Massive lolz in this thread.
Anyway, I got half caught by my mom, but she pretended she didn't see anything and promptly left. Oh, and she never mentioned it again.
I was never caught in the act by my high school gf or her parents, which is shocking. We would do stupid shit all the time.
One time her sister came downstairs when we were both naked and I was getting blown. The only thing we could grab was this tiny little blanket that could barely cover us. We pulled it up to our necks and grabbed our clothes and threw them underneath. Her sister comes down because she needs to "talk". She proceeds to go into the intricate details of some boy situation for the next half an hour. I proceed to grab gf's boobies for most of it.
GF brought it up with her later, and she was entirely clueless. I don't know how she could have not known..