Author Topic: Your dream game  (Read 3215 times)

Offline angrykeebler

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Your dream game
« on: Saturday, May 12, 2007, 09:53:13 PM »
So lets take a break from the onslaught of MysterD news posts. What would your dream game be? Let's say you had an unlimited budget and the worlds best programmers, artists etc working under you. You are the director of this project and they all follow your orders. What genre would it be?

I kinda thought this topic up because I've thought about this for a long time. I have my own "dream game" in my head that no one would make in a million years cause I'd probably be the only one playing it.
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Offline Xessive

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Re: Your dream game
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, May 12, 2007, 10:46:52 PM »
I like this thread already :D

My dream game would inevitably involve ninjas.. And probably have quite a few RPG elements sown into it. It would basically be a balanced combination of gameplay elements from Deus Ex, Splinter Cell, Tenchu, MGS, Fable, and Oblivion. Although I like the idea of giving players the option to switch between 1st person and 3rd person views depending on the way they play. I wouldn't limit the game to stealth gameplay, as much as I love it I crave variety and choice.

You'd be able to build your character just like any RPG, with a lot of control over the appearance of your character. You'd be able to change certain things later as well such as hairstyle, hair colour, etc. Your character will be very malleable to the player's choices.

I love cinematics, so the main plot would have some entertaining scenes to tell the story in between the action/adventure.

I'm not sure about the setting yet, but maybe a hybrid of fantasy-reality. It's all in my head! :D Man, if I was a rich mofo I'd just develop this game for the fun of it!

Offline idolminds

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Re: Your dream game
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, May 12, 2007, 11:45:04 PM »
Dead Rising, but an entire city, not just a mall. Also more open and freeform (like...Oblivion. With zombies.)

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Your dream game
« Reply #3 on: Sunday, May 13, 2007, 12:36:26 AM »
I made some super huge post about this a while back.  It's basically what idol describes, but I had like a huge amount of exposition on what I wanted.  I wish I knew what happened to that.  Maybe I can find it in a search.

EDIT - Bingo.  We already kinda' did this thread, and this is what I posted:

Mine is what idol said.  I had a huge thread about it before with all my ideas.  Dunno' what happened to it.  The main thing would be NPCs that you could rescue who would perform actual functions, so you can play it safe and keep them at the home base, or you could send them out in the hopes of them finding more gear.  Some would be researchers, some would be brawlers, etc.  The smart guys could eventually come up with better designs for defenses and such, but you'd have to make sure that you defended them from the zombies who try to invade.  The zombies would have a "flock" AI system where they'd be a piece of cake alone, but lone zombies could eventually lock into a bigger flock, and bigger flocks would pose a huge threat to your home base without adequate defense both structurally (traps, wires, boards, spikes, whatever) and man-wise (big guys with pipes and guns, etc.).  I think I'd have some kind of thing so that lone zombies take more damage and are harder to kill, yet they pose basically no health-threat to the player, but flock zombies are the opposite.  They die really fast, but they dish out huge damage and move faster.  So if you run across a lone zombie, it's like... do I waste extra ammo and kill it, or is it far enough away from the known flocks (which would be only moderately difficult to track) that I can save the ammo and not kill it?

But yeah, I've been wanting this game for years.  Dead Rising came really close in a lot of ways, but it wasn't a full city and the NPCs are just there to be rescued.  I want it to be that the player is in charge, but he essentially builds a team of survivors through the scenario and has to use risky play styles in order to get new gear... so that taking more risk means greater reward, but also has the chance of cutting you off from the home base if a flock of zombies gets too close... and playing it safe means you'll be able to keep better tabs on the base, but you wont' be able to get much in the way of new gear and stuff.


Everyone loves zombies.  =)

I never really envisioned having "missions" so much as a randomized world (even if the city wasn't random, the NPCs and gear should be) which you can use to your advantage if you play shrewdly.  I actually did have a few ideas at one point about like capturing a broadcast tower to get the message out about the city's peril so the government couldn't just nuke you away, and taking over a bridge control building to lower a bridge in order to escape, but I've forgotten a lot of those ideas.  Nonetheless, there would be lots of incremental fun like raiding police stations/gun shops for weapons, hospitals for health items, home improvement stores for base-building supplies, etc.  So as you got to certain points new ventures would become possible, allowing you to explore the city further and find ever-greater things, hopefully earning your freedom eventually.  A plot could probably be added if it didn't revolve around government conspiracy or genetic mishap, or whatever.  Maybe like a personal thing where you hope to find and rescue a family member or your girlfriend or something simple.  But really, this would be more like Pirates! (you played that, right?) except in a city with zombies and an old-school, top-down GTA style (as in the first and second GTA games).  Being able to actually enter buildings like kinda' mini-dungeons would be cool too, adding more to the gear-gathering process, but that wouldn't even be entirely necessary.

Apparently there was another thread that had my really huge post about it, but that didn't come up, so who knows.

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Offline Pugnate

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Re: Your dream game
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, May 13, 2007, 02:23:40 AM »
A game inhabited by a city of AngryKeeblers where the objective was to drive around and run them over.

"Whadya gonna do bastard guy? Aaainh?" -- Kerpal.

Offline Xessive

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Re: Your dream game
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, May 13, 2007, 03:04:18 AM »
A game inhabited by a city of AngryKeeblers where the objective was to drive around and run them over.

"Whadya gonna do bastard guy? Aaainh?" -- Kerpal.
Hahaha It's like Whack-A-Mole! But with cars and Keeblers!

Haha I still crack up at the Kerpal thing ;D

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Re: Your dream game
« Reply #6 on: Sunday, May 13, 2007, 06:05:04 AM »
Dead Rising, but an entire city, not just a mall. Also more open and freeform (like...Oblivion. With zombies.)

Idol, go make this game! A zombies game, but open-ended like Oblivion sounds great!!!

MyD's dream game would be a open-ended fantasy single-player RPG that is very non-linear, very open-ended, and many quests would have multiple pathways to finish them. And the main quest would NOT be about saving the world, either; that might be a side quest, if anything.

Oh, and the following would have to be in the game: werewolves, zombies, dragons, ninjas, and pirates. In the game, the player could become any of those (except for a dragon), as well -- at some point in the game.

Oh, the violence and sex must be there, too. So, expect violence the likes of Dark Messiah -- or maybe worse. I want heads rolling, body parts flying; yes, the whole she-bang.

And my game would ship w/ a Toolkit, of course.

Offline NatchDan

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Re: Your dream game
« Reply #7 on: Sunday, May 13, 2007, 08:18:15 AM »
Monkey Island 3 by Ron Gilbert.

Someone had to say it.

Oh, and Que/Idol's zombie game. Fuck yes. The only thing I'd change about what Que said is give all zombies the same health and damage. The very fact that there is a flock of dozens is what makes them dangerous. Strength in numbers.