Author Topic: Whats The Worst Teacher You've Ever Had?  (Read 3548 times)

Offline nickclone

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Whats The Worst Teacher You've Ever Had?
« on: Friday, June 22, 2007, 09:58:34 PM »
When I was in 7th grade (ten years ago) I had the most unnactractive, lesbian math teacher in the history of the world. It's one thing to be a lesbo, but this is when we were doing a experiment to see whether males did smarter than females in math or science. There was this big debate over whether one sex was better than the other at a subject, and I forced into the middle.

Anyways, this lady was a complete cunt to her all male class (which I happened to be in) out of the whole class only 2 guys passed. However, when I was very sick and had to leave early I had to get a note signed by all of my teachers. When I went into her classroom (that happened to be all females) those bitches were running around the whole classroom like it was a classroom...and not a single one failed. What a sexist cunt.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Whats The Worst Teacher You've Ever Had?
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, June 23, 2007, 02:58:34 AM »
That depends.  In grade 8 math our teacher got really sick and had to leave for the rest of the year (this was in like Oct.).  Her replacement was found at the last min. and did well enough that he got hired on full time.  "well enough" in this cased meant he didn't kill anyone with his crazy numbers.  He just wasn't prepared for teaching math for a long period of time and it fucked a lot of us for a few years

Fast forward.  In grade 10 I had the shittiest math teacher.  He was probably a mathimatical genious, but didn't know how to teach it.  Some people did well, but in a class like math some people require a certain ammount more of explanation.  He'd just throw up a bunch of exercises, give you the homework and sit there.  You'd ask him to explain something, and he'd pretty much just repeat what he said over and over again.  I'm one of the people who is good at math naturally, but I'm not someone who can just do an equation like a puzzle...i need to know why I'd be using it or it loses all meaning and gets thrown in the part of my mind that collects pointless information I figure I'll never use.  As such, I didn't do well in his class.

I got him again for Math 11.  I voiced my concern, my parents tried to get them to switch classes for me and they wouldn't do it unless I had a course conflict.  No go.  Math average dropped like 15-20% that year.  I rarely did homework, but I tried for that class.  Eventually I just gave up because I had no idea what the fuck I was doing or why.  The text book didn't help. 

Math 12...assigned same teacher.  What the fuck?  I went to the office, tried to change it, they wouldn't let me.  I asked to go to the principle (who I had through two schools and knew me.....pretty well in a different capacity).  I got a long very well with the principle on a casual basis since he let me off the hook for a lot of stuff I should have gotten in more trouble with because of how I handled things.  I believe there was a mutual respect there even though he did have to suspend me multiple times in my younger days.  Anyways, he basically said that in order to switch classes they'd have to list a personal complaint, which would cause issues with the teacher and possibly a problem with the teacher's union.  I basically told him I wasn't taking Math 12 to learn it for fun, I was taking it on the off chance I'd need it in the future.  If I'm not going to learn it in his class the whole exercise would be counterproductive to my education and thus negate his purpose as a teacher.   Nevertheless, I couldn't change, ended up in the same class. 

At the end of three terms I had an average of like 47%. Had some private lessons with one of my sister's friends who couldn't understand why I did so poorely since I knew what I was doing (just didn't know when to apply it).  After like 3-4 hour long sessions with him I went into the provincial.  Got like 82%.  A fucking university student explained it to me in like 4 hours and he couldn't teach it to me over 3 years just because he never gave any fucking context to what we were learning.  I wasn't the only one with a story like this with this guy, and quite a few people just gave up.

Probably shouldn't be a teacher.  Actually, a lot of teacher's probably shouldn't have become teachers, but in most subjects it's easy to recover from a bad year.

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Re: Whats The Worst Teacher You've Ever Had?
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, June 23, 2007, 03:20:27 AM »
we had an english teacher who basically fucked over the entire class i was in. she marked incredibly harshly and once said that she'd never given an A in her entire teaching career. i was in one of the higher classes for english and we were all more than capable. we had students in that class who had straight As through every subject, but they never got a single one with her.

when it became apparent that no matter how much effort we put in, we'd be lucky just to get passing grades, we stopped paying attention to her. we'd belittle and and fuck with her whenever we got the chance. one lesson, one of my friends emptied a tube of super glue into her bag, ruining all her stuff. when she came back and asked who did it, we all just laughed at her. she ran out of the room crying. she quit pretty soon after that. it was an evil thing to do, but i can't help thinking that we did the school years that followed us a favour.

Offline WindAndConfusion

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Re: Whats The Worst Teacher You've Ever Had?
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, June 23, 2007, 04:01:37 PM »
He was probably a mathimatical genious,

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Whats The Worst Teacher You've Ever Had?
« Reply #4 on: Saturday, June 23, 2007, 04:25:47 PM »
Wow gpw, he sounds exactly like my chemistry 2 teacher at TTU. I did fair enough in chemistry 1 cause that teacher followed up well enough in his lessons, but this guy who taught chemistry 1820 was fucking ridiculous. I think supposedly he also worked for NASA at one point, but im sure that worked well enough for him there but the guy just can't teach. He'd ramble off on tangents about astro physics or some such going on and on and act like we knew what the fuck he was talking about. When the final exam came along, it was literally a guessing game for me. Luckily I did awesome in my lab class which carried me through. The same thing went for my Java class, I fucking hated the lecture teacher cause his tests are nothing like what he taught us, as for the labs they were a different story, those were easy to follow and I made sense out of everything that came out of it... damn all this just makes me hate school all over again.

