Author Topic: brand new - the devil and god are raging inside me  (Read 6094 times)

Offline beo

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brand new - the devil and god are raging inside me
« on: Wednesday, January 03, 2007, 06:18:44 PM »
ok, so i'm going out on a bit of a limb by recommending this album here, since i'm pretty sure i'll get branded as an "emo fag", for doing so, but whatever - i'm recommending it anyway, so if you have anything derogatory to say, that's fine fuck you.

i'm well aware that brand new are all myspace and trendy and all that, but seriously - ignore the image crap. this album really deserves a listen. if you heard the previous release, deja entendu, you should already be well aware that they are capable of so much more than the vast majority of their contempories.

the devil and god are raging inside me tells a story of depression and spiritual uncertainty - and (admittedly this is coming from someone who knows little of poetry) the lyrical content is superb. if nothing else you can tell that the songs are written and sung with a passion and vitriol that you rarely find in popular music today.

i'm finding it hard to pin down why i fallen in love with this album so hard, but i've listened to it something like five times a day since i picked it up a week ago, and i can't remember when i've gotten so into a piece of music.

may not be to everybody's tastes, but if you like stuff like deathcab for cutie or bright eyes, you should really give this album a listen. it's so disconnected from the pop-punk that brand new started with you wouldn't believe. a completely worthy successor to deja entendu, and a late entry into my top albums of 2006.
« Last Edit: Thursday, January 04, 2007, 12:19:10 AM by beo »

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: brand new - the devil and god are raging inside me
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, January 03, 2007, 07:31:15 PM »
I'd check it out, but as usual, myspace is being a useless piece of shit.

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Offline poomcgoo

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Re: brand new - the devil and god are raging inside me
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, January 04, 2007, 12:40:39 PM »
emo fag.

Me too though,  I love Brand New.  When I first heard them a few years ago I didn't give them a chance because emo is lame, but they really are better than the "emo" label.  I've had the new album for a little while now, but haven't given it a full listen yet since I already heard most of it when all the demos leaked. 

I actually just saw them play a show this summer at the Avalon and it blew me away.  Even after I'd decided I liked Brand New and that they were better than all the other emo bands, I still went into the concert thinking they'd suck live, like any other emo band.  The show was fucking amazing though, and I take back anything bad I had said before the show.  They even played a bunch of their new songs, and when I heard "Sowing Season (Yeah)" the first time in that show I fucking raced home and downloaded the demos.  They didn't even have a title for sowing season at the time and he just said "this will be on the new album once I can think of a name for it."

Anyways, I've only listened to a few of the songs and they seem pretty good.  I really liked their other albums, so I should give this one a listen.  Sowing Season is such an awesome song, though.

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Re: brand new - the devil and god are raging inside me
« Reply #3 on: Thursday, January 04, 2007, 08:26:40 PM »
Music weirds me out.  Emo used to be an offshoot of like... hardcore.  Then suddenly it was something entirely different.  Don't ask me how that happened.

Anyway, this sounds pretty good.  I'm a music snob in some regards, but I'll listen to anything that I think doesn't suck, regardless of label.  I could give a shit what you call what.  I'd have to spend a little more time with these guys, but after a couple songs I'd say it could be some good stuff.  I'll definitely check them out more.

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