Author Topic: Silverfall: Earth Awakening - Update: Game now out in USA over STEAM  (Read 4069 times)

Offline MysterD

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Silverfall: Earth Awakening - Update: Game now out in USA over STEAM
« on: Sunday, January 13, 2008, 08:03:40 AM »
Here's some info and screenies on the Silverfall: Earth Awakening.

This is a Stand-Alone Expansion coming sometime in 2008.
Original Silverfall game will NOT be required to play this one.

Posted on Friday, January 11 @ 10:49:00 PST

Silverfall is an RPG set in a fantasy world of magic, machines and mayhem, the choices you make during the game take you along the path of nature or technology. The addon features an updated engine with improved gfx/performance, two new races, over 50 new pieces of armor, 42 new weapons, 20 new maps, and optimized multiplayer.


Now I just looked at the Trailer (50 MB), which is in German -- talk about totally revamping the interface, which is what the trailer shows off.

Looks like you can drag the bars and interface anywhere you want on screen.

The interface looks much slicker, prettier, and all of that jazz.

Unfortunately, I can't read what looks to be German -- but it looks like you can sort Inventory by types and whatnot, b/c they click on something and it only shows Weapons, then Armor, then Potions, etc etc. :P

Here's an interview which I ain't seen before til now -- back from August 2007. Interview is w/ The Project Manager of Silverfall and Silverfall Expansion, Jehanne Rosseau. She goes into the expansion pack w/ its upcoming changes, fixes, additions, and whatnot.

Here's Jehanne.

Silverfall: Earth Awakening
Leipzig, Thursday August, 23th 2007

This interview has been conducted by Gorkk for GameGrob during the Games Convention 2007 in Leipzig.

Jehanne Rousseau, Project Manager at Monte Cristo for Silverfall and Silverfall: Earth Awakening.

GameGrob: I am here with Jehanne Rousseau, Project Manager at Monte Cristo for Silverfall, who agreed to answer a few questions for us. Hello Jehanne.

Jehanne Rousseau: Hello.

GG: During the Games Convention, you officially announce an add-on for Silverfall, which were released in France in November 2006 and at the beginning of 2007 in the other countries. When did you start the development of the add-on, and where are you at in this development?

Jehanne Rousseau: We started working on the add-on right after the last patch for Silverfall, the 1.17 patch mid-April. The development is almost over, as we're now starting the debug phase. For us, the master will be ready before the end of the year, and the add-on released at the beginning of next year.

GG: The French release for Silverfall had been stained by a clear lack of time to finish the game and include the features you wanted. With this add-on, will you have more time to polish the work?

JR: Indeed yes, as it being an add-on, we use the same graphic engine, even though we add some optimizations to it, and we basically only enhance and add content, which saves much time and can only push us towards a better quality.

(click to show/hide)

GG: It's time to get to the new things of the add-on. With Silverfall, lots of players complained about not having a trade interface. Will it be available in the add-on?

JR: It will. It is something we would really have loved to put in the base game, but that we couldn't get into. One must admit that having to drop items on the flour to trade with others was not very practical.

GG: Likewise, one popular demand was for the possibility of moving items between characters on the same computer, with a shared stash for example.

JR: That's something we're thinking about, but there's no promise it will be featured in the add-on. Our main focus has been the permanent ingame interface and the lot of new features and modifications of the add-on.

GG: Generally speaking, an add-on offers new character classes. With Silverfall system, this would mainly be new races. What about it?

JR: There's two new races in the add-on: the dwarf and the lizardman. The dwarf was a race very popular among the community, so it was natural for us to add it. Of course, like for other base races in Silverfall, it will be possible to choose the gender of the character, as well as its facial traits and its hairs. You will then be able to play a dwarf female or a lizardwoman.

GG: In Silverfall, each race had specific skills; The troll for example had skills making him tougher, the Goblin had techno skills... What kind of skills will those two new races have?

JR:The dwarf will get skills making him more resilient, defence wise and magical resistances wise. As for the lizardman, he will oriented towards archery, with skills increasing agility, enhancing archery, etc.

GG: During the months preceding Silverfall's original release, in particular during the E3 2006, there had been announces of features for Silverfall which didn't make it in the game when released. Among those were the Ultimate Skills which you were supposed to unlock above level 80 with two skill trees maxed. Have those Ultimate Skills been included in the add-on?

JR: Yes we added the Ultimate Skills. There's 8 of them. In addition to these 8 Ultimate, there's 22 new skills added by the add-on, some for high levels, other offering new possibilities to the player, on top of the racial skills of the two new races.

GG: Upon release, there was no unique item in Silverfall. There was no set items with set bonuses either. With the various patches on Silverfall, you added some unique items. Will you add more, as well as sets, in the add-on?

