I just watched this movie w/ Cate Blanchette and Judi Dench.
My God, what performances from two excellent actresses that are at the top of their game, in this vicious movie about secrets, friendship, using people, and immorality.
Basically, teacher Barbara (Judi Dench) befriends another teacher, Sheba (Blanchette). Sheba's married to a much older man (Bill Nighy) and they have two kids -- one girl, one boy.
So, Barb catches Sheba w/ a 15 year old student -- and Barb decides to use this as an angle; to either destroy Sheba and/or become her "friend" more so (so-to-speak).
Oh man, is this one hell of a movie...vicious, cold, powerful, and riveting.
I loved it.
Anyone seen this yet???