I honestly don't know why people have so much trouble with that boss. I don't get it at all. I mean, I get that it isn't necessarily a cakewalk, but I really didn't have any trouble with it.
Maybe a video like this would help? I also made a post about it in a thread at Bit-Blot.com.
I have no idea if that's helpful or not because I didn't even reread it before posting it here, heh.
Watched the video. I did better than that guy when I did it right. For one thing, he isn't using the light beam, which shreds the Ing nicely. For another, he got lucky like I did. The pillars were destroyed at good intervals. They can be gone all at once (so the 100+ orbs are wasted) or stay standing for the whole fight.
Read the thread on the Aquaria forums. I hadn't been there for a while. I remember Glamador. When I'm at my most negative about
Echoes, I sympathize with some of what he says. I don't agree it's a bad game or a cheap sequel. That's crap. But I initially felt the same way about beam ammo and the constant health drain in Dark Aether. Then I got the Dark Suit and discovered (like you) how easy it is to replenish the ammo, and those complaints fell by the wayside. If anything, Dark Aether makes it easier to stay at full health, since it creeps back up in safe zones. (That does bring up gpw's valid complaint about slow recharges by standing still: you're going to sit there and wait if you think the boost will be needed around the next corner, which is a lot of dead time.)
Alpha Blogg was indeed a low point for me as well. Not as hard or unfair at all, but it took me by surprise after a good while without saving, and of course it killed me. By the third time I had pretty much figured him out, but the damage was done. Nothing infuriates me more than having to repeat a substantive game sequence just because I can't save before a deadly challenge. I figured out exactly how close I could get to him before the fight and still save, after that. Did it, fought him a couple more times, and on I went.
Then I get to the Grapple Guardian. This guy was by no means hard, but just a pain in the ass. The game's mechanics are not well suited to having to run behind somebody and turn around quickly. He was never stunned or stuck to the generators long enough to make that become easy. As a result, I spent a lot of time, and I mean a lot, just circling the safe zones trying to get the drop on him. It didn't help one bit that you can't lock on to the weak spot while he has his shell. Again, the game mechanics do not work well for this kind of fight if you can't lock on to where it matters. The new Wii controls, if they actually do happen, should improve this fight considerably, from a fun-factor perspective.
I stayed up till the wee hours last night (this morning) unable to break myself away from the game. So it certainly has me hooked. The last thing I did was go get an energy tank I had seen much earlier on the other side of a grapple point. Let's see what tonight brings.