How easy is it to overclock these cpu's though? I was always of the impression that in order to be able to overclock enough for major performance boosts you'd need to lay the cash down on aftermarket cooling, a better mobo, and very good ram, thus pretty much negating the price difference in actual cpus.
I'm looking at Core 2 Duos right now, and I want something that's able to pretty much be able to play anything right now, plus for a little while to come without breaking the bank. The E6550 is $179, but aparently doesn't overclock nearly as well as the rest of them. The E6750 is $205, which isn't bad for the increase in clock speed, and it overclocks well, while the E4400 is $150.
I don't really want to fuck around too much if I'm going to be overclocking. I'd like to be able to run an app or just pop into the bios and switch some settings around quickly. I've never really done it before. That said, in my mind the E6750 at that price seems like the best bet (the E6850 is about a hundred dollars more, which isn't really worth it), but the E6550 is kind of tempting. What I read was it has a multiplier of 7, which in some way or another really affects what you can get out of it overlcocking without spending big money on whatever mobo. Any opinions on this?