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Source Does a 360 [October 16, 2006, 1:50 pm ET] - 16 CommentsValve announces an Xbox 360 version of the Source engine is being licensed as middleware: Bellevue, WA - October 11, 2006 - Valve®, an entertainment and technology studio, is pleased to announce the availability of the Source™ engine technology as an official middleware solution for developers on the Xbox 360TM video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. Source, the technology that powered Valve's Half-Life® 2, is already the benchmark game technology on Microsoft's Windows platform, offering state of the art performance in graphics, networking, artificial intelligence, physics simulation and more. The version of Source, available for Xbox 360, is optimized to utilize the platform's advance graphics hardware and offer full support for Xbox Live®. "The combination of Source and the Xbox 360 provides game designers throughout the industry the chance to create powerful entertainment experiences," said Gabe Newell, president and co-founder of Valve. "Whether they're pursuing a traditional FPS, RTS, RPG or delving into new genres, Source and the Xbox 360 are designed to offer the flexibility and tools to allow designers to pursue any design imaginable." For more information about licensing Source or leveraging any of Valve's technologies, please email Jason Holtman (jasonh@valvesoftware.com).
No Steam, its Xbox.
I wonder how many devs will licence it, esp since it has to compete with Unreal Engine 3.
Taking night classes, D?