I just don't think you can successfully convert an anime like Akira to a live action film.
Also I don't think it would sound right in any language other than Japanese. I am just worried they will switch the whole thing to out of Tokyo to make it more accessible.
Wrote this on IGN:
What sane reason could they have for doing this? I doubt most people who aren't into anime know Akira, so the only audience this is supposed to excite are fans of the movie. But most fans are horrified by the idea... because we all know what will happen.
Something like transformers was a good investment, because you can sell giant robots kicking ass to most people. Who does Akira appeal to, outside of its own fans?
And when you alienate them by making changes that are going come inevitably, then the project is really screwed. I am damn sure they will make sweeping changes to make the thing more accessible, so why call it Akira at all?
I can already imagine this movie taking place in some Western city, and Kaneda's name changed to Kenny while Tetsuo is just some kid named Ted. Kenny will ride around on a Harley, while Ted will be overweight and provide the comic relief.
Someone stop this madness.
I blame the success of transformers. While I thought the transformers movie kicked ass, it has whet the appetite of greedy Hollywood producers who are green lighting all sorts of stuff.
In fifteen years when this generation has grown up, we will have a live action Pokemon movie. The part of Pikachu will be played by a golden retriever.