Author Topic: Dark_Alex calls it quits.  (Read 2293 times)

Offline Quemaqua

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Dark_Alex calls it quits.
« on: Sunday, September 09, 2007, 10:24:28 PM »
It's sort of old news... but I mention it because I haven't mentioned it here, and I know a lot of you don't follow this stuff too closely.

Anyway, I guess the current firmware-of-the-hour is 3.52 M33, which was done by Team M33 approximately one day after Sony's official release.  So... go them!  Thank heavens somebody took up the torch.

Also, a guy named BlackTooth made a great little PSP Upgrader/Downgrader program that appears to work very nicely and that multiple people have reported as being safe and quick.  I'm about to try it out now and load up the 3.52 M33 FW.  Wish me luck!

EDIT - Okay, maybe I'm not quite ready to make the leap.  Jeanne d'Arc doesn't need anything above 3.30, so the 'ol 3.40OE-A still works like a charm.  I'm going to hold off until I know for sure that all my current homebrew is going to work okay with M33.

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Re: Dark_Alex calls it quits.
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, September 09, 2007, 10:52:37 PM »
Bummer, but at least people as still there to keep it going.

Speaking of homebrew, on the DS side some neat things got released. New version of PuzzleManiak is improved with some background graphics and double buffering on the Untangle puzzle so its much more playable. Then theres a new version of ComicBookDS, with a new feature that allows you to download free comics right to the DS via wifi. Doesn't seem to work with the nintendo USB dongle thing that I have, but its still a neat feature if you had a real router set up.

New version of POWDER, the roguelike made especially for the GBA/DS. Its pretty sweet.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Dark_Alex calls it quits.
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, September 15, 2007, 10:26:01 PM »
Upgraded successful!  Though I didn't end up using that program.  People reported success, but it just made me too nervous.  So I went the manual route instead, following this guide.  Seems to work well, no problems with the installation.  So I'm now on 3.52 M33-4, yay!  I upgraded because I was trying to play Dead Head Fred and seemed to be getting some errors.  It ran, but I wasn't sure if there was a problem after some sound skipping issues and a couple crashes (which actually may be related to a defective 3rd party power plug I was using at the time).

Anyway... hooray and stuffs.

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