Author Topic: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by  (Read 6359 times)

Offline MysterD

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NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« on: Friday, November 03, 2006, 04:09:07 PM »
The other nite, a reviews by Matt Peckman of 1Up (which will be in Games for Windows: Official Mag Jan 2007 issue) got pulled -- you will not find it on the site right now. Though, it was copied by someone on NWN2's boards.

Here you go:

You're in luck!


    Quote: By Matt Peckham
    This review appears in the January issue of Games For Windows: The Official Magazine.


    As everything-the-original-did -- and more -- follow-ups go, Neverwinter Nights 2 deserves a banner&something like "mission accomplished." Think the sequel to Jurassic Park, where Spielberg's all "You want more dinosaurs? I'll show you more dinosaurs..." As a contemporary CRPG, on the other hand, NWN2 leaves a lot to be desired, and that's too bad, because these are the guys who brought us Planescape: Torment and Icewind Dale 2...and therefore they are the guys I'm least inclined to take issue with.

    But issues exist, and defining them is really no more complex than saying, "Hello D&D superchrome, buh-bye storytelling and character development (you know, those things you're supposed to "immerse" yourself in)." The idea seems to be that we're meant to rah-rah about a superabundance of feats, spells, races, prestige (advanced) classes, and math-equation tickers full of the usual "I attack you with a +4 sword of --" booooooring. Fine, sure, dandy...but when is a "role" not a "role"? Simple: when it's a rule to a fault.

    Ever loyal bites
    I'm cruising for a bruising (don't I know it), but NWN2 is a splash of cold water to the face: A revelatory, polarizing experience that -- in the wake of newer, better alternatives -- makes you question the very notion of "RPG by numbers." It foists Wizards of the Coast's latest v3.5 D&D system (a molehill that's become a mountain at this point) onto your hard drive with stunning fidelity, then tacks on dozens of artificial-looking areas vaguely linked by forget-table plot points you check off like grocery to-do's.

    Sure, the interface is sleeker with context-sensitive menus and a smart little bar that lets you more intuitively toggle modes like "power attack" and "stealth," but with all the added rule-shuffling, NWN2 seems like it's working twice as hard to accomplish half as much. Worse -- and blame this on games like Oblivion -- NWN2's levels feel pint-sized: Peewee zones inhabited by pull-string NPCs with no existence to speak of beyond their little playpens. Wander and you'll wonder why the forests, towns, and dungeons are like movie lots with lay-about monsters waiting patiently for you to trip their arbitrary triggers. As if the pencil and paper "module" approach were a virtue that computers -- by now demonstrably capable of simulating entire worlds with considerably more depth -- should emulate. It's like we're supposed to park half our brain in feature mania and the rest in nostalgic slush, and somehow call bingo.

    The dungeons feel especially stale, so linear and inorganic they might as well be graph-paper lifts filled with room after room of pop-up bogeymen (Doom put them in closets; NWN2 just makes the closets bigger). Maybe you'd rather chat with the dumb NPCs that speak and sound like extras in a bad Saturday morning cartoon? Oh, boy -- there's the portrait "plus" sign! Time to shuffle another party member (improved to four simultaneous) through the level-up grinder, which you can click "recommend" to zip past...but then, what's the point?

    Rule-playing game
    In all fairness, it's not entirely developer Obsidian's fault. D&D certainly puts the "rule" in role-playing, and a madcap base of D&D aficionados is no doubt ready to string me up for suggesting that faithful is here tantamount to folly (to these people, I say: "Go for it, NWN2's all you've ever wanted and more"). Call me crazy -- I guess I'm just finally weary of being led around on a pencil-and-paper leash and batting numbers around a glorified three-dimensional spreadsheet in a computer translation that should have synthesized, not forklifted.

    That five-of-10 is actually a hedge, by the way. For D&D fans who want to play an amazingly thorough PC translation of the system they're carting around in book form, it's proba-bly closer an eight or nine. But if, like me, you want less "rules for rule's sake" and more depth and beauty to your simulated game worlds, you can certainly find more exciting prospects. Part of the reason we call them "the good old days" and think fondly of games past is that it's always easier to love what we don't have to play anymore.

Quoted from , now producing a Null Pointer error.

So, that's the very vicious review.

Now, here's 1Up's response, from editor Jeff Green:

Quote from: Jeff Green
Neverwinter Nights 2 Review: The Apology

Well, they say there is a first time for everything. And this would be another one of those first times. Yesterday (Nov 3) we posted online a review of Neverwinter Nights 2 by contributing editor Matt Peckham. Today we are pulling that review down and retracting it. The reason for this is simple. The review was not up to our regular editorial standards, and it was our mistake to publish it in the first place. I stand by Matt Peckham completely, as he has done great work for our magazine and this website. And we will continue to publish his works going forward. So this is not being done to either punish him or to disavow ourselves from him. The blame for this particular mistake falls entirely upon the editors of the magazine, and, in particular, me. It is my job as editor-in-chief to ensure that all of the articles--and in particular, the reviews--meet a certain standard of fairness, that every game gets its "fair shake." After listening to the comments of readers, and after reviewing the matter internally with the other GFW and 1UP editors, we have come to the conclusion that this was not a fair review--or at least, it can be perceived as not a fair review, which is just as bad. And we are not so stupid or arrogant that we can't admit our mistakes here. To publish this review without further edits was a mistake, and for that we apologize. The review has been retracted, the score has been retracted, and it will not appear in our print magazine. We sincerely regret the error, and we will be back next week with a new review.

