Author Topic: Man, I'm broke  (Read 2755 times)

Offline gpw11

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Man, I'm broke
« on: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 10:43:21 PM »
First of all, I had a wicked yet wicked expensive summer.  That in itself is awesome, but kind of depressing in retrospect.  It's not all that big of a deal except; 

1.) I'm entering a year of school in an advanced program.  Basically I take six courses every six weeks and finish 6 semesters worth of courses in three (roughly).  Obviously I knew I was doing this and it isn't a big deal but at the last minute they changed the schedule for the entire year due to the Olympics being here in February and a mandatory break during that time. The end result is my classes got moved around in such a way that I lose about 10 hours of work a week I was kind of relying upon. 

2.) My government student loan application got turned down.  Initially I wasn't going to apply for one as I really hate debt, but because of the aforementioned schedule change I figured I'd try.  I was denied based on the fact that I made too much money over the last four months, borderline make too much money period, and they don't properly account for expenses/debts.  The fact that I used a non-government student loan to help out with my first degree didn't do me any favors here as it just shows up to them as a general line of credit...which they don't count as a debt for some fucking reason.  This wouldn't bother me really except for the fact that  I know people pulling in more money in EI than I make and sitting on their ass collecting child tax.  Cut me a fucking break for not taking the easy route and just settling with a trade right out of high school.  Run your goddamn loans like a bank - look at what it's for and my potential to pay it back...obviously need comes into play but don't penalize me for working full time while going to school full time last year. 

3.) I have like $20,000 in debt as it is from the last few years of school (hence why I didn't want to take out another student loan).  Well, those and various other expenses.  That in itself doesn't bother me and I have excellent credit, but I now have to let it sit and either just make minimum payments or get my payments deferred.  I hate that because I hate the feeling of just treading water instead of making progress.

4.) I moved back to my parents place recently as my father is ill and I wanted to save some cash to pay for said school.  Obviously this is kind of a plus, but I made the foolish decision of tossing most of my old furniture.  I plan to be back out around April once my summer semester is paid for.  I really won't be able to buy all new shit...or any new shit.

All in all I'm not in bad shape.  I have a newish car covered by warranty for four more years, no high interest debt, a well paying job (for a while I hope) and will walk away with two degrees.  Yet, right now it really feels like it sucks. Basically what I'm trying to say here is we should start a ponzi scheme.

All in all I'm not in all that bad shape.