Author Topic: Windows Phone 7 thread  (Read 3619 times)

Offline Pugnate

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Windows Phone 7 thread
« on: Sunday, October 03, 2010, 05:41:32 PM »
I don't know, it could still be good, but it seems like the opposite of what I want from a phone. The selling point, of course, could be the Xbox Live stuff, which is still not active.

None of this is final, so changes could still come. You guys should have a look at the article, and the videos, but here are some quotes:

There are two big omissions here, in our opinion. The device won't support copy and paste, and won't support third-party multitasking of apps. We knew this would be the case given what we heard at MIX10, but it doesn't stink any less now. The former really doesn't make any sense to us, especially since Microsoft did a good job of nailing text editing and selection (at least in Word, and really... you guys make Word), and it looks like it would only be a short walk to a contextual pop-over for copy and paste functions. The latter is practically inexcusable in this day and age -- even Apple (which has been a complete laggard in this area) now supports basic multitasking. When we heard in our meeting with Microsoft that the phone wouldn't even support something as simple as Pandora background streaming, our minds were a little blown.

For me, both of those are deal breakers, right there.

Cut & paste support is just essential for me, even for something simple like messing around on the message boards and facebook.

Being unable to do something like stream an online music radio service is also unforgivable.

Windows Phone 7 doesn't have "contacts," per se -- it has a People app, and there's quite a difference. This is a thoroughly social platform, and it doesn't really seek to make any sort of differentiation between people you talk to / text / email, those you just casually observe, and those with whom you're "friends" in name only. If that kind of philosophy reeks of Motorola Blur or Palm Synergy, you're on the right track; as soon as you add a Windows Live, Exchange, or Facebook account, it pulls in every contact associated with that account and disperses associated content throughout your entire phone -- there's nothing you can do about it. That means, for example, that your Pictures app could have a bunch of shots of your ex's aunt's new boyfriend's dog in it (more on that in a bit), and there's not a whole lot you can do to stop that behavior without completely removing your Facebook account from the phone.

OK this seems so ridiculously wrong, I have no doubt they will improve it.

Android/Galaxy S, allows me to have four categories, for contacts; SIM memory; phone Memory; facebook; and e-mail. I can sync these, or I can choose to display only the ones I want. I also have a choice in not importing any of my online contacts. That's the way it should be.

Currently I have synced all my contacts, and it is really cool, especially when you consider that most of your facebook contacts are the ones you know in real life as well.

Anyway, if they don't change this, then that's pretty stupid of them. Being forced to import facebook contacts is ridiculous, and not allowing people to use a traditional contact list is just idiotic.

I can see their logic. They are well behind Google when it comes to social networking, and if people start syncing their Windows Live contacts with their facebook contacts, it makes MS a little more relevant. They are essentially trying to play catch up. The difference though, is that Android doesn't force anything.

What's strangest about all of this, though, is that as socially-aware as Windows Phone 7 seeks to be, there's not a lick of Twitter integration to be found. For some, Twitter is every bit as important as Facebook -- if not more so -- and it seems like a glaring omission (MySpace isn't there either, but we're far more willing to forgive them for that).

I am not a big twitter person, but that does seem like an odd omission considering where WP7 seems to be positioning itself at.

There are a couple of other complaints in the article, like the lack of threaded e-mailing (again, silly), and a sadly barebones document editor, but the rest of it is full of praise. So yea, if you are interested in WP7, check out the article.

It might be very good, but it just doesn't like my cup of tea, unless the XBL integration is mind blowing.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, October 03, 2010, 09:42:29 PM »
While I couldn't care less about Twitter or Facebook really, the news about Office seems stunning.  That was the main reason I was pondering if I'd eventually switch over to WM7...which I don't imagine I will now. OneNote support is great, but the dumbed down versions of Word and Excel seem like horrible decisions considering how well the previous versions of Office Mobile worked.

I can see where MS is coming from here, and feel it's probably the right move but think they also might be trying to distance themselves TOO far from the old WinMo.  The fact that people are still using it to this day, horrible UI and bugs included, is a testament to it's strengths: available productivity software, Office integration, and customization.

It's like they looked at the differences between iOS and WinMo and decided to go the iOS route to the extreme, making it a design philosophy to purge anything that would be somewhat similar to the old WinMo; good or bad.

What we're left with is a very nice user interface that seems great from a design perspective and very intuitive, but lacking the low level control and functionality that Windows Mobile users have come to expect.  In my opinion, what they needed to do was bring the interface up to date like they did, but leave some level of customization (optional, of course), and further push the functionality for professionals with the Office suit, Exchange integration, and some sort of cloud-based Outlook implementation. Also, some sort of backwards compatibility with old apps through an emulation layer (if necessary) would have gone a long way. 

 For example, in Project Management Microsoft Project is a tool that is hugely used.  Many companies use propriety systems or more specific programs, but all have the option to work with Project files as they're the standard and it's needed for inter-firm communications.  The shitty thing?  No real mobile option on any of the modern mobile operating systems.  Blackberry does have a reader, but it doesn't work well.  Iphone and Android have virtually nothing that's compatible with the files (especially editing). Windows Mobile was widely used because the files could be opened, edited, saved, and sent out on the fly...a huge benefit when you're a construction pm and you need to constantly be updating Gantt schedules for clients/subs/whoever. It was the reason I initially went Omnia and I probably saw more professionals in this field with Touch Pro 2's than I've seen Windows Mobile in the wild otherwise.   Windows mobile has a lot of users because of little things like that, and that's what has been keeping them going for the last 5 years or so.  The new direction they're going in is great (and necessary), but I can't help but feel that they've foolishly ignored the option for some middle ground without any actual benefit to doing so.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #2 on: Monday, October 04, 2010, 01:13:53 AM »
I am almost wondering if they will separately launch a business version of Windows Phone, like they do with desktops. Though, they are different markets, so who knows.

