Well, I actually wanted a pair for my computer. We have an hour of load shedding (rolling blackout) a day, every day. And while the UPS kicks in fine etc, I don't want to put the extra load of my 5.1 Altec Lansings on them as well.
I bought a generator a year ago, but have been too lazy to have it installed. Well, actually, I took a couple of appointments with the electrician, but something else always came up. Besides, the three UPSs (they are really heavy duty [http://www.overwritten.net/forum/index.php?topic=3790.0]) are enough to power the important parts of the house...
So ummm... yea I just want to use my wireless headphones when I don't have power. It isn't that I am too lazy to plug in regular headphones to the mobo (well that too), but wireless will give me enough range to get some work done as well.
I did some research and came across these:
http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-980397-0403-Wireless-Headphones-iPod/dp/B0009N5MDICNet liked them, though they said the range kinda sucks.
What worries me is that they have a tendency to snap in half over time, if the user has an above average sized head!
Julia always tries to watch TV and has to have volume battles with them
Man, that's one of the few advantages of living in this part of the world; the houses are made of cement. They are just more sound proof that way. Still, there has to be some sort of a solution here! I mean, watching TV is one of the basic activities for most people. Can't you a) Move the TV to another room b) Kill your neighbors c) Both?
Do you have surround sound with sub woofers or something? Being unable to do something as basic as that must be frustrating.
I don't even know what kind they are (Sony, I think, and pretty old), but they work... okay. The main problem is when tuning it's very hard to get the signal just right, and when you hear the right volume level, you usually get some whining along with it. Unfortunately it isn't a correctable problem as it has nothing to do with the volume level of the TV or whatever. Might be interference from something else, but I haven't found what if that's the case. Other headphones probably don't suffer from this so much, but I don't really know. Still, they do work.
As a kid, I used to go to my aunts house a lot, and she'd let me watch TV while she slept in the afternoon. I think it was a Sony, and it came with a pair of wireless headphones. They are pretty neat, and didn't have any interference.
I am sure you can find a cheap pair that does the job for you. Still, what if you want to watch together?
Is this neighbor thing a problem, because Julia likes to watch TV late? Or are these guys being dicks in general?