Keebs was asking this earlier in the other thread, so we can just turn this into the new discussion.
Today I had a really good game against two computer opponents, although a large part of my victory was my positioning. I was in the USA and going against Africa and Europe. Basically I massed my fleets in the open Atlantic and wedged myself between both their fleets and came out with over half my fleet intact. Not bad for 2:1 odds, no? The trick was I launched every fighter I could as soon as Defcon 3 went active. Half my carriers launched bombers first, the rest went fighters and I did my best to have the aircraft hit the enemy fleets first. By the time their ships got in range to do ship-to-ship combat I had killed half of each of their fleets so it was 1:1, but I already had more planes in the air and that finished things off fast. After the bulk of the navel combat was done I went into anti-sub mode with a few carriers and positioned them around the Atlantic and my own subs were nearing nice central positions by each continent. While this was happening Defcon 1 went active and I started making small bombing runs against costal radars and airbases I had managed to scout out from my carriers and their subs started to get caught in my net, so I moved a bit of my fleets above my own subs to protect them when it came for them to start firing. The time came and both sides opened up their silos. With a pretty quick strike I was able to knock out nearly all their silos before they went back into AA mode and they managed to knock out what was left on their own. Only a few missiles managed to make it towards me, but I had the Atlantic so full of ships that I was tracking them them whole way and they were shot down as soon as they got in range of my own AA silos. From there I was pretty much able to open my own stores and preceed to blow everything up uncontested. In the end the score was something like 200, -50, -100 and not a single nuke hit my soil.