Offline Raisa

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Re: Whats The Worst Teacher You've Ever Had?
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, June 24, 2007, 01:01:54 AM »
Well there are a few.....

My math teacher in first grade was a homosexual who made it mandatory for his students to give him a peck on the cheek every morning when they came to class.  i couldn't handle it, and complained.. that was the first and last time i was called in to the principal's office.  The principal had a lot of questions for me but the next school year, the teacher was gone. I didn't mind him during math class.. Math would always be the subject i got the best grades on, even if it wasn't my favorite.  Weird.

My first piano teacher - would bang on the piano and cry each time i made a mistake.  that made me quit piano after 3 lessons.. All my other piano teachers after were much better.

My math teacher in 4th and 5th grade (same person).  She was awesome and multi-awarded but definitely very demanding.  She expected her students to reach a certain level and she really squeezed us and made us work.  Before each class she would have us do oral exercises.. Her mouthing off ridiculously long equations with ASDM, fractions, squared, etc and then point at someone and expect the person to give the answer right away.. we weren't allowed to have calculators, pens and papers during the oral exercises.

Girl scout teacher in 4th grade.  She was BORING.


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Re: Whats The Worst Teacher You've Ever Had?
« Reply #6 on: Sunday, June 24, 2007, 07:08:18 AM »
When I was in 7th grade (ten years ago) I had the most unnactractive, lesbian math teacher in the history of the world. It's one thing to be a lesbo, but this is when we were doing a experiment to see whether males did smarter than females in math or science. There was this big debate over whether one sex was better than the other at a subject, and I forced into the middle.

Anyways, this lady was a complete cunt to her all male class (which I happened to be in) out of the whole class only 2 guys passed. However, when I was very sick and had to leave early I had to get a note signed by all of my teachers. When I went into her classroom (that happened to be all females) those bitches were running around the whole classroom like it was a classroom...and not a single one failed. What a sexist cunt.
Wow man, I had the same thing in Grade 11. My maths teacher, let's call her Sherry, was exactly the same.

Mind you, we were adolescents at the time so we got pretty rebelious. The bitch set crazy double-standards. Eventually we (the guys) would just cuss at her and walk out of the class, she'd just yell out "I DID NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO LEAVE!!" to which we often replied "Didn't ask for any."

Offline HxCeddie

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Re: Whats The Worst Teacher You've Ever Had?
« Reply #7 on: Sunday, June 24, 2007, 09:23:20 AM »
I've had a couple of teachers who were real pricks to me throughout high school.

One of them was my 11th grade Latin teacher. This guy was the biggest prick ever. We never really had tests or anything to assess grading, so he basically made up grades for people. It was weird how he did it because people who sucked up to him received the best grades, then the next grading semester, he would give them F's. He was an old perv so of course, he gave all the girls in the class A's and B's. I always had conflicts with him but always managed to squeeze out a C. The reason I would have conflicts with him is because he would make fun of people for their ethnicity. While it's funny once in a while, it gets really old when he continually made fun of me and my friends (who are all Polish) about how we're stupid, put screen doors on submarines, and other jokes that are just really annoying and stupid. I would always talk back to him and give him snide remarks, which always caused me to get put on his shit list. However, one semester, I told another one of my Latin teachers that I was close with how much of a douche my Latin teacher was. That teacher (Mr. Tedeschi) talked with my teacher (Dr. Carroll) and basically said he was teaching his class wrong and that I told him everything. The next day of class, Dr. Carroll came in, took me outside of class, asked me what I told Mr. Tedeschi. I refused to tell him, so he gave me an F, then announced to the whole class that I was failing. Fucking asshole.

I would see him from time to time afterwards and he would act like I'm a fucking total idiot. He would ask me if I was going to college, then when I said yes, he would go "Oh, which community college are you in?" before I could even answer the question. I actually went to one of the best Liberal Arts schools in the country, and this guy thought I was a complete moron. Fuck him.

Another teacher that I absolutely hated was my 10th grade Geometry teacher. I admit that I suck at Math & Sciences and they have never been my strong suit. However, this teacher was a horrible teacher, and on top of that, a huge black female who smelled like shit and always played the race card. When I asked her once why she wouldn't set up after class tutoring for me but did it for another black student, she went off about how I was "ignorant and don't understand what black people went through, blah, blah, blah." I just wanted some tutoring, not a lesson about how I'm supposedly ignorant to the plight of Black Americans. She always explained things too fast, didn't like to repeat herself, and once told me to "figure it out yourself" instead of simply explaining it to me. She tried to make a classroom where the students would learn through collaboration, but the problem was that none of us knew what was going on, so it failed miserably. Half of the class was in my situation because of this. So basically, I just barely passed her class (60.5% cumulative avg., just barely) and then she tried to change my grade after they were submitted because I told her she was the worst teacher I ever had. She then said I was racist and wanted to have me suspended from school. Fucking bitch.

