You might want to try and find space.
Granted, I didn't play a lot, but I think they did good. It's a lot more of a direct conversion of the tabletop game than DoW was to 40K and basically it plays out like I imagine the Total War games do. Formations and such are a factor in the game as they are in the table top version. There's even a deployment phase just like the original. Animations are less dynamic and cool than DoW, but it looks very pretty and it seems like it'll generally have more guys on the screen at once. For the most part they captured the look of a lot the Warhammer stuff well. We knew that all along with all the screens and artwork released, but now I'm more sure of that. Some of the Skaven stuff looks really awesome. I'm suprised it ran so well too. Everything is on high and it held up pretty well in the tutorials. That's becoming less common for my PC these days.
What impresses me most is the army builder part. It really looks like you'll be able to totally customize your force and take it out like you can with the real game. They're also taking the approach of having a few major factions, but then subfactions within that group which is awesome because now there are a couple specific variations of Choas.
So yeah, it seems like they did well at least in bringing something close to the original to the PC. I'm still on the ropes of it being that fun, maybe even a little moreso now because I'm not actually all that fond of the Total War style of play. Adding demons and rat people is just the sort of thing that would make me more interested, however.