I am still gaming, just a totally different kind. Maybe you need to get with the new program... probably not. It's not so much that I've been lost totally into Warhammer and the like, but that I've got school on my back too. If I was working still I'd probably be doing more gaming that I currently am, but even then that's still not that much. I also think if I was to truly upgrade my computer, my Warhammer cost really wouldn't cover it. Things are at a point where the upkeep on the hobby isn't much outside of actually buying models and refilling a few supplies every couple months. I've made the initial investment and I'm more or less good now. A new computer would be way more money that I'm allowed to spend at once without a fully time job.
Besides, I have such a backlog in video games right it's sick. Thankfully, not much has come out in the past six months that I really care about, next gen, old gen, or otherwise. From what I've seen in the pipeline for the next year or so, I'm pretty safe from having to buy a new console or upgrade my computer. I've got my Wii so Metroid will be covered. Thanks to that backlog, I can probably play games that are new to me from nearly every genre that I care about for the next couple years.... I'm pretty covered, which is good because I won't have much in the way of new money for the next few years if this school thing actually pans out.