Posted at Fri, 03 Nov 2006 14:21:55 EST

Here's a board at Quarter-To-Three dicussing the entire matter:

Offline Cobra951

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #1 on: Friday, November 03, 2006, 05:20:22 PM »
Call me crazy -- I guess I'm just finally weary of being led around on a pencil-and-paper leash and batting numbers around a glorified three-dimensional spreadsheet in a computer translation that should have synthesized, not forklifted.

Hehe!  My biggest (and fatal) gripe about NWN was this feeling of being stuck in just such an artificial dice-rolling experience, rather than a computer-created dynamic world (which TES: Oblivion does nicely) in which I participate directly.

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #2 on: Monday, November 06, 2006, 06:44:21 PM »
More on what happened, from 1Up:

Neverwinter Nights 2: What Happened.
Well, garsh, it's been an interesting 48 hours or so in my life. The last eight, thankfully, have been a little more relaxing, as I have tried to chill, regain some perspective, and regroup for whatever lies ahead. I got a good 3 mile run in with my wife/kid, read a bit of a fantastic novel, King Dork, which will definitely have to get its own blog post soon, played a coupla games unrelated to my job (Doom on the 360, Guitar Hero on the PS2), and goofed around with my dog. Fascinating, huh?

But that time away from the PC has given me to ponder much of what went down yesterday, which was maybe small potatoes given everything going on in the world, but was definitely a big deal in the tiny microcosm of gaming, and the gaming press. I of course spent a great deal of time, because I was so consumed by the whole thing, trolling around message boards all over teh internets looking at the reaction to our unprecedented pulling of the NWN2 review. I don't know what I was hoping to accomplish by that, other than to possibly increase the likelihood of early death by ulcer, but what can I say? This was a big deal.

And I think maybe that's the point of this post. Just to tell you that the actions we took were not lightly done. The comments I've read have been pretty much everything I expected, given that people either don't have all the information (because we haven't shared every minute detail), they have preconceptions of how the press works, they are predisposed to either hate us or praise us no matter what we do, etc. Everyone has a take on what happened here: We sold out to Atari. We sold out Matt Peckham. We did the right thing. We did the wrong thing. We compromised our integrity. We increased our integrity.

Reading all these opinions, and contemplating this throughout the day myself, I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop second-guessing what we did. I do think I will tell you a little more of what went down, so that maybe you can come to your own conclusions a little better.

The NWN 2 review was assigned to Matt Peckham by GFW Reviews Editor Ryan Scott. Matt Peckham is a good writer, a smart guy, a hardcore gamer, and a reliable freelancer, making him an easy go-to guy for us for all sorts of reviews, previews, and features. In all the time he's written for us, his copy has been excellent. There was no reason to have any doubts about his ability to handle this review.

When the review itself actually came in, it was edited first by Ryan and then passed to me. In the magazine, this is the normal flow of copy:

1. Writer turns in Microsoft Word copy.
2. Section editor (in this case, Ryan) does first pass.
3. Section editor either passes the article along to me if it's ready to go, or either queries the writer with question and/or sends it back to the writer for a rewrite/revision first, looks at the new version, and passes it to me.
4. I read it, then send it to our Copy Desk, which consists of 3 copy editors shared by 1UP, OPM, EGM, and GFW.
5. After the Copy Desk edits it, it goes to the art department for a first layout.
6. Layout page is then circulated back to the editors for ANOTHER edit: Section editor, me, managing editor Sean Molloy, Copy Desk again.
7. Post Copy Desk edit, it's back to the artist for any adjustments etc, then to Sean and I again for final approval before the page is "done".

As you can see--fairly laborious. Lots of eyeballs on every page. The amazing thing, as most in the publishing world will tell you, is that every one of those passes will uncover different issues--word usage, consistency, grammar, tone, etc. Fine tuning a page to where it's "right" takes time, and luckily a monthly magazine can afford it.

In the case of NWN2 (and also two other recently posted reviews--Dark Messiah and Battlefield 2142), we have begun doing something different but deemed necessary: We are posting our reviews that will not appear in print for many many weeks here on first. Previously, the editors (who are a different group of folks from the GFW staff) might have written their own separate PC game reviews. But now, in the interest of unification and consolidation, we all decided together that the GFW PC game reviews would be the 1UP reviews. Great in theory, but as we discovered this week, a process us print people need more practice with.

So here's what happened. (And pardon the longwinded explications here, I'm just trying to be as upfront as I can and give y'all as much information as possible.)

At step 3 above, Ryan Scott passed me the NWN2 review for my edit. He had already had some questions about tone/angle for Matt, and dealt with it a bit. But when I read it, I was unhappy. I felt that right from the start, it read more like a bashing of the genre rather than a review of this specific game. I could see valid criticisms of NWN2 in the text, but I felt that the overall tone made it seem that he was just so sick of turn-based D&D RPGs that the game never had a chance on its own. I felt, if I was a reader, my first question would be: "Why the heck did they let him review it then?" I felt that what he was saying in general was perfectly valid---but just not for this piece.

