I currently have a regular, average slider phone. I'm considering upgrading to a Blackberry because I like the idea of being able to check my email constantly as well as being able to shoot off quick ones. Instant Messaging is also a plus, as is having a device that is able to browse HTML websites at all times of the day without having to worry about WiFi or starting up my laptop. I'd grab a 2GB MicroSD card and throw some songs on it, too, as it has a headphone jack and a decent media player(I mean, it's no iPhone, but I don't really need something of that size). Ooh, and the camera is 2 megapixels. Not bad.
I'd be getting the Blackberry Personal Max plus Unlimited Messaging plan, which is an additional 49.99$ per month, but adds unlimited texting/messaging, unlimited email, and unlimited web browsing (as far as I can tell).
Anyone have any experience with them? Thoughts? How is the web browser? Are you able to browse nearly all web sites? What is the media player like? Did I pick out the right plan for my uses(I don't use a corporate email, but rather just a university one and Gmail)?