7 days later, I'm still waiting for the fear of God. Details were supposed to be embargoed until this week, or so I thought. I figured we'd have a more complete and ominous story by now. The only thing more ominous is the amount of work it's going to take to plug up all the holes. It seems everything is involved, OS, BIOS, microcode, even applications. You know average consumers are not going to jump through all those hoops. On the other hand, it doesn't seem they need to. They're not running servers or virtual machines. Neither am I.
The last time I felt the fear of God was last Spring, when the Shadow Brokers and WannaCrypt worm were making headlines. Red ransomware lock screens featured in my nightmares. I security-patched everything lickety split. What I feel now can more accurately be described as annoyance. If I let unauthorized processes get into my system, I might expose my private data. Yeah, so what else is new? I'll tell you: What's new is that now I'm supposed to overhaul my system, from soup to nuts, lose some performance in the process, perhaps stability as well, to mitigate a small risk of intrusion that is only one way I might compromise myself if I'm careless. There is no new risk of malicious corruption of the system or data, which is what really scares me.
I'm back on the fence. I will wait and see. I will do nothing about these bugaboos just yet.