I first played Morrowind when I was about 19 years old...hated it. I wasn't used to a game where you had true freedom. It took me several times restarting the game (and a written journal) to actually get into the the game. I'm black, so I played as a Redguard...stole a lot of shit. Even found a a cheat where you could hold the sneak button down behind certain enemies and people, go to sleep and wake up with 100% sneak ability. I had fun with Morrowind, but never really dived into it.
Morrowind was the first Elder Scrolls game I played, when I heard about Skyrim, I played Oblivion first. I enjoyed it, once again, I was a black criminal...this time with a bow and arrow. I left that for Skyrim, which I also enjoyed. I thought I enjoyed it, after putting hours into a a dark elf who could do everything I lost my saves. I didn't want to play Skyrim again and I haven't in years. I didn't realize how repetitive and simple it was until I was forced to start over. I started Morrowind over several times because I felt like I had missed elements of gameplay...so back to Morrowind.
This time, no black people, no sneak thiefing while I sleep. I'm going as a dark elf, alchemy/magic/bow user. I never even thought about using any of those characteristics before and it changes the game completely. I hope the next Elder Scrolls games takes out the hand holding, brings in some complexity and allows players to experiment.