My brother's players could not handle some DVD+Rs I made for him. I had to re-burn the content to DVD-Rs. So I know from experience this can be a problem with some old standalone players.
The Xbox HD-DVD drive is apparently
a good choice even for PCs. It's $200. Personally, I'm staying away from all high-def DVDs for now. I'll use the same test I used to switch from VHS to DVD: when I can go to Blockbuster and see every new movie on the shelf in the winning format, then I'll spring for it.
I have long thought of Sony as overbearing and overpriced. They have taken that to new lows with the PS3. I want to see landfills brimming with these things, and covered with Blu-Ray discs. I once thought of them as the best electronics brand, a few ages ago. Their open-reel recorders, audio amplifiers and Trinitron TVs were the stuff of legend. (I still have a 50-watt/channel TA-1130 audio amp I purchased in 1975. It weighs about one and a half hernias, has MOSFET transistors in huge heatsinks at the output stage, a damping factor of 200, and
still works. No noisy pots either, something my Klipsch ProMedias couldn't manage for one measly year.) Since then, the quality of their consumer stuff has taken a nosedive, and is now no better than anything else, at best. But the brand name preserves the old, earned mystique. It's an implicit deception.