And while I don't care about twitter either, this forcing you to import all your facebook contacts is a bit ridiculous. Like the engdaget guy was saying in the video, some people have over a thousand facebook "friends". How are they going to shuffle through so many to find someone they actually want to call?

Offline gpw11

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #3 on: Monday, October 04, 2010, 01:48:32 AM »
Oh, I missed that part.  Retarded. I think Android does this right:  Give the option to not import Facebook contacts at all, only import ones which you already have contact information for (so the profile picture and contact page can have facebook integration), or import all of them.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #4 on: Monday, October 04, 2010, 05:48:27 AM »
Yea, its isn't like it is rocket science. I don't see how MS will let this remain as it is before launch.

Offline Xessive

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #5 on: Monday, October 04, 2010, 06:30:00 AM »
Microsoft have already brought Facebook in with their Windows Live 2011 suite. You can import Facebook contacts directly into Messenger (you may keep them separate from MSN contacts too). I went with that option because I hate using Facebook chat in the website, I can basically still communicate with Facebook contacts via Messenger. They've set it up so if you update your status on Messenger it sets it on Facebook too.

They've also added Facebook support into Hotmail (which also uses your Live contacts). When you add a contact it checks your Facebook list and asks if it's the same person. If it is Live will consolidate the contact details into one "complete" contact card.

It's no surprise they're carrying this into Windows Phone 7 and it might be just wishful thinking but I hope they don't mess it up.

I kinda like the streamlining of both services but I can see how it could also suck for others, especially when you're trying to keep both worlds apart.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #6 on: Monday, October 04, 2010, 09:54:43 PM »
The thing about the Windows Live thing is that the facebook integration is optional isn't it?

Anyway, despite these shortcomings, I have to say, if the XBL stuff in WP7 is totally kick ass, I think most people would be willing to overlook the issues.

Offline Xessive

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #7 on: Tuesday, October 05, 2010, 05:15:23 AM »
True on both points.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #8 on: Tuesday, October 05, 2010, 09:01:35 AM »
Launch date confirmed:

Surprise surprise, they go with Verizon. Isn't AT&T a lot bigger?

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #9 on: Tuesday, October 05, 2010, 10:03:47 AM »
I hate the way Windows Phone 7's UI looks. 

Offline Xessive

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #10 on: Tuesday, October 05, 2010, 10:35:26 AM »
I like Windows Phone 7's formality, it has a direct, no nonsense interface. I'm not keen on the aesthetics though, it looks like an infrastructure or framework rather than a finished product. Maybe I'm just not that big a fan of flat squares.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #11 on: Friday, October 08, 2010, 11:41:31 PM »

"I think the screen shots I've seen are interesting, but look, the world doesn't need another platform. Android is free and open; I think the only reason you create another platform is for political reasons."

uhhh what?

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #12 on: Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 02:34:21 AM »
Review of WP7:

So what doesn’t WP7 do – there’s no portable hotspot functionality as there is in Android 2.2; there’s no synching with iTunes in the same way as with iPhone; there’s not even the free satnav to the same standard as Ovi Maps from Nokia. Everything looks genuinely slick and stylish – but WP7 is neither cutting edge under the bonnet nor so effortless to use that it’s a plausible object of aspiration for anybody but a business person whose IT department won’t allow them a better option.

yeah... seems pretty damning. so far, people are saying that with improvements it could be a genuine contender, but in the current smart phone market, ms needed to come out with a killer product on day one. i should reserve my opinions until i've had a play for myself, but i can't see this grabbing a significant share of the market.

in other news the desire hd has been delayed by at least a week. grrr...

Offline scottws

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #13 on: Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 06:53:23 PM »

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #14 on: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 01:57:35 AM »
Review of WP7:

yeah... seems pretty damning. so far, people are saying that with improvements it could be a genuine contender, but in the current smart phone market, ms needed to come out with a killer product on day one. i should reserve my opinions until i've had a play for myself, but i can't see this grabbing a significant share of the market.

in other news the desire hd has been delayed by at least a week. grrr...

Yea people here are so stupid. I went to check out the Desire HD twice, because the moron was confusing it with another phone.

Anyway, it sucks about WM7.

I wanted it to be awesome, because I believe we need another genuine contender in this market.

Strange, how there is so little mention of the XBL stuff.

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #15 on: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 10:57:58 AM »
i've had a play with wp7 and well - it ain't bad. if you're a techy, ignore it - there is very little customisation available, and you can run through every screen, menu and function of the phone in about two minutes. but if you want a smartphone os that's easy to use and looks slick, it's certainly worth a look. it's pretty much the antithesis to windows mobile 6.5 and earlier.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #16 on: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 04:26:02 PM »
Yeah, it seems like that's really what they were going for, especially with their ad campaign focusing on ease of use.  Looks like I'll be sticking with Android for my next phone unless Apple or RIM come up with something spectacular.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #17 on: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 12:16:02 AM »
With the pattern Apple is following, I think they are just happy doing their thing for now with smaller updates per iOS version.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Windows Phone 7 thread
« Reply #18 on: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 08:00:19 AM »
A very detailed review from AT:

It does look pretty.