So map editing is possible, but its pretty tricky right now. There is one program for creating the vector coastlines, but its not the best to use. Mainly because the window is small and unzoomable, so creating a fairly detailed coastlines file is very difficult. Cant get the kind of resolution out of it I'd like. There is supposed to be a more official type of map maker in the works, so I guess I'll wait for that.
There is a city placer program thats pretty easy as well. Click where you want the city, name the city, population, done. want to zoom in to make sure you get it in the right place. Hopefully thats in the main map maker.
So, what map am I going to make? World of Warcraft! 6 capitols, 6 DEFCON players? Sounds like a perfect mix to me. I'll just chop up the zones around the major cities. Some of it wont make much sense (Dustwallow Marsh would be connected to Orgrimmar) but thats just a gameplay thing. Heres kind of what I figured:
Undead: Tirisful Glades, EPL/WPL, Silverpine, Alterac, Hillsbrad foothills, Hinterlands, Arathi
Dwarves/Gnomes: Dun Morough, Wetlands, Loch Modan, Badlands, Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes, Redridge Mountains
Humans: Elewyn, Westfall, Duskwood, Swamp of Sorrows, Blasted Lands, Deadwind Pass, STV
Night Elves: Teldrassil, Darkshore, Moonglade, Winterspring, Felwood, Ashenvale, Stonetalon
Orcs/Trolls: Durotaur, Azshara, Barrens, Dustwollow
Tauren: Mulgore, Desolace, Feralas, 1k Needles, Tanaris, Un'Goro, Silithus
If you look at a WoW map, this makes sense. Tauren/orc area is hard because Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar are so close together. Tarens get a fairly substantial chunk of land...we'll see how that goes.