So I passed it back to Ryan. I expressed my concerns. Ryan passed it back to Matt. Matt made some revisions. It came back to me. (We are now talking about just a few hours having elapsed from the time the article was first turned in, with the pressure already on us to get the thing posted online, as the game was about to come out. The mandate is to post game reviews immediately, to coincide with their launch.)

When I saw Draft 2, I was still unhappy. A few offending sentences had been tweaked, but the overall tone still felt wrong to me, and the first 2 paragraphs in particular still just had a "I'm sick of this kind of game" feel to it. So once again, I sent it back.

This time, however, I emailed Matt myself. I was a bit harsh. I said I needed him to rethink this piece, to take in mind the reservations that I and others had, and to try to adjust the piece so that it was more of a review of this specific game and not an indictment of the genre in general. I said I needed this to happen or I would have to pay him a "kill fee"---which means we wouldn't run the piece at all but pay him 1/2 the agreed-upon fee for his time and effort. It was a no-hard-feelings thing, as I like Matt and respect Matt a lot. I felt that, well, maybe this time he's just a bit too close to it, he can't see it, whatever. I love the guy, but sometimes a writer just can't see his or her own article for what it is. God knows it's happened to me plenty before myself.

Matt was bummed at my email, but agreed to take it on. He wrote a new draft. The two opening paragraphs, the most offending ones, were now gone. I was relieved. I scanned the rest of the article, saw more tweaks.....and said...okay.

And here is where the breakdown occurred, and here's where we can find fault. Because in my head, at this moment, I knew it still wasn't quite there. It was BETTER, a lot better, but it was still nagging at me and I didn't listen to my gut. Why? Pick your excuse. I have a million things to do. I can't baby every single article through the process. I had a new magazine coming out that I was trying to pay attention to. I had 20 phone calls to return. I had next month's cover story to organize. I had a new employee to hire. And, on top of everything else, 1UP still wanted this thing right now.

All of these things are true, in fact, but they are also all what I just said they were: excuses. They don't hold up. The article needed more time, in my head I knew it needed more time, but I let other pressures get to me and on it went. And the fallout that I had predicted all along when first editing the piece came to pass. Of course.

I gave you that numbered list above so I could show you how the *new* process that we're using for big reviews deviates from this, and how much LESS time and new rounds of edits we had with this piece. Basically, the NWN2 edit process ended at step #4: the Copy Desk passing it to for posting. So all the second/third/fourth chances and the other GFW editors are used to getting on the print layout pages just never got to happen here. And it's often even in those way late stages where we'll STILL say: "You know, this article blows." At that point, it's late, but not TOO late. And so, who knows, maybe in my head as I passed on the NWN2 review, some primordial part of my brain was thinking: "I'll get to see that thing a few more times and still get to fix it." Or maybe not. Maybe I just felt done and passed it on, against my better judgment.

But there it is. It got posted. And when all the criticism came out, expressing EXACTLY what had us concerned, it was like we were completely called on our own shit. So we had a little star chamber meeting of the principles at both GFW and 1UP: Sam Kennedy, John Davison, Garnett Lee, Andrew Pfister, Ryan Scott, and myself. What do we do now? Do we leave it up? Do we take it and edit it again? All the guys in the room had the same feeling about the piece as myself. It hadn't been ready for posting. We posted it. We screwed up. So now what?

As a magazine editor first and foremost, my feeling was: Well, shit, now that my gut instinct proved correct online, there's no way I'm printing this same piece in the magazine. These online guys can do what they want, but I'm done. But I got called on that--rightly so. "This is your piece," I was told. "If it stays online, it goes into the magazine this way." Absolutely fair. So now, two choices:
leave a review we're unhappy with online, and then print it for all the magazine readers weeks later, still in a state we're not happy with--or pull it altogether from online and write a NEW review for both online and print.

Understand one thing: This was a lose-lose for us. We fucked up, and now we were gonna pay. We look stupid either way. Keep it up, and have an article that wasn't ready keep getting read AND then appear in print, making more and more people unhappy. Pull it, and look like all the things mentioned at the start of this endless post: we're sellouts , we're pussies, we abandoned the writer, etc.

And so there was no way to "win" here. All we felt we could do in the end was do the right thing for the people who mattered the most: The gamers who were actually interested in the game. We felt, no matter how stupid we looked, we needed to provide them with a review that would tell them whether or not this game was for them, and how this game performed on its own terms. We felt a new review was the only way to get that done, regardless of any other fallout.

So that's what we did. And here we are. We're working on a new review now. Matt is bummed out, as I would be too, but he's still with us, and I am glad. Many many people think we're idiots, others think we did the right thing, and me, I waver between the two. I wish for a time machine. I wish for do-overs. I wish I listened to my gut.

Posted at Sat, 04 Nov 2006 19:01:32 EST

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 12:48:01 AM »
Personally, I think this is bullshit.  Let's not pussyfoot around the issue here; they're pulling the review because of the fan reaction.  It's not a case of they fucked up, realized it and then pulled it.  Even if they realized they fucked up they would have let it slide if there was no outcry.  And all of that is assuming that you even think they fucked up....personally, I don't think they did. 