JR: Definitely yes. We add a bunch of unique items with the add-on, and we introduce sets of items.

GG: In Silverfall, the higher difficulty levels had a limited interest, due to their only effect being the added hitpoints to the monsters. Can we expect some changes regarding this particular point?

JR: Generally speaking, monsters have been completely revamped. They will now use much many more skills, and will partly adapt their combat tactics to the player's behaviour, and in particular whether he's attacking in melee or at range. Of course, at low level the monsters will not use many skills, and they will use them much more and higher level, and will as well be more “intelligent”. Further more, we have worked a lot on the resistances to the various magics, to incite the player to carefully choose their buffs, and equipment of course. Some bosses in the base game have been reworked as well to make them smarter and require more tactics; of course, the new bosses of the add-on have been conceived with that in mind. All in all, it's possible that players used to Silverfall will find the game harder, but they will find a much greater challenge with it.

GG: Is there any modifications regarding the interface or the controls? I think in particular of the camera management which was not really convenient in Silverfall.

JR: There has been a tremendous amount of work on this. As a starter, the camera is now completely free, somehow like the one in Guild Wars: you can now not only rotate the camera, but change its tilt as well independently of the zoom, and place the camera right on top of the character or parallel to the floor. Additionally we introduce in the add-on a new option to control the character: on top of the classic Point & Click available in the base game, it will now be possible to control fully ones character with the keyboard, moving with the WASD keys and selecting the enemies with the TAB key.

JR: Lastly, the interface has been completely reviewed and enhanced as well, and now each and any graphical element of the interface can now be moved on the screen at will by the player, including the life and energy bubbles, the elements of informations on the group members, etc. We have revamped the other ingame panels as well (skills, quest log, etc.), trying to answer as many player demands as possible and focusing on ergonomic and simplification.

GG: Regarding the story, the add-on adds a brand new campaign, and its lot of secondary quests. What is the length of this new campaign?

JR: Le main quest in the add-on is more or less as long as the one in the base game, et will be completed by around 50 new side quests. The player will go through around 20 brand new maps, which are all graphically unique, unlike the base game where several maps used the same kind of environment. There will hence be a large diversity with the new areas.

GG: And then a large new base to work with for the modders community, and create new campaigns with the editor?

JR: Exactly.

GG: What are the other new features this add-on have to offer?

JR: First of all, the add-on will be available as a standalone add-on, which means it will possible to play it without the original game.

GG: What will players with only the add-on have access to?

JR: They will have access to every races including the 4 of the base game. However, they will only be able to play the add-on campaign and won't have access to the base game campaign. They will start the game at level 45....

(click to show/hide)

JR: if they had done none of the quests for rebuilding, without any techno or nature orientation. The choice of the nature or techno orientation will be offered to them when starting the game.

GG: At times, game performances were not great in Silverfall, and this even with good rigs. Any improvements here?

JR: Actually yes. We made lots of optimisations on the graphic engine, which makes the game much more smooth and most configurations. Most the enhancements will be available as well to people without the add-on through a patch which will be released probably during October.

GG: Many players wished they had a crafting system in Silverfall. Do you have something for them?

JR: We do indeed. I would even say it's the main feature of the add-on, as it offers a full crafting system, allowing the players to not only modify items, but as well to create their own new items through an ingame editor which will be available to the player when he develops his crafting skills. There will be one window to create new items, and another one to enhance items you or others have created.

JR: With the creation window, the player will be able to choose the main material used for the item. He will then choose the main colour of the item with a complete colour palette. Then he will be able to add two rigid pieces like a shoulder pad on the armour part being created, and choose their material and colour as well. Each of these rigid parts can then be enhanced with additional stuff like add gems or spikes. Each and every of the choices available to the player, apart from the colours, will provide different bonuses, which means that the player shall choose the appearance of the created item, but must be careful of the quality of the created item. Anyway, that gives an incredible amount of possibilities! Even more considering that it is then possible to imbue these items to make them even more interesting.

JR: On top of that we added demon stones to enhance armour pieces and weapons (except for backpacks). There's two kind of demon stones: lesser demons, who give small bonuses and relatively common, and greater demons, very rare, and which can only be obtained through quests. The later can evolve through side quests they will give to the player, which will grant them new levels and let them give higher bonuses. Those stones can be removed from the items and added on top of new ones of course. We came with the idea with the Stormbringer RPG, for those who happen to know it.

GG: Two more quick questions before we leave. First, what will be the price range for this add-on?

JR: Most likely around 30 €, or rather just below, like 29.90 €.

GG: Last one. Until now, this add-on was known as “Standalone Add-on” or “Work in progress”. With the Games Convention, do we now have a name?

