Yea so I finished it last night and I wasnt let down at all. This is pretty much the definition of a Zelda game in every respect, its nothing new mind you, but its everything you would want to expect. The presentation, the world, the atmosphere, the awesome boss fights, the cool dungeons, and the story never fell flat either, it all came together superbly in the end like a good Zelda game does. And when I think about it, I do agree with Gamespot's score. Twilight Princess is what Metroid Prime 2: Echoes was to the first Metroid Prime game, its really just exposure from the first game having less affect on the second since you know what to expect. Anyhow, I loved it, I actually played for several hours today and managed to find all the heart pieces. My only little setback with it was while Wind Waker suffered from lack of challenge, dont expect any step up in this, I breezed through almost all of it, however it doesnt mean it wasnt completely addicting and totally fun at the same time. I really enjoyed the dungeons in this one, I felt they had more personality and atmosphere here than any game before it. There really wasnt one dungeon that felt more bland than the others. So in the end, everyone needs to play this, screw waiting on getting a Wii and buy the GCN version, the controls are great using the GCN controller.