Tycho from PA had a good quote on the matter (actually referencing another quote he made when the same kind of thing happened with Savage at Gamespot).  Basically, he wants input from any professional that has had any experience with the game.  I feel pretty much the exact same way.  The guy spent time with the game and the review he came up with was less than favorable.  He brings up valid points, and people shit, claiming he's reviewing the genre rather then the game.  A.) I don't think he's doing that at all, and B.) to an extent that doesn't make any of his points less valid.  For instance, if someone were to review Virtiua Racer today, could we criticize them for complaining that all you do is race around the same three or four tracks with only one car over and over again? You could view it as a criticism of the genre, but it's more of a criticism of the implementation. This guy compared it to Oblivion...oh no!  So how's he criticizing the entire genre (of which Oblivion is a part) when he's stating this doesn't stack up?

What do these people want? We all expect more from games today then we did before.  He's not just complaining about the stats heavy game play, he's complaining about the entire way it was implemented.  The plot sucks, the NPCs are lifeless, it's not immersing at all, the levels are tiny, the dungeons suck, etc, it's linear to the point of fault. All of these are valid points within the genre rather then criticisms on the genre itself.

Someone on the forum you linked to pointed to the PA cartoon of the critic talking about Enchanted Arms...quite frankly it's a comparison I don't entirely agree with.  There's a difference between docking points from something because it's not as innovative as you like and docking points from something because it's not very captivating or enjoyable (not that these are mutually exclusive).  It seems apparent to me that most of the criticism for Enchanted Arms revolved around how it's really just a very pretty traditional JRPG, while this re view's criticism seems to revolve mostly around things that most games in the genre do better (have an intriguing storyline, interesting dungeons, and so on).

As for his criticism of the D&D rule set being restrictive, overbearing, and not very fun, I don't see how that can't be viewed as valid. There's really only two ways to go here; you can get someone to write the review and say that the huge amount of stats and number crunching is awesome and makes up for the faults of the game, or you can get someone to write it who will tell you it's going to bore the hell out of you; both are valid points (read: opinions) and will appeal to a different segment of gamer. 

This isn't an issue of the guy hating the genre or how someone who loves D&D should have written the review, it wasn't a bad review at all.  He brought up a lot of points of the game, and in the end it's up to the reader to decide if they want to play it.  Personally, I'm thankful, because having no idea what D&D really consists of because of the fact that a lot of games that use it implement it with a different amount of depth I now know I won't like it and I'll stay away.  Those who read the review can decide if they want to get it.  You can make an informed decision.  And if you really want to you can go to gamerankings and compare it to other reviews.  I've checked and the other reviews are higher, so maybe they're more on the mark...but lets get this straight:  these are games...the reviews aren't based on benchmarks or any other kind of data, it's based on 100% opinion.  Sometimes that's going to be off the mark a bit.  We've all probably played games that everyone else hated but we loved or vice versa, there's a reason for that.

What's the point of 1up pulling this?  Chances are it'll go back up with a review right in the actual 'average' 7-9 range, probably written by someone that jacks off to pen and paper rpgs. It's pandering plain and simple, and the least they could do would be to leave up both reviews in order to actually perform the one function the reviews have; to let us know as much as we can about the game so we can make a choice.

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 07:37:02 AM »
I'm with gpw on this one.  I thought it was a pretty good review overall, and most of what he said was what I anticipated before the game even came out.  I mean, there are reasons I don't want to play the game, and most of them were listed.  I cry bullshit.

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 07:54:47 AM »
I agree that it is bullshit, but only on part of the reviewer. I doubt they removed the review purely because of fan reaction, or they wouldn't have released such a detailed and what seems to me to be a honest statement. They pulled the review so fast, there wasn't even much time for proper backlash.

I think the the review was pretty poor, and like his editor said, it came off as highly biased. I don't even see the big deal with the D&D rules thing. Sure all the interaction is calculated in the background via D&D rules, but I don't even look at the technical stuff since the end result is almost always logical.

The biggest issue for me is him giving it a score of 5.0/10.0. Even reviewers who found the faults inexcusable haven't given the game less then 80%. A 50% score just shows he had some personal vendetta against the sub genre that didn't even have anything to do with the actual game. It was like he had a preset score in his mind, and was going to deliver it no matter what.

The plot sucks, the NPCs are lifeless, it's not immersing at all, the levels are tiny, the dungeons suck, etc, it's linear to the point of fault. All of these are valid points within the genre rather then criticisms on the genre itself.

That's where I call bullshit. From what I read from PCGAMER, Gamespot, IGN etc., the game's strengths are the actual role playing. In terms of characters, plot and storyline, this game is apparently the best thing since Baldur's Gate II.

Where everyone was discounting it was its technical issues, most of which have apparently been resolved.

The review came off as someone who just hated the sub genre, and let it cloud his judgment on everything else, including the strengths.

Also RPGs are very different in their sub genres. Take for example the original Dungeon Siege and Morrowind. They are both RPGs but it is like comparing apples and oranges.

Dungeon Siege 2 is a huge disappointment because it is basically more of the same without any improvement. That would be acceptable for an expansion, but the sequel has come 5 years later -- which is a lifetime in development time.

For its time the original DS was an excellent Hack n' Slash RPG. Meanwhile Morrowind was just something totally different, yet it was an RPG and it had its own set of fans.