JR: The French name is still awaiting the approval of our publisher, and will be announced later, maybe during the Festival du Jeu Vidéo in Montreuil next month. For the English speaking countries, the name is “Earth Awakening”, et the German name is more or less a literal translation of it (Note: the German name is “Das Erwachen der Elementer”, which means “The Awakening of the Elements”). It is probable the French name will be of the same kind.

GameGrob: Thank you very much for this interview and all these informations Jehanne.
« Last Edit: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 08:45:46 AM by MysterD »

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Re: Silverfall: Earth Awakening (Stand-Alone Expansion Pack) Thread
« Reply #1 on: Friday, February 08, 2008, 02:52:04 PM »
Original Post:
German and French demos for this game have been released.
They're around 1.3 GB for DLing, for those who speak those languages.

I wonder when the English demo will be coming...

EDIT on Feb. 25th, 2008:
Looks like this game is announced in some territories and actually available in some territories already.
Silverfall: Earth Awakening AU Website & EU Releases [February 25, 2008, 08:37 am ET] - Viewing Comments

A new Australian Silverfall: Earth Awakening Website is home to this upcoming add-on for Silverfall, the hack-and-slash RPG. Earth Awakening has also been released in a couple of territories, the German Silverfall Website announces the German availability of the expansion, while its release in France is likewise outlined on the French Silverfall Website. Thanks Gamer's Hell.
Yeah, so where's the UK and US Silverfall: Earth Awakening Websites? :P
« Last Edit: Monday, February 25, 2008, 04:12:29 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Silverfall: Earth Awakening (Stand-Alone Expansion Pack) Thread
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 03:37:01 PM »
Update from this mess I spoke of on another thread w/ Silverfall: EA.

Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #222 on: Saturday, March 15, 2008, 05:24:37 PM »

Silverfall: Earth Awakening (stand-alone expansion).

Well, I'm "trying" to play it....

Here's the problems:
--Anytime I try to entire the new area in the game, whether it's w/ a brand-new character or an imported character, the game CTD's every freakin' time.
(Thinking I might have to reinstall, thinking some in-game map area might not have copies from disc to PC; which is a common issue I luckily didn't run into w/ the original Silverfall game.)
--And anytime I try to pick-up the game w/ an existing character after it CTD'd when trying to enter that area before-hand, the game will CTD.

New Technical Features
Okay, let me talk about what I did get to play and check out, which is before the new area I can't get into. I'm gonna talk about the complete overhaul of everything -- Interface, Camera, Inventory, everything.

The game finally got customizable controls now!
(You could not customize any controls in the original Silverfall game).

Game camera is now FULLY unlocked a la NWN games -- and you have an entire set of controls you can customize for all kinds of stuff! Excellent.

The Mini-Map Box, Left Click Action Toolbar, Right Click Action Toolbar, Health-Power Bars Box, and Companion Boxes are no longer locked into place on-screen. These are now in-game windows, which can be manipulated to sit ANYWHERE on the screen; wherever you want to put it. Wicked cool.

Inventory is now split up by types. No more messy inventory of different items all over the place, w/out some sort of Auto-Sort Option. You can sort by your Inventory by Armor, Weapons, Miscellaneous, and Materials (for Crafting).

Journal is much easier to read w/ a much smaller and nicer font; quests can be sorted even further than before. You can now even sort quests by even their Location (of where you actually got them from).

NPC's in the gameworld had icons overheard in the original to often symbolize a quest-giver or whatever. It goes further. There's even some to symbolize if they are Merchant, NPC That Can Join Your Party, etc etc.

Okay, end of that quoting.

Let's fast-forward to today, March 18th.

I got advice on the Silverfall Official French Boards (the game's out in France and Europe) on what to do. Others have had the actual SAME problem.

So, I uninstalled the entire thing and put it back in, in a certain order. Namely, you skip over installing Patch 1.17.

If you have original Silverfall and you actually install Silverfall: Patch 1.17 (before you install Silverfall: Earth Awakening in the same folder), this breaks Silverfall: Earth Awakening (which is after that expansion pumped up to Version 1.50), once you install that stand-alone expansion. So, prepare to uninstall everything and then start from scratch.

So, here's what you do, to avoid breaking the game.
1. Install Silverfall.
2. DO NOT EVER install Silverfall Patch 1.17 period.
3. Install Silverfall: Earth Awakening.

I tried it and it worked fine. :)

Got the expansion game going fine now! W0ot!!!

« Last Edit: Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 04:20:59 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Silverfall: Earth Awakening Thread
« Reply #3 on: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 08:21:03 AM »
Silverfall (Original) and Silverfall: Earth Awakening has joined the STEAM Club.

Right now on Steam
SF: Original is $29.99.
SF: EA is $17.99.

You can buy Silverfall: Complete package (with SF + SF: EA) for $35.99 from Steam.