Wow, that sounds chaotic. What a strange thing to happen in your first week... I hope no one was too testy with you.
Anyway, my net is back and how it came back was very odd.
First of all, when I called the help line, they had me go to the modem settings and told me that for some reason the receive and transmit power levels were too low. They couldn't explain it, and told me that someone would come check things out in the morning.
Like I said, we lose power every evening at 7 and 11.
The cable company I am using is basically the biggest one here, and it is called World Call.
World Call has relay stations for each city sector. Each of these stations are equipped with automatic generators that kick in 5-10 seconds after load shedding (rolling blackouts) begins.
So the problem I spoke of started at 7 when we lost power etc.
At 11 we lost power again, and that's when the cable modem almost immediately synchronized.
I checked the modem settings and the transmission power levels were back at normal.
So I don't get what happened? I am guessing that when power was lost at 7, and came back at 8, something got screwed up when the generators switched back to normal power, and somehow the cable signals got weaker.
When loadshedding began again at 11, I guess the relay station was rest or something again and turned normal.
I have no other explanation. Anyway, it is good to have the internet back.