To be honest, I was never into the modding thing anyway. I played Wolf Tactics once and it sucked. I tried to get into that alien mod for HL (why can't I remember the name?) and it was okay, but it was fucking retarded if one team or the other got all the spots because they were basically an unstoppable force. I played Red Orchestra when it was in beta. Seemed interesting but no one really played it. I think the most I ever played with was like three other people.
Now for mods I liked. Day of Defeat was pretty good and had lots of people playing it, but I sucked at it. Desert Combat for BF1942 was great, but by the time I got BF1942, no one was playing it anymore, much less a mod of it so I never really got to experience how cool it could have been. I tried the two Minerva levels for HL2, but they were just more HL2 and there has only been two maps, with the last one releasing ages ago.
I just don't really care about mods.