Author Topic: Does this seem like an advertisment in disguise to anyone else?  (Read 3409 times)

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Does this seem like an advertisment in disguise to anyone else?
« on: Sunday, May 23, 2010, 09:39:04 AM »
So I clicked on the link to this 'article' on MSN:

The article seemed shady from the first paragraph...

But then this probably did it:

UPDATE: Force Factor is now offering free samples to readers of Men's Best for a limited time. If you are not able to claim a free trial online you can find Force Factor at your local GNC.


Did a google search on foods that boost nitirc oxide, and got to this:

Nitric oxide, a highly reactive, free radical gas found in mammalian body tissues, is used to increase vasodilation and blood flow to the heart, treat erectile dysfunction and treat some cases of premature lung function in preemies. As a free radical, however, it can damage the body when elevated significantly. Talk with your physician and do your own research to find out how to increase your natural nitric oxide levels safely to improve your health without putting your body at risk

Tips & Warnings
Nitric oxide can be dangerous at elevated levels, due to its free-radical properties. In high amounts, nitric oxide has can kill neurons and damage the nervous system beyond repair. Talk with your doctor if you are concerned about your nitric oxide level or related health problems.

Avoid the supplement pushers. While many sports supplement and nutrition dealers will try to sell you nitric oxide supplements to improve muscle fiber output and overall strength, there is no evidence to support these benefits. For a list of hard scientific articles about how nitric oxide affects your health, go to the AST Sports Science website (see Resources below).