I know for a fact that Cobra loved Dungeon Siege yet wasn't very fond of Morrowind, while for Que it was in reverse.

Saying NWN2 isn't more like Oblivion is like faulting Oblivion for not having party based strategic combat like in NWN2. Just different types of RPGs.

I see where you are getting at though. I mean in the end it is just an opinion, and all opinions are important. Then again, why let someone like that review a game you know he hates?

What is really odd is how he claims to be a fan of IWD and yet complains about the game using D&D rules. IWD was the ultimate D&D game. It had pretty much zero role playing, and was all about finding the +4 swords.

That's why I find the review to be pure bullshit.

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #6 on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 08:13:06 AM »
I generally agree with much of what GPW had to say. Needless to say, I'm also enjoying the game quite a bit :)

Honestly though, I can't help but feel that Obsidian was imitating rather than innovating when it comes to NWN2. I think the initial 1UP review came out the way it did because the first impression the game gives you is nothing new at all. I mean first off they hit you with the exact same sound effects and music from the original NWN (except for the main title music, which I like btw). Then when the game actually starts you can't help but notice how strikingly similar it is NWN1. It almost feels like it started out as a module for NWN which was given a facelift and a slight variation (yay multiple party members).

When you get to the meat of the game you realize that it does in fact have a decent filling, just with bad presentation. It's like this awesome, sweet girl who gets you; even though she's not easy on the eyes and has a few health issues, you know she's great, and spending time with her is often fun!

P.S. Man, I been single too long. You know you've been single too long when *See above* and/or you watch the cheesy setups of a porno film and with tearing eyes think "Wow, that's so romantic!"

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #7 on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 08:27:41 AM »
I would expect Xessive, MyD, and Pug to think that the review was bad.  But you know why?  You're the only 3 people posting in the NWN2 thread.  Seriously, I don't think anybody else here cares even a little bit.  Maybe idol, but I don't think he has the machine to run it.  So yeah, it's probably a bit of bias on both sides.  *Shrug*

And Xessive, that made me laugh so bad.  "That's so romantic!"

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #8 on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 12:05:39 PM »
I would expect Xessive, MyD, and Pug to think that the review was bad.  But you know why?  You're the only 3 people posting in the NWN2 thread.  Seriously, I don't think anybody else here cares even a little bit.  Maybe idol, but I don't think he has the machine to run it.  So yeah, it's probably a bit of bias on both sides.  *Shrug*

And Xessive, that made me laugh so bad.  "That's so romantic!"
Well, I loved NWN so naturally NWN2 was bound to come my way. Hehe it's true we may be the few who do care :P

Hehe, I'm glad I could entertain ;D

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #9 on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 12:53:41 PM »
Dungeon Siege 2 is a huge disappointment because it is basically more of the same without any improvement. That would be acceptable for an expansion, but the sequel has come 5 years later -- which is a lifetime in development time.

For its time the original DS was an excellent Hack n' Slash RPG. Meanwhile Morrowind was just something totally different, yet it was an RPG and it had its own set of fans.

I know for a fact that Cobra loved Dungeon Siege yet wasn't very fond of Morrowind, while for Que it was in reverse.

Wait a sec.  I never played Morrowind.  I was put off by all the negative press about its technical issues, and about its lackluster real-time combat component.  But I absolutely love Oblivion, and in retrospect, I wish that I had played Morrowind, at least for the sake of completeness (perhaps more).  I have also played Elder Scrolls: Arena, and thought it was fine in its day. 

I do like both Dungeon Siege games, although the 1st was definitely better than the 2nd.  (I'm playing the PSP entry in this series now, but that's a horse of a different color.)  I agree that they are very different from the ES games.

But these examples have little to do with what happened here.  What's that?  Unabashed honesty.  I tried very hard to like NWN, after spending full price for it.  But there was no way.  The whole combat premise is as much fun as doing your taxes.  This has nothing to do with genres or "sub-genres".  I've enjoyed many a turn-based RPG.  But the mechanic in NWN felt way cumbersome, and out of place, given the real-time immersive atmosphere claimed, and clumsily presented.  Let's run around the world, meet characters, discover things . . . oh, time to fight.  Let's bring out the dice and the stats tables.

If in order to be considered D&D, you have to implement things this way, then every D&D game is going to be flawed just the same.  That's not indicting a genre, only one take on the genre.  The publication may not have sold out to Atari or whoever directly, but pulling this review was a revenue-stream defense just the same.  So who is less trustworthy in general, the reviewer, or the people without the spine to allow feathers to be ruffled by his reviews?

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #10 on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 04:32:50 PM »
I would expect Xessive, MyD, and Pug to think that the review was bad.  But you know why?  You're the only 3 people posting in the NWN2 thread.  Seriously, I don't think anybody else here cares even a little bit.  Maybe idol, but I don't think he has the machine to run it.  So yeah, it's probably a bit of bias on both sides.  *Shrug*

Myself, I think this is where I REALLY begin to throw his review out of the window:
That five-of-10 is actually a hedge, by the way. For D&D fans who want to play an amazingly thorough PC translation of the system they're carting around in book form, it's proba-bly closer an eight or nine.
He sounds as if he's confused on what to actually score this game; especially since this is coming from someone who loved IWD, which BIS made -- many of BIS are now at Obsidian, BTW.

