Author Topic: Dear Apple; I don't hate you, but why do you hate me.  (Read 2226 times)

Offline gpw11

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Dear Apple; I don't hate you, but why do you hate me.
« on: Wednesday, February 24, 2010, 11:10:00 PM »
I purchased one of your Nike+ Sport Kits last year.  Now, when I say kit, I mean everything.  I bought the shoes because they were on sale, but because you decided that my Classic was too big to run with I also had to buy a Nano.  I didn't really mind, because I like leaving my classic as a party/car player and having the Nano for work, walking, running, working out.   That said, I also paid around $50 for your sensor/receiver kit.  I was promised 1000 miles of battery life.  I received about 100 miles of battery life.  Oh, no problem, it uses a common "button battery" c2xx.  I'll just pop open the cas...hey what the fuck?  It's hardwired right in there.

I understand that I didn't put all that many miles on it because of sabbaticals in running, but it's fucking wet here sometimes in the winter, and sometimes a nigga just has to use a bike or treadmill instead.  That said, were I to use it on a consistent basis over the winter, I still would have fallen far short of 1000 miles. I also understand that not taking the sensor out of the shoes and storing does decrease life because movement wakes the sensor up.  This could be my fault as I stored the sensor in my shoes, which I store in the trunk of my car.  "Well, surely, the motion associated with driving couldn't be confused with running....impact must come into play".  Silly me.  I also guess I could have gone through the trouble of taking the sensor out of my shoes and hitting the sleep button, but motion would just turn it back on so maybe not. 

Really, I do accept some fault here, but this seems to be a pretty widespread problem people are having. Surely there must be some solution. Maybe have a hard kill switch on that a toggle switch to turn the power off and on.  Or maybe just make the battery replaceable.  Likewise, perhaps you could let your consumers put it into sleep mode through the actual iPod it is wireless connected to and make it only wake up when it detects IMPACT rather than motion.  It could check for a wireless signal, and if none is present, go back to sleep until further IMPACT. Actually, designing that might be a bitch (I don't know).  How about you just make the battery replaceable.


P.S.  I'll still buy another unit, but eventually I think I'll buy a GPS based solution to replace my Nike +.

P.P.S.  Please forward this to Nike if they had any part in designing your sensor. I would have done so myself, but I kind of figured they just designed the shoes and you did the rest.