Author Topic: I'm going to say it again  (Read 3333 times)

Offline gpw11

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I'm going to say it again
« on: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 01:50:48 AM »
Don't go to clubs sober.  Shit, don't even go near them.  So many fucking losers around.  Sure, some might say "but they're drunk", I'd argue that they aren't drunk enough.  I don't think I ever realized that people in clubs actually intend to dress like that (I'm mainly talking about the guys here) or throw out that image.  It's like people pretending to have fun instead of actually having it.  It's like they throw on a stripped shirt, pop the collar, and get ready to go out and act in whatever way will impress a girl. Guys shouldn't go out of their way to buy 'going out clothes' that's part of being a guy.

I think the main thing is that I never realized that 90% of the people in the bar aren't as drunk as I usually am when I go.  I don't know if that explains why I used to do so well or the opposite.

I also made an observation about chicks acting completely differently once they throw on their club clothes.  Like all week they try to impress people and move up in the world by being intelligent and charismatic, and once friday hits it's the exact opposite.  Lets all dress the same and act like animals.

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Re: I'm going to say it again
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 02:10:36 AM »
I avoid clubs sober or otherwise.  Can't freaking stand that crowd.

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Re: I'm going to say it again
« Reply #2 on: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 02:51:06 AM »
It's never occured to me to go to a club sober.... why would you?  ::)

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Re: I'm going to say it again
« Reply #3 on: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 02:55:52 AM »
Like all week they try to impress people and move up in the world by being intelligent and charismatic, and once friday hits it's the exact opposite.  Lets all dress the same and act like animals.


Offline scottws

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Re: I'm going to say it again
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 07:02:21 AM »
I hate the club scene.  I hated it when I was "that age" and I hate it now.

It just was all so fake.  I did a lot better with girls outside of clubs than I did in them anyway.

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Re: I'm going to say it again
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 09:07:09 AM »
well i guess it depends where you go. there's only the one super-trendy bar/club where i live, and i'd agree about most the guy's looking like a cheap imitation of some male model from the back pages of FHM. there are always girls who think that looks as stupid as we do though, so whatever - no skin off my nose.

i'd agree on the having to be drunk thing though - and you need to hit it just right. not drunk enough, and i wont get up and dance, too drunk and i can't get up and dance.

Offline nickclone

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Re: I'm going to say it again
« Reply #6 on: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 09:21:55 AM »
I hate clubs too, the whole point of going to a club is to have fun, but like you said people don't have fun there. Its like a HS dance with alcohol, guys stand with the group they came with and the women stand with the group they came with. Clubs weren't meant for people to get drunk, neither are bars.

It took me about a year and a half after I turned 21 to learn the bar etiquette: you don't get drunk in a bar. When you're underage you go to parties, where everyone is wasted, doing dumb shit and being young. At a bar, you think that since these people can legally drink, have tv's everywhere, the jukebox going, pool, darts, videogames and all this stuff you wish you had at a party that they would be going wild. Nah, its usually just a bunch of old people feeding their need to drink and they're too afraid of becoming "alcoholics" so they do it around other people.

I used to get drunk at bars, I mean fall down, make out with your wife, puke on the pool table drunk. Even before I did that, the people in the bar (guys/bartenders) hated me because I was young, new and got attention from women. You'd be surprised how often the regulars at the bar covet women that they see often and seeing a new guy come along and "butt in", really pisses them off.

I'm going on a tangent, but for the most part: don't go to a bar alone (no matter what), don't let someone you don't know into your group of friends while you're at a bar and don't get drunk.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: I'm going to say it again
« Reply #7 on: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 09:47:49 AM »
Define "club" for me in this context.  You mean a bar with live or DJ entertainment?  Dance floor?  I find that at most social places with alcohol (whatever they're called) it's a good idea to get to a certain level of buzz, and maintain it.  Cold sober, you're out of place.  Shit-faced is bad anywhere.  It also depends on the crowd.  Some bars attract dregs of humanity, while others get a more upscale clientele.  I don't know.  It's not as if I'm an expert on this.  I like some places and dislike others.  The individual people you meet are always a crapshoot.

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Re: I'm going to say it again
« Reply #8 on: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 09:57:35 AM »
I don't know, I don't drink at all but I go clubbing from time to time (no not clubbing baby seals). It depends on the club of course, but sometimes I just feel like having a good time dancing, and lose myself in the noise. It sometimes helps me get some inspiration, what with the ridiculous atmosphere.

Sobriety I can deal with, I like to be very aware of everything around me and how much fun I'm actually having. I don't have inhibitions to begin with so alcohol doesn't really "enhance" anything. If anything, I'd say never go clubbing without chicks. Chicks make the clubbing experience.

Offline nickclone

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Re: I'm going to say it again
« Reply #9 on: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 10:25:31 AM »
Clubs usually don't have a pool table, tvs, videogames or anything other than the entertainment they provide and alcohol...and theres always a cover charge. Bars, obviously, are the opposite.

I like going to redneck bars the most, even though I clearly don't fit in, they never bother me. As long as I don't do some dumb shit (hell, even when I do) they leave me alone. Mexicans want to be too friendly towards newcomers, which is ok sometimes, but I don't go to bars to make friends anymore.

Offline poomcgoo

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Re: I'm going to say it again
« Reply #10 on: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 11:25:25 AM »
Everything you guys said about clubs is true.  They can be lame as hell for so many reasons, but there are just those times where I'll have a fucking blast at the right place.  Drunk, of course.  Clubs when you're sober are obviously going to be lame.

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Re: I'm going to say it again
« Reply #11 on: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 11:31:01 AM »
I don't go to clubs since I don't like the crowd.