The problem is that the game didn't do as well as some of the past ones, so the community isn't quite as huge. Which is fine, because you still have an active, dedicated player base, but the problem is that it's a very dedicated player base, so it's pretty hard to get an edge. There are times when I do okay and hold my own, but then somebody good will come on the server and I just get decimated. It's pretty demoralizing.
The up side is that there's all the single player stuff, and while that isn't like mind-blowing or anything, and it's full of the typical funky Epic stuff, it's still fun as hell to play, and the bots are all awesome and you can make good use of them to play any kind of game you want. I don't consider it a bad investment, nor am I sorry I bought it. I think it's a fantastic game and *much* better than most of the reviewers and complainy community members made it out to be.