It's as if he is torn by gaming's past and gaming's present time periods.

I dunno', but from what I read, to me, it sounds like NWN2 might marry many of the great things of old-style RPG's w/ modern day RPG's. I'll have to play it, to find out myself.

Quote from: Matt of 1Up
But if, like me, you want less "rules for rule's sake" and more depth and beauty to your simulated game worlds, you can certainly find more exciting prospects. Part of the reason we call them "the good old days" and think fondly of games past is that it's always easier to love what we don't have to play anymore.
This also proves what I said about: he seems torn b/t gaming's past and present time periods.

Now, I could possibly see the "5.0 (out of 10)" score if he actually decided to throw in the technical issues, which many other reviews have sited before-hand, into the review. Then he would have something that probably reflects his score.

But, he doesn't really even site those in his review, for some reason..

Quote from: Pug
The plot sucks, the NPCs are lifeless, it's not immersing at all, the levels are tiny, the dungeons suck, etc, it's linear to the point of fault. All of these are valid points within the genre rather then criticisms on the genre itself.
He states some of these things, but doesn't really give examples to go w/ his stance.

Many magazines, like PCG, IGN, and G-Spot, have said the complete opposite on NPC's and the actual role-playing. So, I dunno', but something seems weird here....

That's where I call bullshit. From what I read from PCGAMER, Gamespot, IGN etc., the game's strengths are the actual role playing. In terms of characters, plot and storyline, this game is apparently the best thing since Baldur's Gate II.
I haven't played NWN2 yet, but I've read a lot of the other reviewers are saying how good the role-playing and story itself is. It would've helped if he sited examples.

The reviewer on 1Up basically states the NPC's are not immersive, the world is small, and so on and so on, w/out giving any examples of this. He states things w/out really proving them by example.

Where everyone was discounting it was its technical issues, most of which have apparently been resolved.
I think it matters what version the reviewer reviewed, if we are taking that into consideration. I don't know what version he reviewed, but most sites review version 1.00 (Retail Box) of a game.

The review came off as someone who just hated the sub genre, and let it cloud his judgment on everything else, including the strengths.
I dunno, but it seems like he already seemed set w/ his score before he threw it out and played the game -- especially by what he said about "D&D fans will probably give this a 8-9." If he's scoring the game a 5.0, why is he even saying this??? Is it b/c he knows somewhere underneath NWN2, there's a high quality game??? I think so....He sounds confused.

Yet, he loved IWD -- known fact. So, I dunno....but I think maybe he wanted NWN2 to evolve into more so like an Oblivion...or something....

The problem is he doesn't site things in NWN2 to really explain his stance. He states his stance, shows off his writing skills w/ his prose, yet that's about it....not much proof to go along w/ his style of writing. His style in that review reminds me of a Lisa Schwarzbaum at EW -- namely, a big flair and style of writing, but at least Lisa explains her stance w/ proof. Even if you don't agree w/ her movie review, she proves things that make her score reflect her statements.

Also RPGs are very different in their sub genres. Take for example the original Dungeon Siege and Morrowind. They are both RPGs but it is like comparing apples and oranges.
Well, DS is more of an action/RPG, whereas Morrowind's a RPG/Action game. Point taken.

I agree w/ you.
Dungeon Siege 2 is a huge disappointment because it is basically more of the same without any improvement. That would be acceptable for an expansion, but the sequel has come 5 years later -- which is a lifetime in development time.
I found that DS2 broke some things that DS1 did well -- for example, I don't care much for the new save system in DS2. It's not horrible b/c it does solve your character progress, but I prefer DS2's save system.   A better save system would've been more like say Fable's, in which Fable allows you to save your location (when you're not in a mission/quest).

Though, I do like the whole idea of portals in DS2 for traveling to certain locations quickly.

For its time the original DS was an excellent Hack n' Slash RPG. Meanwhile Morrowind was just something totally different, yet it was an RPG and it had its own set of fans.
Morrowind was amazing, for its time. But, it had its share of weaknesses -- which pretty much were fixed in Oblivion.

I know for a fact that Cobra loved Dungeon Siege yet wasn't very fond of Morrowind, while for Que it was in reverse.
I like DS, but it's not a Morrowind for me. I like DS2, but it's no Oblivion for me.

I do really like DS2: Broken World, though -- which I feel is the best Chapter in the DS series. It's the most interesting and the darkest, too. Though, Broken World's no Oblivion to me.

Oblivion, to me, is about as good as PC RPG's can probably get. Period.

Saying NWN2 isn't more like Oblivion is like faulting Oblivion for not having party based strategic combat like in NWN2. Just different types of RPGs.
Agreed -- they are different, much different: one's party based, while the other's solo-based. I like both styles, myself.

What is really odd is how he claims to be a fan of IWD and yet complains about the game using D&D rules. IWD was the ultimate D&D game. It had pretty much zero role playing, and was all about finding the +4 swords.

That's why I find the review to be pure bullshit.
It's as if he is saying "IWD was great, but I don't ever want to go through that experience again b/c it's too old-school for me in this modern day era."

