God forbid.
Yeah, I haven't been very active in general on... well, anything. Life has really been at almost a standstill for me since mid-May, and is only just now starting to get back into some form of normalcy. I'm still enduring some very difficult emotional struggle, but also have a lot more support than I have in a long while, which is helping matters. I'm trying to get back into writing. Have a 3/4-finished manuscript for my first novel waiting to have its first draft completed, have like 3 other novel ideas that need to be properly outlined, and lots of poetry crap that I should have been devoting a lot more attention to over the last while.
Lately I've been doing a fair bit of reading. Read like 5 or 6 Haruki Murakami novels, some which I loved, some which I totally didn't get at all (The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and After Dark were excellent, A Wild Sheep Chase, Dance, Dance, Dance, and Kafka On the Shore made no sense to me at all). Picked up all 4 volumes of the Absolute Sandman collection, which I have been coveting for years but couldn't justify buying because I already had the comics in the paperback volumes... but after my divorce, I decided to give those to Julia because she loves them too, so I invested in the Absolute release, which really wasn't bad at all, considering. Online you can get each volume for like $60-$70. Been going through them just a little... so awesome. The huge pages are a joy to linger over. A worthy investment indeed for any Gaiman or Sandman fan. I also picked up Absolute Death, which hasn't arrived yet, and finally got around to picking up The Graveyard Book, which I'll try to start soon.
Trying to get back into video games a little bit, start to enjoy some of my hobbies again. I haven't had much drive to play them for probably a year and a half now, but it's coming back slowly. I'm trying to get into Fable II right now, of all things. I enjoyed what I played before, and it's fairly easy... so something untaxing and stress-free with lots of exploration and distraction (and humor) seems like a good thing to start with. I was going to go back through ICO and SotC, but upon hearing about a rerelease for PS3 next year, I'm just going to wait.
Finished up my living room that I was working on. Had 8 limited, signed, numbered gig posters framed for the Stone Temple Pilots, Death Cab for Cutie, Flogging Molly, Tool, Isis, Clutch, the Black Keys, and Opeth, and have another 10 unframed repro/unvaluable posters which I put up as well. The cost was a bit on the high side, but the place looks awesome now. With my guitar equipment and such the place now feels like a real rock room. I'll have some pictures of this stuff up on Facebook at some point in the near future, along with pics of the new tattoo.
Oh... uh, and I got a new tattoo.
That's about all I can think of worth mentioning. I'll be going out to Texas to visit a friend, and will see Pyro for half a second while he isn't working. I could really use the time off work. I'm really, really tired of my job. Not exactly new news, but with everything I've gone through this year, it's been so much harder than usual. Plus we're going through what boils down to a corporate restructuring, and it fucking blows.
I also apparently picked this time to quit smoking. I haven't the slightest clue why I thought this was a good idea.