Author Topic: Good metal bands?  (Read 4848 times)

Offline ScaryTooth

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Good metal bands?
« on: Tuesday, September 04, 2007, 07:42:07 PM »
I've been in a metal kind of mood lately. I want some good stuff. Any recommendations?

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Good metal bands?
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday, September 04, 2007, 08:02:26 PM »
Uh... that's kind of general.  What are you looking for?  Death, thrash, black, speed, technical...?  Classics, off beat stuff, newer stuff?

Lately I haven't been listening to much metal.  Only a couple things here and there.  Was listening to Samael's Passage today, which is an amazing black/death(ish) album, and the only one from the band I've heard that I like (which is odd, because I *really* like it).  Was not too long ago listening to Celldweller and Klank (there's a thread here about that).  Before that, during a very, very bad day, I was listening to Meshuggah's technical masterpiece Chaosphere, though that isn't for the faint of heart (and probably not those who aren't already versed in technical/math metal).  Another one to try on the technical end would be Psycroptic who I've been digging for a while.  Technical and fast as fucking hell.  Only album I have is The Scepter of the Ancients, which is amazing, though I think their style could become monotonous for some.  But try an album... I dig.  They've got some samples up on their page.

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Re: Good metal bands?
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, September 04, 2007, 08:55:12 PM »
Sweet. Thanks for the recommendations. I'm just kind of looking for good metal in general.

Gonna go check some of this stuff out now.

Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: Good metal bands?
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday, September 04, 2007, 09:14:49 PM »
I was going to recommend Meshuggah's Chaosphere but Que took care of that.  Like he said though it all depends on how out there you want to get.  Megadeth's Rust In Piece is a good, solid thrash album if you aren't familiar with it.  Slayer's Reign in Blood is another classic thrash album.  I myself have been listening to The Dillinger Escape Plan's Miss Machine off and on lately but they are VERY out there, you might like them if you like Meshuggah though.  Nile's recent album Ithyphallic is a good technical death metal listen and if you like them there's a good chance you'll like Behemoth, their latest album The Apostasy is good, but Demigod is a little better.  I won't give too many more names until you give impressions on those bands, but Que made some great suggestions as well, so bite off that stuff first.  Some of this stuff is heavier than others, but there's a decent spectrum of stuff.

Some music videos to give you a taste of some of the bands:

Behemoth-Slaves Shall Serve

The Dillinger Escape Plan-Panasonic Youth

Meshuggah-New Millenium Cyanide Christ  This video is cheesy, kinda funny, but I mainly posted it for the music.  It is an official video done by the band though.

Megadeth-Hangar 18 An oldie but a goodie.

Slayer-Raining Blood

Nile-Sacrifice Unto Sebek

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Good metal bands?
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday, September 04, 2007, 09:39:54 PM »
I wouldn't say you'd like DEP if you like Meshuggah, though.  They're both sort of technical bands, but on very, very different levels.  DEP is incredibly out there.  Meshuggah is more about patterns.  It isn't just about rhythm, it definitely isn't about melody, it's about polyrhythmics, repetition of sound, distinguishable patterns.  Took me a long time to get into them, and you may well not like them at all at first, but after I heard Future Breed Machine a few dozen times when it came up on my MP3 player (a friend gave me a couple songs), one day it just clicked.  Suddenly I could read and then anticipate the patterns, and then it just became practically a religion to me.  They're one of my all-time favorite bands.

Anyway, I always just have to make that little rant just because I love them, but chances are you won't (or at least not at first).  I have lyrics from Ration Gaze tattooed on my back because I'm hardcore like that (it's part of a bigger design, heh).  Forgive the video, it's a weird early version (and no less lame than the official one).  Here's Shed, another lame video with a cool song.  From their latest release, Catch 33.  Listening to that one for about 10 seconds you'll see what I mean about patterns, even though you won't get a sense of how deep it runs in their music.  Also, that one is part of an album that is essentially one long, giant song, so you'll forgive a little monotony.  It doesn't work as perfectly without the other pieces.  Though I do so love the end of that track as it leads into the next.  Makes me warm and fuzzy.

Here's an early sample too for the hell of it.

EDIT - Also, check out this medly of Meshuggah's guitarist Fredrick Thordendal playing stuff from his solo project with Morgan of Mats/Morgan.  Fucking awesome.

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Offline poomcgoo

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Re: Good metal bands?
« Reply #5 on: Saturday, September 08, 2007, 11:56:44 AM »
Check out Machine Head's new album "The Blackening."  It's awesome

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Good metal bands?
« Reply #6 on: Saturday, September 08, 2007, 12:25:36 PM »
Another new one?  I was a bit disappointed in... well, everything after Burn My Eyes.  That album owned, but everything else was kind of meh.

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