glass-its-the-future-with-monthly-updates)