Interesting, got an email supposedly from blizzard that they are forcing a password reset for accounts because of this. Anyone else get this? Is it legit? I also got an email saying someone requested my bnet password reset.
Luckily I changed my bnet password a while ago.
Phishing. I use my Gmail account for everything, including my account, and I haven't received anything like that.
Speaking of this, I keep receiving these e-mails from Best Buy talking about my Best Buy Credit Card and how I can manage the card online. I don't have and never applied for a Best Buy Credit Card. I thought it was phishing, but I've done a lot of research into the e-mail headers and it is definitely a real e-mail from Best Buy. I've called them several times about this and they just say I should not be concerned because my SSN doesn't come up in their system as having a card so there can be no averse effect on my credit even if there is a card open in my name. The did say that the card does have my name and e-mail address, but a completely different SSN, address, and phone number. They say the owner probably just mistyped the e-mail address and it was mine.
The strange thing is that the e-mail uses my full first and last name; my email address does not reference my last name. How in the world did I start receiving these e-mails? What are the chances that someone has the same first and last name as me and also an e-mail address that is very close to mine?