There's NOTHING wrong w/ "old school." Though, often many games that do "old school" in the modern era amd forget to incorporate some of the "new school" stuff. Divine Divinity proved a lot, being an old school 2D graphic-style RPG, but w/ the modern open-ended style world of a Morrowind and the action on the scale of say a modern-day Diablo and Dungeon Siege 2. Divine Divinity was the marriage of what made old school games great along w/ many of the strengths of modern day RPG's.

Also, why the reviewer didn't also just simply say "Neverwinter Nights 2 is not much of an improvement over the original Neverwinter Nights" somewhere in there and prove that, is way beyond me -- b/c basically, it's also probably what he's trying to say.

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #11 on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 05:49:23 PM »

I dunno, but it seems like he already seemed set w/ his score before he threw it out and played the game -- especially by what he said about "D&D fans will probably give this a 8-9." If he's scoring the game a 5.0, why is he even saying this??? Is it b/c he knows somewhere underneath NWN2, there's a high quality game??? I think so....He sounds confused.

I actually liked how he did that, and I've seen it before with a few reviews.  Basically all he's saying is that if you like the D&D system a lot , you'll have a better chance of liking the game then he did.  Fair enough, I know now that I'll probably hate the game.  D&D players will appreciate it more than most.  People often look at reviewers as some kind of authority figures when it comes to games, they're not.  They play something, write their opinion and that's it.  People who shit about bad reviews or reviews they just don't agree with need to just suck it up. 

His review may be off the mark, I don't know, I haven't played the game and I'm not going to....but 1Up pulling it pretty much confirms every thought I've had about them; a second tier gaming site, if even that.  It's not because of the actual reviews, but the features they run are usually garbage.  And then they do stuff like this.  Yeah, it's not that big of a deal, but what's the point in pulling it?  Put another review up as well, but why pull it?  Oh, right...public backlash and you caved in.  I don't buy their explanation for it for a second.  If you published it you stand by it.  "Oh, I kind of felt bad publishing it at the time, but it wasn't until know when people started complaining that I realised I made a mistake".  The editor said it himself...'when the criticism came out'.  That translates to "when fat, stubby fingers hit the keyboards on forums".  So, it seems 1up is going to be locked into the 7-9 range of scoring for good now, I mean president has been set.  Halo 3 comes out, scores an 8 and two hours later they pull it when people shit. 

Obviously I'm exaggerating, but the editors are pretty much the fuck ups here, not the reviewer. They have a policy where the review has to be out as the game releases?  That doesn't sound like something that is there to ensure quality. On that note, they publish the exact same review in print weeks later?  Hahahaha.  Who the fuck is running Ziff Davis?

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #12 on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 06:14:21 PM »
I actually liked how he did that, and I've seen it before with a few reviews.  Basically all he's saying is that if you like the D&D system a lot , you'll have a better chance of liking the game then he did.  Fair enough, I know now that I'll probably hate the game.  D&D players will appreciate it more than most.  People often look at reviewers as some kind of authority figures when it comes to games, they're not.  They play something, write their opinion and that's it.  People who shit about bad reviews or reviews they just don't agree with need to just suck it up. 

His review may be off the mark, I don't know, I haven't played the game and I'm not going to....but 1Up pulling it pretty much confirms every thought I've had about them; a second tier gaming site, if even that.  It's not because of the actual reviews, but the features they run are usually garbage.  And then they do stuff like this.  Yeah, it's not that big of a deal, but what's the point in pulling it?  Put another review up as well, but why pull it?  Oh, right...public backlash and you caved in.  I don't buy their explanation for it for a second.  If you published it you stand by it.  "Oh, I kind of felt bad publishing it at the time, but it wasn't until know when people started complaining that I realised I made a mistake".  The editor said it himself...'when the criticism came out'.  That translates to "when fat, stubby fingers hit the keyboards on forums".  So, it seems 1up is going to be locked into the 7-9 range of scoring for good now, I mean president has been set.  Halo 3 comes out, scores an 8 and two hours later they pull it when people shit.
What gets me is that they decided to run it, when they obviously didn't really like the review to begin w/ from step 1, before they even published it.... Even when he said "Okay, we'll run it....." he said he still was unhappy w/ it.

It seems kind of silly to me that they pull the review. Why didn't they just decide to have another review where someone "gives a second opinion" like some other mags do?!?!?!? Would've made more sense to me.

I found a lot of Matt's review doesn't really prove many of the things he states, or else he would've given some sort of example. I ain't played NWN2 yet, but I can understand his point on the size of the game's area when compared to games like Oblivion -- Oblivion loads everything pretty much at once, whereas NWN always loads things by small areas; I will guess NWN2 will do the same thing, probably. Maybe Xessive can confirm or deny that last part....

Xessive, where are you? :P I'm betting NWN2 works like NWN1, loading areas in a modular style instead of a Oblivion/Gothic "all at once style"? Am I right??

Personally, I don't care which method's used, as long as it doesn't take forever to load the entire gameworld (like Gothic or Oblivion) or a module/area (like say NWN1).....

Obviously I'm exaggerating, but the editors are pretty much the fuck ups here, not the reviewer. They have a policy where the review has to be out as the game releases?  That doesn't sound like something that is there to ensure quality.
Very true -- but that would also depend on when the reviewer got the retail box version of the game, which they usually get early before its consumer release.

