What kind of cat was Butch, X?
My rat's probably about 2 and a half or nearing 3 years old now. Considering that he's just a feeder rat, he's done remarkably well for himself. Julia didn't know any better when she bought him, so it's no surprise at all that he's in ill health. But he's hung in there like a champ and is really probably getting somewhere close to the end of his natural lifespan, illness or no. Feeder rats like this don't generally make it beyond 3 years or so, whereas better quality rats from breeders and such can go as long as maybe 6, depending on breed (but that's really quite at the outside). So he's had a good run, not to mention he got to live like a king instead of becoming snake food. To be honest, I don't think I've ever been quite this close to a pet. Even my dog, who I loved dearly, didn't depend on me quite so much as he does, and was a little more independent. Julia and I are really going to miss him. We do plan to get more rats, though. Next time we're going to try to get two, and hopefully two bred from better stock.