Of course, I'm committed to the job . . . oh, in its entirety? No, not that. I've been sending out enough applications to merit thank-you notes from the post office and my ISP. I've been sporting the best smiles I can muster in every interview, even the vast majority which I knew would go nowhere. I've been pounding the pavement until it got sick of me and pounded back. And now, now that I am almost assured of landing something, finally, after all that pain and effort, thanks to you, now I am going to come clean and tell you that while I am committed to this job, if I get it, I am not committed to it in its entirety. Because, you see, I am a fucking moron. Either that, or I like being unemployed. Only a fucking moron would fail to see that saying anything other than exactly what you want to hear at this point blows the deal. But then again, only a fucking moron would fail to realize that anything positive I write you at this point is entirely meaningless. What else would I say, if I really wanted this job, or if I had any brains?
Does that answer your question?
Sincerely up yours,
No One