On that note, they publish the exact same review in print weeks later?  Hahahaha.  Who the fuck is running Ziff Davis?
Why did they print this a 2nd time, if they had issues w/ it the 1st time?!?!!?  That baffles me.

I could understand if they wanted to have 2 reviews for the same game in a mag, where the reviewers are on different fences -- like giving a "second opinion" or something.

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #13 on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 08:20:58 PM »
I have to admit, I've never been to 1Up. hahah.

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #14 on: Wednesday, November 08, 2006, 01:05:18 AM »
Maybe idol, but I don't think he has the machine to run it.  So yeah, it's probably a bit of bias on both sides.  *Shrug*

I guess, but a reviewer should be able to put aside any bias and look at things a bit more objectively. Say you hate flight sims, you would still be able to find quality in a hardcore flight simulator.

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #15 on: Wednesday, November 08, 2006, 02:28:40 AM »
"While MS FSX is boring as hell, it is very nice to look at.  The water effects are amazing and if you just want something to look it at, then you should try this out. It's great until you realize you can have just as much fun looking at a picture...possibly of people having dirty dirty sex."

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #16 on: Wednesday, November 08, 2006, 12:33:16 PM »
I guess, but a reviewer should be able to put aside any bias and look at things a bit more objectively. Say you hate flight sims, you would still be able to find quality in a hardcore flight simulator.

How can you put bias aside on a subjective review of anything?  The whole purpose of the review is to express and validate your own opinion about whatever it is you're reviewing.  The opinion here is that the premise and implementation are not entertainment, but a chore.  He did recuse himself when it comes to blind fans of D&D games.  He acknowleged that they would like the game.

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #17 on: Wednesday, November 08, 2006, 04:28:45 PM »
BTW, have you seen 1UP's Halo 3 'coverage'?  It's garbage.  "They showed us a bunch of new MP maps, new weapons, a few new vehicles, and explained how all of that worked.  For coverage of that, check out EGM or the EGN suppliment site that goes live later this month.  The Mp games we played with them were pretty intense.  They beat us."

They have one job.  One freaking job, and they can't even do it.  "We need traffic, so come here, but we'll just tell you to go buy one of our magazines."

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #18 on: Wednesday, November 08, 2006, 11:06:55 PM »
How can you put bias aside on a subjective review of anything?  The whole purpose of the review is to express and validate your own opinion about whatever it is you're reviewing.  The opinion here is that the premise and implementation are not entertainment, but a chore.  He did recuse himself when it comes to blind fans of D&D games.  He acknowleged that they would like the game.

He acknowledged that they would like the game, yet he gave it a score of 5.0 and even discounted the game's every strength. I sorry, but I don't think a good review is just an opinion. But what really bothers me is that his view was preset even before writing the review.

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #19 on: Thursday, November 09, 2006, 11:38:12 AM »
He acknowledged that they would like the game, yet he gave it a score of 5.0 and even discounted the game's every strength. I sorry, but I don't think a good review is just an opinion. But what really bothers me is that his view was preset even before writing the review.

I agree with Pug. A review is more than just an opinion. It has to detail the 'facts' of the game objectively, and then present the reviewers opinion. Of course reviewers will have their tilts, and that's why the facts and the opinions ought to be distinct in the review.

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #20 on: Thursday, November 09, 2006, 02:38:31 PM »
I agree with Pug. A review is more than just an opinion. It has to detail the 'facts' of the game objectively, and then present the reviewers opinion. Of course reviewers will have their tilts, and that's why the facts and the opinions ought to be distinct in the review.

I agree w/ Xessive and Pug here.

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #21 on: Thursday, November 09, 2006, 02:47:03 PM »
I am not against the review just because I am a big fan of NWN. I would have reacted similarly had it been any game unfairly discounted. Take for example something like Morrowind. To me, it was a big waste, but that didn't mean it didn't have quality aspects. I would have been pretty appalled had it received similar   treatment from a paid reviewer.
« Last Edit: Thursday, November 09, 2006, 11:51:43 PM by Pugnate »

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #22 on: Thursday, November 09, 2006, 08:45:25 PM »
But it sounds to me like he did detail the facts objectively, then gave his opinion.  He said there was some good stuff there for people that like that kind of game, but he also said he thought the characters were lame and the story was stupid.  You might disagree, but I'd say he stated in no uncertain terms what he felt the failings were.  You can't really knock a guy for that.  Of course I didn't read the whole thing, so my opinion here doesn't matter much anyway.  Still, what I read seemed fair.  He wasn't saying it was the worst game ever, just saying that there were elements he thought were lame, and combined with the other subjective elements that he didn't care for, it got a lousy score.  Others who liked the subjective elements would give it a much better score.  But he seemed pretty convinced that there were problems that weren't really subjective -- things that were just plain bad.  Having not played the game, I couldn't say, but from the perspective of an uninterested party, I don't really see what was wrong with the review.

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Re: NWN 2 Review at 1Up pulled by
« Reply #23 on: Thursday, November 09, 2006, 10:12:50 PM »
MyD's opinion on the game will probably come sometime probably after Black Friday.

Rumor is, NWN2 will be $24.99 @ Best Buy the weekend of Black Friday, on BB's 2-Day Sale (that Friday and Saturday).
« Last Edit: Friday, November 10, 2006, 03:33:24 PM by MysterD »