Author Topic: Bf 2142 = spyware?  (Read 10652 times)

Offline MysterD

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Re: Bf 2142 = spyware?
« Reply #40 on: Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 01:53:32 PM »
The best part is you can barely tell that theres ads!

This is an unedited screenshot.

So, Pepsi made its way to 2141, eh? ;)

Is Taco Bell there? I remember in Demolition Man, which takes place in the future, Taco Bell was still around -- and survived some sort of "chain restaurant" war or somethin'; hehe.

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Re: Bf 2142 = spyware?
« Reply #41 on: Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 02:06:04 PM »
Haha I love in Futurama how many of the things are still there but they're somehow different :P "Taco Bellevue Hospital"

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Re: Bf 2142 = spyware?
« Reply #42 on: Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 07:45:58 PM »
Holy crap that's aweful huge.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Bf 2142 = spyware?
« Reply #43 on: Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 09:50:10 PM »
That does look fugly.  Must be at low settings.  At least I would hope so.  Or maybe not.  After all, I do want this to fail.  And yes, that's huge, and I would never play a game with giant ads like that in it.  Never.

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Re: Bf 2142 = spyware?
« Reply #44 on: Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 10:03:12 PM »
That kind of advertising would be totally fine in FIFA! Or TrackMania Nations! Hell advertising boards like that could have passed off as acceptable in competition arenas like in Tribes Vengeance, even UT. But that's only because they are appropriate to the "stadium" environment. They're completely inappropriate and irrelevant to the setting and environment of this game.

I sure hope stupid/relentless advertising doesn't ooze its way into other promising titles.

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Re: Bf 2142 = spyware?
« Reply #45 on: Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 10:11:49 PM »
I saw a series of screens on one site (sorry, dont have the link anymore) where he went around one map and took pics of where all the billboards are. The ad server wasnt up or he did it offline because it was just some generic image, but all the billboards were large like the one above..and they seemed like they were all over.