Author Topic: Uh...what?  (Read 2406 times)

Offline idolminds

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« on: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 12:01:09 PM »
Age of Empires Mythologies (DS) review on 1up

Lets see what we've got here...
Age of Empires Mythologies (Nintendo DS)
Release Date: 11/24/2008
ESRB Rating: E10+
Genre: Strategy
Publisher: THQ
Developer: THQ
Oh, ok so then...
Those of you familiar with the Age of Empires series on PC but unfamiliar with the DS conversion need to know that Age of Empires: Mythologies is not, I repeat, not a strategy game, real-time or otherwise.
But its listed under strategy?
It's a straightforward tactics title, similar to Intelligent Design's Advance Wars series. In fact, except for the historical-mythological setting, it's virtually identical to that series in terms of gameplay and design.
Now you're just fucking with me.

Someone care to explain how a "tactics" game isn't simply a sub-genre of strategy?

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Uh...what?
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 06:46:54 PM »
Because when you write for 1UP, you live in another world.  A magical place where logic and sense are thrown to the wind!

But no, it can actually be explained (though you aren't wrong in thinking it's silly).  It's kind of a stupid thing to say, as obviously you'd still call this a strategy game, just like you call tactical RPGs SRPGs, not TRPGs, but it isn't entirely inaccurate.  Strategy and tactics, while intrinsically linked, are two different things in senses other than genre.  Truly, even games that deal with tactics are going to require the player to have some sort of strategy, so it's sort of arguing semantics a bit, but:

Tactics can generally be viewed as the minutiae of active battle, while strategy generally refers to bigger, more sweeping concepts and long-term planning like troop movements, etc.  So strategy is the bigger thing which eventually pushes you into tactics, and tactics is, more or less, just the execution of your strategy.  You could also use it like: "they were using guerrilla tactics"; i.e. as a synonym for "methods".

EDIT - It occurs to me that in the chess thread, I remarked an example I read a while back about the differences between chess, checkers, and go.  Go is all strategy (long-term), checkers is all tactics (immediacy), and chess is a balance of both.

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Offline gpw11

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Re: Uh...what?
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 06:51:29 PM »
That's actually pretty interesting in that I've never even thought about it that way.  Que, you are a scholar and a gentleman.

But back to 1up, can we just agree that everything about that site blows?

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Uh...what?
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 06:55:01 PM »
Yes, we can.

What's funny is that most RTS games are actually even less strategic than something like Advance Wars in many cases, despite what this guy seems to imply in the 2nd quote.  Those games, mostly due to the speed they go at (at least in multiplayer), often can't be anything but tactics.  Some break that mold, and sometimes it will also depend on the map you're playing, but in many cases it's just about who can build shit the fastest and micromanage units the best.  That isn't strategy on any level.

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