Thanks, you guys.
There's a crew of young folks tearing out the basement carpet right now. They'll set up some drying equipment after that. Had a frustrating time yesterday and today trying to get action on this. The only guy that came before wasn't from the company I called, but a subcontractor. Sleazy guy, quoted me a stupidly high price. All these outfits are slammed because of the flooding here, so I guess they're scraping the bottom of the barrel. Another company said they'd come, but today said they couldn't make it. Made one more call late this afternoon, and that worked like a charm (so far). Reputable company, quote came in at just over a quarter of Mr Slime's, and they're not insisting on tearing up the new laminate flooring section, which should be fine.
I remember the '97 flood well. I was working downtown, and some work friends and I walked down to the river to see debris floating down the streets past very short stop signs. That's the last time the water has been this bad here.