I've never really been one for these things because my personality is sort of at odds with itself. I don't easily fit into categories because I'm neurotic, and I usually can't stand the questions these things ask. That was the case here. A good 25% of the questions made me angry because there was no third option or because it was too general. Do I value justice over mercy? No, but I certainly don't value mercy over justice. Do I feel involved watching TV soaps? I have no idea, I don't watch them. Is it difficult to get me excited? No, it's extremely easy, but it almost never happens because so few people give a shit about the things that excite me. I trust reason rather than feelings, but I'm a very emotionally-driven person in many ways.
Anyway... also as expected, I was indifferent about the answer it spat out at me at the end. It classified me as an INTJ. Some of it seemed accurate, some less so. But the more I read, the more I found it to actually sound quite a lot like me. I took issue with certain things at first glance, but upon rereading some of them decided they weren't necessarily wrong. Most of these statements were the kind that dealt with tendencies rather than anything concrete, so I could forgive them. While I don't necessarily tend toward those things, a lot of people with a similar personality to mine could certainly be presumed to fall in line with those somewhat frequently. If I were to try and make this general reading more accurate, I'd say that I'm an INTJ with a healthier dose of interpersonal skills. I'm kind of a loner, I very much value logic and analysis, I do tend to wish my relationships were far more logical and a lot less emotional, and I don't generally go out to parties and that kind of thing, but I'm good at small talk and flirtation (I was better at it when I wasn't fat), I fit in almost anywhere, I rarely feel uncomfortable in any group of people, and usually when I go out with people I don't know well I'll end up being friends with some of them by the end of the evening.
Anyway, I'm actually pretty impressed. This is definitely one of the better of these that I've tried.