Author Topic: Uwe Boll out-boxes another critic  (Read 3928 times)

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Uwe Boll out-boxes another critic
« on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 02:06:55 PM »

Everyone's favourite film director Uwe Boll continues to enjoy success in the boxing ring, as his campaign to bring down the people who slag off his films on the Internet by punching them in the head claims another victim.

This time it's Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka of SomethingAwful fame, who makes a good show of it but eventually gets knocked down by the Raging Boll, who lands a couple of pretty vicious punches that leave his opponent sprawled on the canvas.

As with his previous victim, the video of Boll's bout has pitched up on YouTube.

Boll has previously said that he'll include a few of these clips in his forthcoming adaptation of Postal, which is just as well really, as they're a lot more convincing than any of the violence he filmed for BloodRayne.

Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: Uwe Boll out-boxes another critic
« Reply #1 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 02:39:59 PM »
They had an interview with Lowtax after the match and he mentioned that Uwe had offered them boxing training before the match but when it came time for the training Uwe didn't provide it, so basically he fought a few guys who had never boxed before and inflated his ego some more.  Uwe had also made these matches seem all "for fun" and told all the boxers he wasn't going to go at them with all his strength but then on the match night he told them he was going to beat them all by knocking them out and in the videos its evident he's trying to hurt them as much as he can.  Lowtax was smart in taking some of the punches and then throwing in the towel so as not to get totally annhilated by the lying shitbag.  He also only boxed people in a certain weight limit and he declined a guy who was an amateur boxer who was a real critic because he was like 20 pounds too heavy.  Uwe laid this all out perfectly and everyone fell into it as planned.  Score one for PR and bullshit!  I really wish NONE of the critics had taken them up on his offer, the last thing this guy needs is an ego inflation and thats exactly what they gave to him.

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Re: Uwe Boll out-boxes another critic
« Reply #2 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 03:09:58 PM »
And this makes his movies

Offline Antares

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Re: Uwe Boll out-boxes another critic
« Reply #3 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 05:05:26 PM »
Uwe had offered them boxing training before the match but when it came time for the training Uwe didn't provide it

Boxing lessons are not hard to come by.

Edit: Boll was actually going after that guy.  He went way easier on the first one.


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Re: Uwe Boll out-boxes another critic
« Reply #4 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 05:09:32 PM »
It doesn't.

Nobody forced these idiots to accept the challange. So it's good they got their asses kicked. Pussies...

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Uwe Boll out-boxes another critic
« Reply #5 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 05:56:24 PM »
I think he's an idiot, and it would have been a cool idea had he not botched it by, as tet said, being a lying shitbag.  So, yeah... no respect for him, and probably less now than before.  If he'd played it straight it still would have been a far-fetched idea, but at least it would have been entertaining and we could have said he was decent at something.  But by being a lying shitbag, all we can really say is that he's still a shitbag.  Just now also of the lying variety in addition to the shitty movie-making variety.

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Re: Uwe Boll out-boxes another critic
« Reply #6 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 09:06:01 PM »
I think it's fucking awesome.  People take this shit too seriously, just like they probably take Uwe Bowl making shitty movies too seriously.  You'd have to be an idiot to think that he didn't know anything about boxing going into this.   Taking that into consideration you'd also have to be an idiot to apply to fight him if you didn't know anything about boxing.  The criticism he recieves from this whole thing is stupid.

He said he was going to go easy on them?  Then what the fuck would the point of that had been?  And furthermore, wouldn't him just saying that tip you off that he was obviously somewhat skilled in the sport?  These guys can bitch and complain all they want, but they fucking walked into this looking for attention and publicity and they got it.

It seems pretty obvious this whole thing is a joke but people can't really look past the fact that this guy makes movies based on videogames that suck. 'BUT I LIKE GAMES!!!  THAT'S PART OF MY IDENTITY AND HE'S TARNISHING IT!!!'  Seriously, shut the fuck up.  Did you seriously play House of the Dead, BloodRayne, or Dungeon Siege and think "Wow, this will make a good movie!!" Some guy played them and said "Fuck, I can buy the rights to these bitches for cheap, produce and finance them through my german company and be garunteed to make money.  I should do that". I don't get why people are so pissed off about it.  Shitty movies are released all the time, but because it's based off a shitty videogame licence it's unacceptable?

Fuck, from what I know I like the guy.  In fact, he's pretty damn awesome in my mind.

Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: Uwe Boll out-boxes another critic
« Reply #7 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 09:16:09 PM »
I think it's fucking awesome.  People take this shit too seriously, just like they probably take Uwe Bowl making shitty movies too seriously.  You'd have to be an idiot to think that he didn't know anything about boxing going into this.   Taking that into consideration you'd also have to be an idiot to apply to fight him if you didn't know anything about boxing.  The criticism he recieves from this whole thing is stupid.

He said he was going to go easy on them?  Then what the fuck would the point of that had been?  And furthermore, wouldn't him just saying that tip you off that he was obviously somewhat skilled in the sport?  These guys can bitch and complain all they want, but they fucking walked into this looking for attention and publicity and they got it.

It seems pretty obvious this whole thing is a joke but people can't really look past the fact that this guy makes movies based on videogames that suck. 'BUT I LIKE GAMES!!!  THAT'S PART OF MY IDENTITY AND HE'S TARNISHING IT!!!'  Seriously, shut the fuck up.  Did you seriously play House of the Dead, BloodRayne, or Dungeon Siege and think "Wow, this will make a good movie!!" Some guy played them and said "Fuck, I can buy the rights to these bitches for cheap, produce and finance them through my german company and be garunteed to make money.  I should do that". I don't get why people are so pissed off about it.  Shitty movies are released all the time, but because it's based off a shitty videogame licence it's unacceptable?

Fuck, from what I know I like the guy.  In fact, he's pretty damn awesome in my mind.

I could care less about the games and the movies hes made based off of them(I've only seen House of the Dead anyways), I just think the guy is a dumb shit for trying to make himself look like a bad ass by beating up people who have no experience in boxing and patting himself on the back for it, like it would make up for his shitty movies.  If someone had managed to kick Uwe's ass I really wouldn't have cared all that much, would have been a little more entertaining though.  I just think he could have picked some people that were a little better or even just given them some kind of training to make the matches more even and not just him annhiliating someone who doesn't know a left jab from an uppercut.   It's like a martial arts master kicking a white belt's ass and then feeling awesome after doing so.  I also don't think his movies tarnish any part of my identity, I don't idenify myself after any game/movie for that matter.  If someone were to make an absolutely shitty movie of my favorite game, I wouldn't care, I would just say it sucks and move on.  So if your comment was targeted at me(I'm sure it wasn't just me specifically) then you are mistaken.

Offline Antares

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Re: Uwe Boll out-boxes another critic
« Reply #8 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 09:22:20 PM »
Why again was uwe supposed to provide the training?

I know damn well that if I accepted a boxing match, I'd probably do just about as much boxing beforehand as humanly possible, and I sure as hell wouldn't rely on my opponent to set it up for me.

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Re: Uwe Boll out-boxes another critic
« Reply #9 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 11:03:02 PM »
I could care less about the games and the movies hes made based off of them(I've only seen House of the Dead anyways), I just think the guy is a dumb shit for trying to make himself look like a bad ass by beating up people who have no experience in boxing and patting himself on the back for it, like it would make up for his shitty movies.  If someone had managed to kick Uwe's ass I really wouldn't have cared all that much, would have been a little more entertaining though.  I just think he could have picked some people that were a little better or even just given them some kind of training to make the matches more even and not just him annhiliating someone who doesn't know a left jab from an uppercut.   It's like a martial arts master kicking a white belt's ass and then feeling awesome after doing so.  I also don't think his movies tarnish any part of my identity, I don't idenify myself after any game/movie for that matter.  If someone were to make an absolutely shitty movie of my favorite game, I wouldn't care, I would just say it sucks and move on.  So if your comment was targeted at me(I'm sure it wasn't just me specifically) then you are mistaken.

No it wasn't targeted at you specifically at all, but I think everyone may just be blindly assuming that looking like a badass and ego stoking are the motivations behind this rather then how it's really funny that he just beat the crap out of a bunch of internet critics.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Uwe Boll out-boxes another critic
« Reply #10 on: Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 06:47:37 AM »
I guess I just don't find it that funny.  Yay, he beat someone up.  Who cares?

I completely agree with you that these people were asking for it, though, and walked right into it.  I think they pretty much deserved whatever whallops they got.  I just think he acted like a dick through the whole thing and intentionally misrepresented himself in order to better beat up some losers, which is overall just a pretty lame stunt.  If he fought somebody cool, that'd be different.

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Re: Uwe Boll out-boxes another critic
« Reply #11 on: Thursday, September 28, 2006, 11:03:34 AM »
The original Alone in the Dark games were fucking awesome. I don't have the time to write out my thoughts, but fuck Uwe Boll, that piece of shit mother fucker. If I were a movie critic I'd take him up, get training and kill that bald fucking piece of shit.