Author Topic: An interesting BBC blog on Sony.  (Read 2704 times)

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An interesting BBC blog on Sony.
« on: Wednesday, March 07, 2007, 03:56:17 AM »

Two weeks ago when Sony issued information about the backwards compatibility of the PS3 in Europe the press release made it sound as though Europeans were being handed some hobbled piece of vapourware.

The release said: "Rather than concentrate on PS2 backwards compatibility, in the future, company resources will be increasingly focused on developing new games and entertainment features exclusively for PS3, truly taking advantage of this exciting technology."



Far more interesting is the following link.Internal Turmoil at Sony Uncovered

Offline gpw11

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Re: An interesting BBC blog on Sony.
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, March 08, 2007, 01:13:55 AM »
Yeah, but in his defence no one ever wants to tell a Jew bad news about money.   Badooom-CHING!

Anyways, I read that dailytech article a day or so ago when I came across it on digg.  Or scanned it at least.  It's a bit sensationalist.  Thorn in his side?  Because he's developed the two most succesfull products the company has ever had (I think)? 

But in all seriousness, lets not kid ourselves here, Stringer has been CEO for about 1.5-2 years.  Sony's public image (and stock prices) have gone nowhere but down in that period of time. Sure, Ken (I'm not going to try to spell his last name or even copy and paste it) may have something to do with that, but I'm pretty sure he didn't set the price point (well, aparently he did...he set it cheaper, and guess what - people aren't not buying it because it's too cheap), and I'm pretty sure he isn't the one who decided that pushing blu-ray was more important than pushing games.  I also don't think he had anything to do with any rootkits, atrac3, alliwantforxmasisapsp, or the way the company handled any of these blunders.  A large reason Sony isn't doing so well is there is no shortage of people out there willing to tell you they are and why...because they feel like Sony is trying to bend them over.  The PS3 hardware isn't the's pretty much everything else to do with the system that people don't like.

Given the choice between the guy who designed the ps1 and ps2 and the guy who was only there for the ps3 and launch, who would you blame for the problems?   I'd pick the CEO.  Kind of typical of Sony.  Their engineers and designers come up with some cool shit, but management just fucks it all up for them.