For DragonAbout upgrading to a GF 7600 model, which from I know is a decent DX9 card (for Windows XP), I'd be definitely worried about how long it'll last for you if you really want to play say lots of new released PC games and those in the future.
That's b/c right now, straight out that box, that card already barely meets the vid-card requirements of Guitar Hero 3 PC, which requires a GF 7600 as a mimimum. Even though you would have 512 MB there (as opposed to the 256 MB requirement, which is a good start to have double on the vid-card RAM as the min. requirement), you're unfortunately still on the same model number as the minimum requirement (the 7600).
Also, that card just won't allow you to be able to at all run Stranglehold PC nor Shadowrun PC, which both require for a mimimum a GF 7800.
(Though, it's also worth noting that Shadowrun PC does require Windows Vista ONLY, unlike Stranglehold PC.)
I think we'll see more X360 -> PC games get very high requirements, getting somewhat lazy ports when it comes to these games supporting mid-range PC vid cards. Also, it really feels like, w/ most new brand PC games, the GF 6600 seems to be the commonly seen vid-card minimum for new released PC games -- that is the minimum vid-card requirement for Bioshock PC, Gears of War PC, Top Spin 2 PC, and The Witcher.
Also, I think we will now see w/ the 256 MB GF 6800 become a commom vid-card minimum, especially more so in the next year 2008, since I bet some will upgrade beyond that card just to play Crysis -- since that card is its minimum vid-card requirement. So, I think the industry, in due time, will follow suit -- where dev's will start supporting that card and beyond as a minimum.
Though, as far as I know, if you're looking for a DX10 card (for Windows Vista) for the future of your PC gaming, you might want to start looking elsewhere -- namely, for a 512 MB GF 8800 GT or above seems to run DX10 games much better; keep in mind, those can be quite costly,, we might want to wait for a nice big price drop on those...
Directed at PugPuggy, let me know if you ever find that 512 MB GF 8800 GT for like $200 or less online!

Pug, in your opinion -- if he's looking for just say a quick vid-card "band-aid" for around $130 or less and to stick w/ NVidia, would he be better off w/ going w/ say a 7600 or 8600 model? Doesn't the 7600 beat the 8600, in some games even???
Pug clafiries in below post that it's was not the 7600 beating the 8600.
It was the 7900 that was beating the 8600.