I've had some other bad teachers, but these two were the worst, by far.

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Re: Whats The Worst Teacher You've Ever Had?
« Reply #8 on: Sunday, June 24, 2007, 02:55:45 PM »
This is like talking about the weather; everybody can relate to it.

My worst teacher was in grade eight. She was a homeroom teacher, meaning she taught us everything but music, gym, science and french. During the second week of school she held me back after class and told me that I was going to fail grade 8, fail high school and amount to nothing, all based on my work so far. This was kind of odd because we hadn't done any work so far. The first week (not a full week, only 2 or 3 days) just amouned to learning everyones names and intros to the various subjects. A month later she pulled back all the boys in the class and gave them the same speech, and told us it was ok that we couldn't compare to the girls, we just had to try our best.

She liked to do everything in groups, and give everyone in the group the same mark. I was the only exception to the rule, didn't get above 60% in anything that year. I didn't think she had the balls to actually put that on my report card though, and she didn't, manage to get all my marks in the 80s.

She was an awful teacher too. She was unclear and contradictory in instructions, when people followed them they'd get poor marks for not working to her vision. Math was the worst. A lot of what she told us was full out wrong and most the class knew it.

I told all this to my parents and they basically just told me to suck it up. Then, at my parent/teacher interview this teacher decided to come out of the closet to my dad for me. That was fucked up in so many ways. For starters, I wasn't gay. and what kind of teacher comes out to a kids parents for him? I was only 13 years old too, if I was gay I may not have even known it at the time.

I really don't understand teachers like that. At the time it seems kind of like a battle between you and the teacher. Now, I look back and think of how small and vulnerable a thirteen year old kid can look compared to a fully grown adult. What kind of adult picks a single kid and makes it their mission to make his life a hell? It's not like I was a bad student or anything.

Offline scottws

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Re: Whats The Worst Teacher You've Ever Had?
« Reply #9 on: Sunday, June 24, 2007, 05:49:07 PM »
I can't think of any bad teachers like you guys' in that they are just dicks, but I've had a few bad teachers.

In Intro to Computer Hardware and also for Programming Logic and Methods I had this guy that had absolutely zero social skills.  I don't think he made eye contact with one student the two quarters I had him.  He would stare at the ceiling or out the window.  In the second class, there were no windows and I wondered what he would do with himself.

All he did was read off the publisher-supplied Powerpoint presentation and all the exam questions were those bullshit-directly-out-of-the-book ones that are worded in such a way that if you didn't read the book, you probably wouldn't get the answer.  He never asked any questions or really for any class participation at all.

The lab exam for Computer Hardware was a joke.  You walked up to a PC that had 3 things wrong with it and you had to fix them and get it to boot.  The idea was to test your troubleshooting skills on hardware.

Here's how it went:
1) Press power button.  Nothing happens.
2) Discover that the power cord is not plugged in.
3) Plug it in and press the power button again.
4) Disk boot failure, non-system disk or disk error.
5) Remove the floppy disk from the drive and reboot.
6) No operating system found.
7) Plug in the IDE cable and reboot.

That was half of the final exam.  I learned nothing in either of his classes.

I also had a class on the Unix/Linux operating system.  The guy teaching it was one of those young foreign types with a million degrees and doctorates.  He claimed he was going to work for NASA after the quarter was over.  Maybe he was, but he couldn't teach himself out of a paper bag.

He would frequently try to teach the wrong commands or command switches or syntax and made it obvious on several occasions that he really didn't know much about Unix at all.  The labs were pointless exercises in replication:  all we did was take a list of commands he had printed out and then repeat it on our own on a Unix box (actually it was more a Mac because it was the Darwin flavor).  His exams just had the stupidest problems to solve that you would never encounter in the real world:

"Permissions on the file foo are currently rwxrw-r--.  Change them to --------- using relative permission syntax."

In the real world, you would just do "chmod 000 foo."  The 000 takes away all permissions on the file regardless of what the starting permissions were.  But that's absolute permission syntax, he wants us to do the full on chmod u-rwx,g-rw,o-r foo command.  You would never, ever ever ever ever do that in real life.  Retarded.

I got the answer right but argued with him about it one-on-one and he said his question clearly asked for the relative syntax.  I said in the case that you are completely removing all permissions, you would never run the command using the relative permissions, you would just do chmod 000.  He said probably, but that wasn't the question he asked.

Offline Raisa

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Re: Whats The Worst Teacher You've Ever Had?
« Reply #10 on: Saturday, June 30, 2007, 02:45:54 AM »
lol! scottws... haha

reminds me of my teacher when i was 13.. i was taking up computer secretarial.. and the teacher was teaching me MS DOS and one day we were deleting. and she told me to go ahead and just practice deleting files for the rest of the class cause she had stuff to do.. so i went on deleting till it was time to go home.  i came back the next day and i had to use a different computer cause the other one wouldn't work anymore - deleting skills.